Status: New, just an idea. Tell me what you think!

Ours To Steal


“Anything’s possible love. Especially when you just give in. Become a sinner like the rest of us, and I promise, life will get so much easier.”

“This is insane! How could I possibly believe I’m dead and in Hell?! I’m in a coma or something, anything but this.” I muttered to myself.

He rolled his eyes “Why do you pathetic humans always believe you’re in a coma or dream or something? It’s pointless. You’re in denial. There’s no way around it. Look, from the research I’ve done on you, you could use a little relaxing. Just have fun, haven’t you ever wanted to go completely wild and not worry about the consequences? Well this is the place! Times a wastin’ lets get sinnin’!”

“Get away from me! I don’t know who you are or why I’m here or why you give a shit, but I need some time alone! Get the fuck out!”

He stood straight and crossed his arms. My eyesight was beginning to fade, or the room around me was beginning to grow dark.

"I don't care what you've been able to get away with in the past. But that shit doesn't fly here. You respect me or I will put you though as much pain as I possibly can." The shadows had descended, nearly snuffing the air out of me. I gasped, unable to respond. My hands flew to my throat, I couldn't breath. "You got that?"

I nodded desperately. The shadows let up slowly, with each second my breathing got easier. I gasped, trying to get as much oxygen as possible.

Once I recovered I looked up from my kneeling position on the floor "If I'm dead, how can suffocation effect me? Why would air matter to a soul? That makes no sense!"

"You're in hell and you're worried about the logistics of the thing? Anal retentive much?" He whispered the last part. I glared but let it slide, I certainly didn't want more of what ever the hell that was. "Hell is about torture and repentance. If you're torture comes in the form of suffocation, then that's how it's delivered. If you didn't give a shit about not being able to breath then I'd use your fear of fire, or manifest Avery or something like that. We're all about torture here in Hell."

"This is so fucked up! Using my asthma against me?! Fuck you!" I gasped, I really was starting to hate this guy.

"Again, this is Hell love. Fucked up is our mission statement. Get over it. And yes, asthma is the perfect way to motivate. You can't breath, you'll do anything to get the sensation back (even though you don't need it) so you'll listen to me. It works, why mess with an effective system?"

"I still think I'm dreaming or some shit like that. Hell doesn't exist."

"You keep telling yourself that love. But riddle me this. If you were in a coma why would you go to hell to wait for your soul to completely depart your body? Wouldn't you be in purgatory?"

My brows furrowed. "But-wait, w-..." I was at a loss for words. That made sense. But I'd be damned if I actually admitted it.

"You are damned love. So you might as well. And really, if you want to keep something secret you'll need to learn how to block me out. Because lets face it, that whole thinking it hasn't worked in the past."

"Remind me why you're here?" I said snottily, if he was going to be an ass then I'd be an ass.

"I'm here because Satan saw promise. He wants to get you to live to your full potential. And what better people to teach you how to be bad than us? If Lucifer is King, then we're the princes. And you my love, are a princess. So get used to it."

"A princess in Hell. Doesn't seem like much of a perk." I muttered angrily.

"Better than a lackey. If you weren't here on faulty principles then you'd be suffering down there with the grunts. And you don't want that. You think this is bad? Imagine a maze and each turn you take is a different fear of yours. Now doesn’t a cozy house seem better than that?”

I refused to look him in the eye. Those beautiful, entrancing, hazel eyes.

“Entrancing huh? Who would’ve thunk.” A smirk that seemed far too familiar spread over his face.

“Get out of my head!” Cock sucker mother fucker. Yeah, have fun choking on that last thought asshole!

“Ya know what? I think the shadows are just too good for you.” His hand shot out to grip my throat tightly. “Now I’ve been nice, I’m trying to get you to let loose and have some fun. I’ve opened my home to you! I will gladly show you what real torture is unless you shut the fuck up.” My fingernails scratched at the back of his hand uselessly, my legs flailed in mid air trying to break free, but this brick wall of a man wasn’t going anywhere.

My body made a loud “Thump” on the floor as he let me go. “And next time you mention cock sucking you better be prepared to follow through.” I scuttled away from him, only stopping because my back hit the corner of the room. “Now you’re not here because we want you here. You’re here because Lucifer wants you here. So just do what we tell you and you’ll be fine. But in order to earn your keep you need to do a few things for us.”

“L-like w-what?” My voice was scratchy.

“You’ll earn your keep.”

“How?” I asked, more insistent this time.

He glared and stepped closer to me “Clean the house, cook our meals, make sure we’ve got we need. And in return you get to live with us and we’ll show you the ropes.”

“Who is ‘we’?” My voice lacked strength and volume.

“Oh! I forgot to tell you didn’t I?” He gave a hearty laugh “Do you remember those men that were around you just before you blacked out?” I nodded meekly “They share my house. Have fun cleaning up after five restless souls.” He turned on his heel and headed for the door, just before he disappeared around the corner he stuck his head in the door way “And we expect dinner by six thirty.” And he was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
So no comments so far... so please don't be a silent reader!

I'll keep posting though, the best way to get readers is to get my story out there I guess! So please tell me what you think!