Rose of Despair

If only you knew sooner

"Those bitches." Taylor spat looking across the room.
They all were in the nurses office, Casey, Pansy, and Draco Malfoy were on the opposite side of the room, while Tori,Taylor, and Tristan sat across from them.
Pansy was holding a ice pack to her head, while Casey glared at Tori blood dripping from her lips. Maddam Promfrey thought it was good idea not to heal the wounds right away as punishment to them all.
The guys were there to restrain anything else from happening.
Casey and Pansy werent the only ones that were hurting.
Pansy happened to scratch Taylor leaving a long cut down her arm, with blood driping. Tori glared at Casey and she clentched her stomach.
She smirked seeing as she did some damage to Tori.
Somehow when she was crawling away she happened to kick Tori twice in the stomach with her three inch heels. She kicked her pretty hard which surprised her.
The room was silent for a while everyone looking around and glaring at one another.
Tori looked over at Taylor and inspected the scratch that the bitch left her.
She must have gotten Taylor pretty good because blood kept dripping down her arm, not much though. Taylor winced as her sweat mixed in with the wound stinging it a bit.
Taylor turned to you and you both stared at one another both mentally deciding what to do to the other girls once you get out.
"This is all your fault." Pansy spat glaring at the two of them.
"You're the one that bothered us bitch." Taylor said.
"You two should know better than to talk back." Malfoy said joinging into the conversation.
"Shut the fuck up Malfoy, noone asked for your opinion." Tori said making him glare at her. She was definately not in the mood to deal with him right now and decided to attended to her aching stomach.
"Well seeing as I saved you SinClair.."
"Saved?! Ha! if theres anyone that you saved its your stupid cousin." Tori said back.
"Its not my fault that your pathetic friend feels sorry for herself, I feel its my duty to make her feel less of herself." Casey chipped in wiping the blood from her lip before it dried.
When she said that Taylor stood up and started advancing towards Casey.
Good thing Tristan ran and held her from tearing the ignorant Slytherin to streds. Unfortunately for Casey,Tori started walking towards her.
"Say that again Malfoy." she said as she walked towards her making her glare at Tori. A few feet away she said, "Seeing as you are deaf SinClair I said..."
Tori didnt let her finish as she punched her, sending her flying to the ground. She started to whimper and her lip started to bleed more.
"Tori!" Tristan yelled as he let go of Taylor and ran to Tori to stop her.
Unfortunately for Tori, Malfoy got a hold of her before Tristan.
"Get your filthy hands off of me Malfoy before I have to burn my skin." Tori said trying to break free from his grasp. Rolling his eyes he picked her up and started walking out of the infirmery. Tori kept trying to break free by punching him and kicking him, making him wince but he didnt let go.
Taylor tried to run after you but Tristan held her back.
"Put me down you ass!" Tori yelled from above him.
"Shut your mouth SinClair, you are making my ears burn." he said as he continued to walk.
"Malfoy if you dont put me down I swear Im going to kill you!" she said in monotone, obviously annoyed now. She really needed him to put her down as it was her stomach that was bouncing against his shoulder, a feeling of it stabbing her everytime as he walked.
*where is Harry?* she thought as she closed her eyes trying to stop thinking of the pain.
Tori couldnt take it anymore.
"Malfoy put me down now!" she said loudly still not being able to open her eyes.
"Shut it SinClair." was all that he said.
The pain was so excruciating (sp?) Tori felt as if she couldnt hang on any longer.
To make matters worse Malfoy started to take the stairs making her stomach hit against his shoulder more harder.
The feeling is as if knives were thrusting into your stomach over and over again.
Sadly the stairs decided to change which only led to more stairs.
"Malfoy please put me down." she said in a whisper as it became harder for her to breath. Draco looked at Tori confused at her sudden mood change. Tori's eyes clenched close not wanting to take in the pain any longer.
Suddenly remembering about her stomach he immediately held her bridal style.
Tori looked up at him glaring at how it took him so long to realize what was wrong. He looked at her with no expression.
"I said put me down." she said pissed already.
"Fine." he said dropping her to the ground.
Sadly for Tori, she fell on your stomach. Staying on the ground for a few seconds before getting to her hands and knees.
That was it you couldnt hold it in any longer.
Still on the ground she stared at the stone floor before her, then within a second she saw red. Blinking she continued to see the red liquid spread from underneath her.
She started to become dizzy as she stared at the ground.
Suddenly more blood came dripping down her mouth.
Tori couldnt believe what was happening. The pain in her stomach started to cease slowly before it returning causing it to hurt more.
Tears started to burn in her eyes as she looked at her blood flowing underneath her. Looking up she tried to keep focus on the figure before her. Draco stared at Tori, worry written all over his face. She glared at him as she tried really hard to stand, gripping onto the wall for support. Draco tried to help her but she just pushed him away, well more like push him softly. She was too weak at the moment.
"Get away from me Malfoy." she said in a whisper, wiping the blood from her mouth.
He looked at her not knowing what to do, as she stood without his help and began walking leaning against the wall.
Draco then looked down at the floor staring at the blood that Tori left, little droplets here and there. He then looked back up at her, one hand on the wall the other holding her stomach. Tori started to sway away from the wall. With all thats left of her strenght she forced herself to fall back to the wall. Taking a deep breath she stared down at the stairs before her. Hands shaking she desperately tried to grip onto the stairs leaving the wall, which no longer gave her the support she needed. The stairs began to blur as she placed her foot at the head of the stairs. Taking one foot and placing it forward, she closed her eyes. Tori's foot never reached the step as she suddenly fell forward.

Tori then looked around the room, well at least tried too. It was too bright for her to see anything. Starting to panick she began looking around for someone she knew, anyone!
"You're awake." a voice said next to her making her jump. Looking she saw Taylor with tears in her eyes. Taylor ran next to her and embraced her friend in a hug. As much as it hurt Tori she didnt say anything, she let her friend hug away!
"How long.." you paused trying to get your voice back.
"You've been sleeping for two weeks Tori! you scared everyone when you wouldnt wake up, no moving no nothing!" Taylor said loudly still scared.
"Yeah, mostly Harry, he looks horrible Tori, barely ate he is so worried about you."
You looked at her sadly, picturing an image of Harry in your head.
"Where am I?"
"In the hospital wing." she said.
"What happend?"
"Somehow you punctured an artery in your stomach causing it burst and bleed. It was the scariest thing I ever seen, Malfoy ran in carring you past out, blood dripping from your mouth to the floor. I thought he killed you or something!!" Talyor said. You looked at your best friend tears welling up in your eyes.
"Where is everyone?"
"They are all in the common room, including Tristan and Alice, Maddam Promfrey got annoyed with all of us in here everyday, so she said only one can come in at a time."
"Ah, Miss SinClair...its great to see that you are awake." Maddam Promfrey said walking threw the doors.
"Miss Monroe, I need you to return to your common room and inform your friends. You can all return tomorrow when Miss SinClair completely healed." the worried nurse said. With a hug and a glare to the nurse Taylor exited the room in a hurry to tell the others.
"You gave everyone a scare Miss, especially that nice young man that comes in to see you everyday." she said as she walked towards a cabinet retrieving a small vile.
Tori smiled at the thought of Harry comging in everyday just for her.
"Nice young man indeed, he seemed the most worried, especially when he brought you in here when you had your accident." she said before disappearing behind a curtain.
Tori stopped and turned to Maddam Promfrey immeadiately.
"Excuse me?" she said in a soft voice.
"Ah here it is." the nurse said appearing from behind the curtain and walking towards you with a bottle in hand.
" Yes Mr. Malfoy I belive has been coming in everyday to check up on you." she said giving you a cup. Looking up at her confused, Tori took the cup in hand. Having been to the nurses office one too many times, Tori knew the potions all tasted like hell. Taking two big gulps she gave the cup back to the nurse who then walked away from her bed. Tori stared forward at the other beds in front of her deep in thought.
*you mean it was Malfoy who she is talking about* Tori thought. Suddenly a noise caused her to jump.
"Maddam Promfrey Jimmy accidentaly drank some snake venom in the quidditch pitch!!!" a small second year said running in. The nurse immeadiately grabbed another bottle from the cabinet before exiting the room.
"Dont leave." she told Tori in a hurry.
Tori sat in bed looking around. glancing at the other empty beds around her picturing which bed poor Jimmy will have once he drank the anti-venom.
" You're awake?" a voice asked from the door causing Tori to jump for the third time since she woke.
"What do you want Malfoy." she spat remembering what he did to her that day. He walked him closing the doors behind him, then taking a seat next to her bed.
"Is that how you thank me for saving your life?" he asked with a smirk. She looked at him confused.
"You see SinClair you would have more problems than just a bursted artery if I didnt catch you before you fell down those stairs." Malfoy said still smirking. She glared at him more.
"Well I wouldnt have almost fell is someone didnt drop me which most likley caused my artery to brust and left me in the hospital wing in the first place." She said.
Draco looked at her sadly then turned to stare at the ground.
He then mummbled something to softly for her to hear.
"What Malfoy?" you asked in annoyance.
"I said Im sorry." he said alot louder, she then turned to him, looking at him confused as he stared at the ground.
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Comment! Let me know what you think so i can know if i should continue posting!