Rose of Despair

Im going to figure you out

(Draco's POV)
*How can she still be able to walk??* you thought staring at Tori who leaned against the wall for support. You looked down at the little path of blood she left behind.
*Did I drop her that hard? I mean i thought she could handle it and fall on her damn back.* you continued to look at the one girl you couldnt and probably never understand walk towards the stairs.
You slowly advanced towards her and she left the support of the wall and grabbed the stairs.
*that idiot is going to fall! damn...* you thought rolling your eyes. With a blink of an eye she leaned forward ready to meet the cold stone stairs. You ran and grabbed her just in time before she fell. You carried her bridal style worried to do anymore damage. Tori was passed out in your arms her breathing getting heavier before slowing down,too slow its barely called a breath.
*Damn SinClair you really are something arent you, what kind of dumbass would continue to try and walk when they know for a fact that they wont make it?* you thought as you walked fast back to the hospital wing.
"That stupid nurse better be there."you said in annoyance. You then glanced around making sure noone saw you with you-know-who in your arms. Suddenly you stopped when Tori made a sudden jolt.
You looked at her not sure what to do if she woke up.Suddenly her eyes fluttered open, and both your eyes met. She stared at you as if not sure who you are.
"Thank you Draco."she whisperes making you look at her confused. Then with a blink of an eye she once again is passed out.
*What the hell." you thought.
Shaking your head as you walked into the room still looking down at her.
"Malfoy what the hell did you do?" Taylor yelled causing you to look up.
Rolling your eyes you placed Tori on one of the empty beds.
"What happened?!" Taylor yelled running to her friends aid. You looked at Taylor who has instant tears in her eyes, confused. You didnt understand why someone would get so worked up, I mean she just one person....right?
"Malfoy tell me what happened." Taylor yelled bringing you back to reality.
"She fell." you said softly then turned to look at the girl in the bed, who was running out of breath.
"I got to get Promfrey." Taylor said running out in search of the only person that could save her friend.
"Damn Draco you didnt have to hurt her." a voice said beside you. Turning you see your best mate giving you a very disappointed look.
"I didnt hurt her." you lied.
"All I was going to do was bring her to the tower, so she can calm down, but she fell and passed out." you said, which was the truth just not the complete version of it. Tristan looked at you then nodded.
* I didnt mean it to be like this*

"So you came and visit me everyday for two weeks because????" a voice said interrupting his thoughts.
Draco looked up and saw Tori looking at him waiting for a answer.
"To check if you died yet." he said, causing her to roll her eyes.
"You came because you felt guilty." she simply stated.
"Dont worry Malfoy,I wont tell anyone and once again you can go and live your happy little life as if nothing happened." she said looking at one of the nearby windows.
"I really didnt..."
"I said dont worry about it." she said cutting him off.
*Oh hell no she didnt just cut me off, im trying to freaking to apologize!!!* he thought, then he stopped and look at her.
*wait, im apologizing?!?! SinClair?!?!* Draco thought then shook his head.
"Whats wrong Malfoy, confused that you apologized?" Tori said still looking at the window. Draco looked at her confused.
*Wow, shes good.*
"Well like I said dont worry about it. If anyting i should thank you." she whispered.
He didnt stop looking at her eager to hear what she has to say. Tori then looked up at him causing him to look somwhere else.
"I should thank you for saving my life, i mean imagine if I fell i doubt I would be here still." she said, her voice fading as each word escaped.
Tori then sat up straight and fixed herself up a bit.
"So thanks." she said looking at him.
He stared at her for a while which proabably started to annoy her.
*you did thank me already* he thought, but didnt want to tell her that.
"Umm okay." you said not sure what exactly to say next.
She looked at him in disbelief which caught him off guard.
"Thats how you accept my gratitude! you should be happy Malfoy I even said anything to you, let alone thank you!! I should have freaken got out of this bed and kick your ass for what you put me through, and maybe you'll be the one spending two weeks in the hospital wing!" she said loudly. Draco rolled his eyes at her showing her that he didnt care.
"Noone is stopping you." He said, smirking at her knowing she wont get out of bed even if Death eaters came and invaded the school.
Boy was he wrong!
Tori got out of the bed, of course she endured so much pain doing so but she had to much pride to stop there.
Stummbling a bit she stood in front of Draco who in the process stood as well.
"Do it SinClair, kick my ass." he said testing her, as she glared at him.
If there is anything he enjoyed more than Quidditch was seeing this girl pissed!!
"Be careful what you wish for Malfoy." she said not taking her eyes off of him.
He smirked then took a step closer making only an inch of space between the two.
Angry, Tori pushed him making you stumble back to the other bed, he looked up at her shocked.
*wow, for someone that just went through what she did, shes pretty strong.* he thought.
Tori stood above him, glaring.
After a while she looked away then said, "Just leave."
With that she slowly headed back to her bed.
"What SinClair cant live up to your threats?" he asked getting angry himself.
"If anyhting Im doing you a favor Malfoy, so just leave already."
Draco stared at her angrily. he didnt know what about her that made him so pissed, or confused most of the time, of even somehow manage to make him apologize, but in a strange way he enjoyed it, the whole challenge thing.
He smirked knowing what would piss her off the most.

"You just exactly what I always thought you were........weak."
Tori instantly looked up at Draco.
"How dare you call me weak you careless prick!" Tori yelled.
"Cant accpet the truth SinClair?"
"Oh I should kill you right now Malfoy and do everyone a favor!"
"Is that another one of your threats?"
"Take it more as a promise." she spat. Draco looked at her sitting on the bed right next to Tori's.
"You are so dramatic SinClair."
"What is it with you saying my name alot?"
"What are you talking about SinClair, your dreaming I said your name."
"Well MALFOY, you have been saying my name in most of your sentences." Tori stated as a matter of fact.
"No I havent!"
"What cant accpet the truth Malfoy?" she mimicked him, making his smirk dissappear.
Sitting in the bed for a while Tori stared out the same window as earlier. Looking at a specific owl that has been outside the window ever since she woke up.
*lucky bird* she thought as she watch it peck at its feathers.
" Why must we always fight SinClair?" Malfoy said still sitting at the bed next to her.
*again with my name!!!* she thought.
"Wheres the fun if we didnt." Tori said with a small smile on her face.
He looked up to see her smiling while gazing at the window.
"Im serious I mean why do we have to fight, why cant we be...frie...frrr.."
"Friends?!" she said for him, he nodded.
"Because its simple." She said turning her gaze to him.
Draco looked at her waiting for an answer.
Looking at him for a few more seconds, she turned back to the owl, who surprisingly dissappeared.
"Because we hate eachother." she finally said, which she knew caught him off guard, yet he must have known it was true.
Both of them didnt get along, so what was the point of being friends.
Tori stared out the window regardless if the stupid owl wasnt there anymore. Theres no way that her and Malfoy would ever plan on being civil to one another, plus even if a miracle happened their parents wouldnt approve of such nonsense.
"I dont get you." he said a while after her little silence.
Getting very irritated with the whole getting mad the silence then getting mad again then more stupid silence.
"What now Malfoy?"
"Why must you...." he said trying to find the words to finish his sentence.
"To the point Malfoy."
"Why must you be the way you are, I mean I dont understand you, I doubt anyone does!"
"Why would you want to understand me?"
"For reasons im not willing to share with you."
"Wow, good answer there."
"Shut it."
"Look I could care less if anyone understands me, what I go through or what Ive been through, or even what im going through!!! Noone takes the time to understand me! Noone cares!!! So why should I?" Tori said loudly.
"Ha! like your life is so hard, aww feeling sorry for youself now?? Oh my gosh noone cares for me boo hoo!" Draco said in annoyance. Tori glared at him, wanting to strangle him on the spot.
"Get over yourself SinClair, maybe if you open your eyes you'll realize that there are so many people that cares for you!" Draco yelled which definately caught Tori off guard.
"What do you know Malfoy, your nothing but an arrogant,careless, insensitive jerk!"
"Well for someone that is all that I know more than you!"
"You know nothing!"
"Really?! I dont know anything, your pathetic SinClair, you really are, you go about your day thinking that people dont care about you, not knowing that those friends of yours care for you more than you'll ever know! They were freaken crying every single day for you praying that you would make any move or noise, hoping that you would wake up!!!"
He yelled looking down at Tori who only looked away.
"Thats right, look away, you know im right....and you thought I know nothing. I know alot more than you think SinClair."
"I doubt that," Tori spat still looking at the window, not daring to look at him.
"You think we dont understand you because noone cares for you. You have noone idea what your friends went through while you layed on that bed of yours looking as if nothing mattered in the world to you!" he continued to yell.
"Everything mattered to me Malfoy! If nothing did I wouldnt have been trying so damn hard to fight for my life!!!!" she yelled with tears in her eyes, interesting enough none of the little water in her eyes fell.
"Honestly....I dont want anyone to care for me, thats what I try and make myself believe. So when something does happen I wont feel so bad knowing that im leaving the only ones that actaully cares behind."
"What makes you think anything would happen, what someone is going to kill you or something?"
"You obviously dont know as much as you set out to believe."
"What is that suppose to mean."
Sighing Tori got off the bed and started to walk to the doors, hoping to lead to her freedom. Draco grabbed her and placed her back on her bed.
"What are you doing?!" she asked.
"Answer my question, what does that mean?!"
Tori stared at him with no expression what so ever.
"Figure it out." she whispered.
"You know our conversation in a way made no sense."
"Then you werent paying attention."
sha said.
" I seriously dont get you SinClair." Tori looked up at him, staring into his eyes.
"But trust me, Im going to figure you out."
"You go and do that."
Silence remained in the room, one staring out the same window she has been ever since, the other looking around eventually gazing at her.
He was desperate to figure her out. What she thinks when shes alone, what she plans to do, everything. Draco really didnt know why he wanted to, but he knew it was going to be worth it in the end. After a few more minutes Draco finally got up and began walking to the doors. Stopping in front of it he turned and said, "Oh and SinClair."
Tori looked from the window to him.
"Snape made us lab partners for the rest of the year, so best keep up, or else."
Tori smirked at his sad attempt of a threat, as she watched him walk out.
"I dont know why, but im going to figure you out Malfoy, just see." she whisperes before closing her eyes.
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