Rose of Despair

Alone with Slytherins

Nice of you to join us Miss Sin Clair." came the sickening voice that sounded like someone is on the verge of dying. Taking a seat in the front away from the Slytherins, Tori responed, "Hello Professor."
You see Snape never really treated Tori the same as the other students but with the same respect as the Slytherins, which confused everyone. Some gave some rumors that the pair are secretly dating which sickened Tori more than ever.
"Its interesting to see you certain students dare to take my class again." Snape said with a smile.
"Work is on the board, unfortunately Professor Dumbledore has called for me, so I must attend to that. Finish the following potions by the time i return," he said before departing from the room.
Tori sat there mouth hanging open, still in shock as she saw the teacher leave.
*are you fucken kidding me!" she thought as she felt glares burn into her back.
Turning around she came upon a room full of smirking Slytherins.
"Umm.....hey!" she said with a friendly yet worried look.
"What, scared Sin Clair?"
"In your dreams Malfoy, there may be a heck load of you but it doesnt intimidate me!" she spat.
"Hmm so you are willing to take us on?" Malfoy asked eye brow raised.
"Fighting is against school rules but getting rid of all of you I'd be doing everyone a favor." she retorted.
"Stop you two! You are head boy and head girl for crying out loud, act like it!" Tristan said interfearing in their conversation which surprised Tori because she didnt notice him in the room before.
"Snape can be back any moment and there are over 30 potions that take about 20 minutes each to complete, so why dont we save this for another time." Tristan added taking a seat next to Tori in the front.
"ha! I saved your ass!"
"I could have handled them you know."
"and im not a loser." tristan said with a smile.
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sorry its short...dont forget to comment!