A Utopian Delusion

Short and sweet

It all seemed to be a dream as I awoke in Will's arms. Smiling I managed to get out of his arms, not that I truely wanted to I just knew we would both get in lots of trouble for being alone together. It didn't matter if we were engagged to be married as my mother would say," Very impropper for a lady to be alone with a man, What would society think of a women like that?" Slighty feeling as thought I were home free a maid walked into Will's room and looked at me. My face turned red from the embarrassment of being caught in a bad situations.

Calmly I regained my composer and walked to the door motioning her to follow and she did. I turned on my heel to face her and before I could sat a thing she began to babble.

"Your highness, please forgive me,"she began," I saw nothing I was only coming to make the prince's bed. I should have knocked, it was very rude of me that I didn't. One should always knock before entering a room.."
She went on and when I could not take it anymore I put my hand over her mouth,"Please," I said smiling," It's not your fault, beside nothing happened. If you wouldn't mind I don't want this said all over the palace, if you could keep this between us that would be great."
Her face turned into a smile,"I promise I won't tell a soul," she looked calmier and less freaked out.

Feeling relieved I started to walk down the hall when I heard my name being called. I turned to see Will running after me.

"Bliss," he smiled once he reached me,"Why are you leaving?"
"I didn't want to get us in trouble," I smiled," If people hear about this we could get in alot of trouble so I tried to sneak out to save us fromt the damages," I laughed.
"I don't care what people think,"he grabed my face,"Bliss I love you."
Our lips met and I wished to be here forever.
"Will," I began,"I feel stupid for even caring I just don't want you to be in trouble because of me.."
He lifted my chin," Well soon we will be married and we won't have to worry about what people think or hear. As long as I have you nothing matters."
Kissing again, we both headed for breakfast. As predicted everyone was sitting waiting for us, like they had been waiting for us forever. It looked like a painting, everyone looked so perfect and unchanging. They moved with such grace as they ate breakfast. As if they knew nothing else but to be this way, was there another way to live? I don't know why but I wanted to remember this moment forever. Squeezing Will's hand I walked to my seat and he sat beside me.

As breakfast passed Will took me to our favorite tree and layed out a blanket for us to lay down on. He leaned on the tree and I layed on his stomach looking above at the sky through the tree. Light shined like heaven through the leaves and I closed my eyes feeling the cool breeze. This was magical and the one thing I loved about my world, moments like this. I could feel Will's breathing getting lighter and I opened my eyes to see him asleep. Sighing I closed my eyes but quickly regreted it once I was sucked into a nightmare.

In fear of what I would see I opened my eyes slowly to find myself in a strange room. I binked waiting for disaster to appear but was confused to be in this room. It was obviously a bedroom, a boys room to be sure. I was in such shock that I hardly noticed him sleeping, it was my brother tossing and turning in his bed. Not wanting to wake him I took special care I walked over to his bed. Noticing his chest was bare I saw his mark, covering my mouth I saw the heart written in black letters was his name.

"Dereck," I whispered. He opened his eyes and looked at me with such joy. I almost thought he was happy to see me, but as soon as his happyness came it left and anger only looked at me in his eyes. The monster was beginning to grow with in him I had to stop it before it ruined him. "Dereck," I began to say,"Please don't be angry."
"How do you know my name?" he yelled,"Who are you and why are you doing this to me?
"Dereck I'll tell you everything just please calm down," I begged him,"Don't let your anger control you.
I couldn't tell if it had worked but he sat down on his bed and looked up at me,"I'm sorry," he said,"I don't know why I was angry at you."
"My name is Bliss," I said turning around and showing him my mark in gold letters with my name making the shape of the heart.
"Bliss," He smiled,"I have dreams about you. I feel like I've known you all my life."
I felt myself smile this was my brother,"Dereck where are you?"
"I'm in new york city," he laughed,"Are you far away? Bliss I've been trying to find you for such a long time..."
He trailed off and everything began to fade away, scared he got up and quickly tried to grab me back out of the dream but I disappeared and awoke to my world.

Dereck I thought to myself, he was my brother deep down inside. Remembering the monster that slowly took control of him when he was angry reminded me he was not the Dereck I had hoped for. He still carried something deep within him, something that took controll of him when he got upset. Who knows what would happen if he lost it big time. I stopped him though, his anger disappeared, maybe I could save him. Just maybe there was a little bit of hope that he could still be Dereck my brother.
Only two more days till I departed this world for earth. Two more days until I finally faced my fear and met my brother.