A Utopian Delusion

Safe in this moment

The rain kept me awake that night. As hard as I try I could not go to sleep, so I got up and walked to the library. Lighting the darkness with my candle I found the book Will had given me and sat in the window seat. Leaning against the wall, the window felt cold on my skin. I opened the book and began to read about King Arthur.
King Arthur was my favorite story, my father used to read it to me when I was younger and stopped when I learned to read it all by myself. The pictures were of people in fancy clothing and of knights in shiney armour. I had always dreamed of finding my knight in shining armour, now I just laughed at the thought. Here in my world we never needed great warriors because we had never seen or been in a war. This never made sense to me, how can we live in such a perfect society? I wish we did need a great warrior like King Arthur, he was strong, couragous, wise and good hearted.
Flipping the pages I looked at all of the pictures until I came to one in particular. It was a picture of Arthur as a young boy, he held his sword above his head and below him was a stone from which he had pulled it from. A light came from the sword and he looked so strong yet he was only a boy. I smiled, I was only a girl but I was stronger than anyone really knew. Feeling as strong as King Arthur I got up and went back to my room. That night I slept better than I had in months.
Though I can't say much about how I was treated got any better. From the moment I got up my mother made it clear she and I were no longer speaking. My father was avoiding me and everyone else gave me a look that was a cross between terror and shame. I don't know which is worse but it didn't matter no one believed in me. Or so I'd thought, surprisingly Thomas did. I could not even imagine why he would, he never really seemed to like me at all.
We'd always shared this strange relationship him and I. Meaning he would look at me disappointed, no matter how hard I tried to get his brotherly affection it never seemed to work. I found it quite comforting knowning he had some faith in his sister. The week of my desent he was constantly at my side giving me words of encouragement.

"Don't mind them Bliss," he whispered,"They don't know who they are looking at."
I smiled at the people walking past us giving me the look,"I know, I have to be like King Arthur," I said,"No one believed in him and he became a Great King."
"Who's King Arthur?" he asked.
"Um never mind Thomas," I silently giggled to myself as we kept walking.
"Bliss," he said and I looked at him,"I'm sorry I haven't always been such a good brother. I guess we are the same in a way, our destiny's are far greater than we could have imagined," he said,"And I've always known that you have believed in me, so I want you to know I believe in you."
"Thomas I never knew you for the sentimental type," I joked.
"I am bein serious Bliss," he smiled.
"I am just teasing you," I laughed,"But thank you, for everything. You are a good brother Thomas and someday you will make a Great King."
He smiled and we kept walking in silence, it felt nice to have someone to believe in me. Especially Thomas, who I would have never expected.
Will had been missing the last two days and I felt myself worry. I began to feel as though he, like my father, was avoiding me. I decided to sit under our tree in hopes that he would come find me. Sadly as I watched the sun go down, he did not show. Walking back into the palace I ran straight for the library in hopes he would be there, but he was not. I decided to look some more outside to find him.
With only the small flame of my candle as light I searched the gazebo, the gardens, and the fields where I had a vision of my brother. He was not outside so I ran back to the palace to search once again, only this time I walked around aimlessly trying to find him. Midnight came and I felt myself giving up, slowly I went back to my room. My eyes were on the floor the entire time so I didn't see the person I almost ran into.
"I'm sorry," I said my voice was sad,"I did not see you." Keeping my eyes to the floor I kept walking, but was stopped by to strong arms. "Really I am sorry," I said still looking at his feet,"Today has been such a long day.."
"Bliss," said a voice I did not recongnize, so I looked up to a tall man with a cloak hiding his face,"Follow me."
I did as I was told and began to follow him through one passage way to the next, after becoming even more lost we stopped in a room. It was like the grand hall but smaller, and there was a big window where the moon was shining through.
The stange man left and I felt out of place, I had no idea what was going on but I did not let my body or face reveal how I felt. I stood tall like King Arthur and embraced my destiny. After moments of waiting my father entered with a serious look upon his face.
"Bliss," he said in a tone that made me feel like a little girl,"We must prepare you for your journey."
"We?" I asked looking around and seeing someone enter through a secret passage way.
"Yes we," said King George removing his cloak,"You have no idea what your about to do and we feel it is necessary to help you."
I looked at my father and he did not look into my eyes,"What must I do?"
"This world, Earth is not like ours," King George began,"It's far different to the world you know."
"Bliss you won't know what your upagainst once you get there because you will have no memories," said my father,"We can't let anyone know where you came from so we are going to wipe all of your memories," he looked at me,"Except one."
"Why just one memory?" I asked.
"Because you will need it to complete your task," Said King George sitting at a table in front of me,"You will need a good memory to feed off of. So you can remember why your there."
"Do I get to choose my memory?" I asked.
"Yes," said my father,"But choose wisely because you may find yourself needing it more than once."
"How will I get there" I asked.
They looked at each other deciding weither or not to tell me,"This you cannot know," said my father,"But believe me we can get you there and home in the time you need."
"How long will I have to find him?" I asked another question.
"A month," said King George,"So not a lot of time."
I tried to get my father to look in my eyes or at me but he would not, I wanted to talk to just him but I knew he would be against that, "What more must I know?"
"Well, we don't know where your going. So we may need you to,"King George said.
My father cut him off,"We need you to ask him where he is", his eyes found mine and he had the coldest look in his eyes.
I could feel my body tremble,"But I don't know how to just summon him. My dreams are so random I don't know if I can control them," I said fearing the thought of having to make him come to me in a dream.
"Well you must try", Said my father," Or we can't send you to where you need to be."
"I can try I suppose," I said in the strongest voice I could manage,"Tonight I will try."
My father got up and left the room without another word, I felt as if I had been slapped in the face. King George got up with a sad worried look on his face and I remembered I need to ask him about Will.

"King George," I said getting up.
He looked up at me,"Yes."
"Will...I mean prince William," I started to say,"Is he gone?"
"Bliss," He started to say," William has been here.."
He trailed off but he didn't need to say anymore,"Thank you your highness," I bowed and left the room heading for Will's.

The hallways were pitch black but I eventually found my way to his door. I wanted to bang on his door and demand to know why he would not come see me. What possible could he be hiding from. My eyes filled with tears, I felt myself crying and I fell against the wall and cried in my knees. Closing my eyes I felt myself longing to face my fears and find him.

Immediatly I was sucked into a dream, I watched as my dark surroundings melted into a city with large buildings like I'd never seen before. They were tall and grey with many windows. Suddenly they were all on fire and burning with flames that threatened the sky. I tried to find a safe place but black smoke clouded my vision. Scared I began running any where to find safety but stopped when a blonde haired boy appeared in front of me.

He was only a boy, he had blonde hair and pale green eyes and he looked at me with sadness.

"Come with me," He said taking my hand and pulling me away from where we were.
I began to cough from the smoke,"Where are we?"
"New York City," he said pulling me into a building not on fire,"Quickly we have to get you to safety."
"Why?" I asked as he pulled me up some stairs.
"He's coming," He said, we stopped once we reached the top and were standing in a hallway.
I realized then who this boy was, he was my brother. I began to cry and he took me to a door and opened it,"I want to save you," I cried,"I really do."
His eyes filled with sadness,"You can't though."
"What if I could find a way?" I asked,"Would you come home?"
"Please just go," he said,"You can't save me."
I wanted to save him but he was right so I walked through the door looking back to see the monster take over him once again.

"Bliss wake up!" I heard a voice say and I they shook me awake,"Bliss please!"
I could feel myself come back to reality as I opened my eyes to see Will's face.
Without him having time to react I grabbed him face and kissed him. His lips were soft and sweet, I kept my eyes closed and he began to kiss me back. Picking me up in his arms he took me into his room. Setting me on his couch he held me in his arms, I needed him so much more than he knew.
"Where did you go?" I asked crying in his chest.
"Bliss," he started.
I looked up at his eyes,"Don't you love me?" I asked.
"With all my heart Bliss," He caressed my cheek.
"Then why couldn't you see how I needed you," I began,"My father won't even look at me, my mother had decided to hate me and when I looked for you.. You had just disappeared."
My face fell, but he took his hand and lifted my chin so that our lips touched,"Bliss I am sorry, I was wrong in everyway. But I just am afraid for you, I thought that if you had seen me that you would be angry," he said,"I want you to know I believe in you, but I am afraid for you too. And I didn't want you to see my fear."
"Will I am afraid too," I said,"I don't know if I can do this on my own. But I need you, even if your afraid I need you to be with me, fearing all of this with me."
He took my face in his hands,"I promise I will be here for you Bliss. Even if I am so afraid I will be here for you by your side."
I kissed him and began to fall in love with Will, we both layed in each others arms and eventually found ourselves asleep.

My dreams were of Will and I, and the future I longed for. Smiling that I was not in a nightmare, I felt safe in Will's arms. For as long as I could remember I wasn't alone I felt safe in this moment.