Rose of Despair


"What is going on?" Tori said as she joined everyone for lunch.
"Nothing much." came the reply. Tori smiled weakly while looking at her place.
"Whats the matter?" Harry asked before placing a gentle kiss upon her lips, making Tori blush. She loved how he always did that just to see her smile.
"I could have sworn that I had at least someone for all my classes, im the only one that is taking double potions with the Slytherins!" she mumbled.
"Yeah but isnt Tristan in there?" Hermione asked placing some pudding on her plate.
Tori looked at her.
"Hmm Ive been to busy getting mad about that fact that I dont have any of you that I didnt even come to notice that I do have a friend in all my classes." she whispered.
Then she turned to the Slytherin table spotting Tristan next to Malfoy, both laughing and joking.
*how can I get along great with Tristan and not with Malfoy, when they seem to be alike in different ways?* Tori thought to herself.
Instantly getting out of your gaze she saw Malfoy glaring at her.
*oh yeah cause hes a prick!* she thought turning back to face her friends.
The rest of the month went by, nothing exciting happened much.
Harry and Tori loved one another more, the girls did the usual, Tori and Malfoy in the nurse's office.....yep nothing new!!
"Oh my goodness, I totally forgot about the Hogsmead trip this weekend. It would be the perfect time to go shopping for our dresses!" Taylor said happily!
The girls were seated around the old oak tree a bit far from the school.
Everyone decided to have their own days out, the guys having theirs by playing quidditch of course and the girls who are of course gossiping.
It was the end of classes for the day, just warm enough to stay outside.
"My mom is going to send me my dress." Tori said knowing that it disappointed her friends.
"But why?" Krystal asked.
"She just told me that shes has one already, but dont worry im still going to go shopping and help everyone pick out their dresses." she assured them.
"Nah we got this, you can just spend the day with Harry!" Taylor said, everyone else agreed.
"Are you sure cause.."
"Tori, you and Harry havent really spent some quality time since god knows when, so just shut up and do what I say." Taylor said making the other girls smile, including Tori.
"Yes mother." Tori responded back.
"Good, now go wash up and get ready for dinner!" Taylor said making her roll her eyes.
"Oh shut up." everyone laughed.
"Okay so we got our dresses down what about dates! Well except for Herms and Tori." Alice said.
"Have no fear for we are here!" a voice said behind the girls causing them to turn back.
"Ronald shut up!" Mione said.
Hermione looked daown and shook her head. Behind Ron was Harry,Tristan,and Seamus.
"How was your little game?" Tori asked as Harry sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her, causing Tori to yell with laughter.
"Stop!!! Your all sweaty!!" she said happily, making him hug her more!
Placing a kiss on his lips,she looked up and stared into his lovely green eyes.
"Hey you two! its suppose to be our seperate days!! Gosh you guys cant even last a few minutes without one another!"Taylor said causing the two to break apart.
"Now go shower." Taylor said pointing to the castle, with another kiss from Tori, Harry and the rest of the guys were on their way back to the castle. Tori gave Taylor an innocent smile as Taylor just glared at her.
"Anyways, as I was saying dates?" Alice said cutting in.
"Ally, shouldnt we let the guys worry about that, I mean all we got to do is look hot! its that simple." Tori said to her.
"Its not that simple you guys were born with natural beauty." came Krystals voice.
Everyone turned to her sadly.
Okay Krystal never had a boyfriend, she felt that noone ever liked her and that we was the least prettiest from the rest of the girls.
"Aww darling dont be like that, your hot as hell!" Hermione said giving her friend a hug.
"Then why wont any guy give me a second glance....or even a first."
"Because your too shy, you have to kinda out yourself out there, you know!" came Taylors voice.
"Sweety your very pretty and you dont need any guy to tell you that! you should know I mean look at yourself." Alice said conjuring a mirror.
"Krystal you are one of the most prettiest people I have ever seen, inside and out! So dont get yourself down, because I know that there are many guys that give you more than a second glace, they are just shy about it!" Tori said.
Krystal looked at her friends before giving them a big hug.
"Okay this friday we are gonna make you look hot that every guy at that dance wishes he was single......excluding Harry and Ron." Taylor said giving Hermione and Tori a simple nod.
"What makes you think guys would want you fools?" a voice said behind the girls.
"What do you want Casey?" Alice said giving a glare.
There stood before the girls was none other than Casey Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson.
"Oh nothing im just going around giving hope to the less fortunate,"
"You should start with yourself then." Tori said.
"Well Sin Clair you little insults dont work on me so back off."
"Why dont you back off?"
"Tori." Hermione said holding on to Tori's arm.
"Aww you should listen to your friends SinClair, wouldnt want to look like more of a fool." Pansy said.
"Watch your tongue Parkinson." Talyor said with Alice's hand gripping onto hers.
"Anyways, Krystal you should put that mirror away, dont want to turn yourself into stone now do you?" Casey said making her eyes water a bit.
Tori and taylor looked at eachother before turning to look at Krystal.
Pissed at that comment both Alice and Hermione let go of the girls.
Taylor and Tori looked once more at Krystal before sending a hex at the other girls, petrifying them. Once the girls sent the hexes they ran to the stiffen bodies and began to punch them. Soon enough the spells wore off making Casey and Pansy try to crawl away.
"How dare you say that to her you ugly whore!" Taylor yelled grabbing Casey who struggled.
Minutes later someone pulled Tori and Taylor away from killing the other girls.
Tori looked around and noticed that Hermione and Alice took Krystal away from the scene, too violent for her eyes they guessed.
Tori looked up at taylor who was red also, then she notied that Tristan was the one who was holding her back. Starting to calm down she then noticed whoever was holding her didnt let go, with their arm around her waste.
Looking up she then saw something very surprising.
"Let me go Malfoy." she hissed angrily.
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Hope you enjoyed