Status: New, just an idea. Tell me what you think!

Ours To Steal

1. Law. the unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought.
2. the killing of a human being by another; homicide.

I know exactly how I ended up in this situation. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people. I was innocent in the eyes of the law, but in God’s eyes… well that’s why I’m here. Murder is still murder, in the court it was merely self defense. Or manslaughter to the District Attorney.

My days of living free on this Earth were now contingent on how long I lived, not how long my sentence was. Because, as I mentioned before, I was found innocent. I was supposed to live a long life, not a necessarily happy life seeing as I killed someone. But long none the less. My real punishment were the mental scars (as well as the physical) that would never leave me.

Should I have died that day? Yes. I have no doubts in my mind about that. Should I have rolled over and allowed it to happen? It would have been less painful than the hell I’m in now. Had I known what would have happened then I certainly would have. But hindsight is always twenty-twenty.

It’s always hard to say what you would do in a scenario until you’re actually there. I always thought I wouldn’t be strong enough, or motivated enough to defend myself if need be. But apparently I was, he’s dead and I’m still here.

Disclaimer: I do not own the members of Avenged Sevenfold, or anyone famous that may or may not show up in the story. I do, however, own all original characters such as Blake and Avery. Please don't steal.