Rose of Despair

Think of Roses

Maddam, my head hurts." the poor little second year said as he layed at the first bed next to the door just as Tori expected.
She smile remembering the stupid bet her and Harry made in second year on who can drink the most snake venom, oh how Jimmy reminded her off the pain afterwards.
"Never again.." Jimmy whispered to himself. Tori smiled at him before looking down getting trapped in her memories.
*Thats exactly what Harry said when we drank the venom.* causing a bigger smile on her face. Alice and Hermione as usual, got mad at the two for even thinking of a careless act, Krystal tried her best to make them feel better when they stayed in the hospital wing, and then theres Taylor who was on the side counting Tori's winnings from the bet. Unfortunately Ron had a secret bet with Taylor and as we know it....lost!
"Ill be right back." Maddam Promfrey said while walking out, bringing Tori back to reality.
She then glanced at Jimmy who had his eyes closed looking desperate on trying not to concentrate on the headache. Tori got out of bed and walked over to the side of his.
"Think of roses." she said. He opened his eyes and gave her a confused look.
"Think of roses." she repeated.
"Thats what I thought of when I drank venom and had the headache, the pain never returned."
Jimmy looked at her like she was crazy, I mean c'mon now, how in the world can thinking of roses cure a headache?!? Soon enough he closed his eyes again, within moments he opened his eyes again and looked at Tori confused.
"Told ya!" she said with a smile.
"I dont know, but as long as it worked i didnt try to figure it out." Tori said.
"So why did you drink it?" she asked.
"Oh c'mon, as long as its not over a stupid bet, I wanna hear about it." she said trying to bring him out of his little shell.
Jimmy looked at her then sighed.
"Theres this girl.."
"Wait you did this because of a girl?!"
"Yeah." Jimmy said looking down, kinda embarrased.
"Because she said that if I drink it then she'll go out with me."
Tori rolled her eyes, feeling sorry for the little guy.
"Wow, must be a special girl, risking your life just for a date."
"But I thought that that was a way of showing them that you really do care for them, to risk your life?" he said.
"Not if they are telling you too, by doing that then that means that they dont care for you!"
Then there was silence as Jimmy thought of what he has done to himself.
"So whos the girl?" Tori asked giving the second year a playful push.
"Her name is Catherin." he said no longer with a smile.
"Whats wrong?"
"Well she doesnt like me, thanks to you i realized that she probably wanted to kill me." he said in a whisper.
*Catherin...hmm why does that sound familiar?* Tori thought to herself.
"I shouldnt have done that." Jimmy said.
"Wait!" Tori sais a bit to loud scaring the poor little guy.
"Are you talking about Catherin Malfoy?!"
The boy looked down dissappointed before nodding his head.
Tori then suddenly took notice to the slytherin emblem on his robe.
*reminds me of tristan.* she thought.
"You dont need her Jim, i mean shes a Malfoy! You have to find a girl that is nice,sweet,and smart, not someone who is cocky,snobbish, and basically a complete jerk!" Tori said aloud.
"Are all Malfoys like that?" Jimmy asked not looking at her, the question kinda took Tori by surprised.
"Umm, im not sure." she said in a whisper Jimmy barely heard her.
"Anyways, im sure there is a cute little second year that is dying to go out with a cutie like you!" Tori told the little fellow, making him blush.
"A piece of advice, go for a Gryffindor." she said making it seem like she was telling him a secret.
"But Mr.Malfoy said not to socialize with anyone that isnt Slytherin."
"Dont listen to that prick, excuse the language, but if you want a really good person try the other houses, I mean I think all Slytherins are related anyways."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well all those that are in Slytherin a purebloods, basically saying that there has to be some way that all that blood is kept to itself."
The second year looked at her confused.
"Nevermind, just remeber what I said." she said before getting up off of his bed.
As she stood up, a figure stood next to the doors of the hospital wing.
"Aww miss me?" she said taking a seat at her bed.
"In your dreams SinClair."
"What are you doing back?"
"As much as you dream that I came back for you, I came to check a fellow Slytherin."
"Well MR.MALFOY...why do you even make them call you that...forget it, How long were you there?"
"Umm the part where we have to think of roses, how gay is that SinClair?" Malfoy said with a smirk then walked to the second year. Tori glared at him.
"Well it worked didnt it!"
"Whatever, pretty soon you'll tell him to think of unicorns and shit!"
"Hmm never thought of that, I wonder is that cures stomach aches." she said in a sarcastic tone.
Tori watched as Malfoy talked to Jimmy.
Her jaw dropped when Malfoy started asking him if he was ok.
Jimmy smiled and nodded.
Malfoy got up and turned to Tori whos mouth was still open.
"Not ALL Malfoys are jerks." Malfoy said to Jimmy but was looking at Tori.
*wow! had me fooled* she thought with a smirk.
"Wow, Malfoy I never seen that side of you." she said still looking a bit confused.
"Well SinClair, it shows that you dont know me at all."
"And thats my fault?!"
"Wow, if I didnt know any better Id say you were crushing on me SinClair, sorry to burst your bubble but im not into bitches."
"Ha! even if in some universe Malfoy that was true, than Id say that your wrong! Bitches are exactly what you go for! Take Pansy for example."
"I didnt date her."
"Or Missy Larson."
"Good shag but nothing else."
"Gross...oh what about Miley Brent!"
"once again a good shag but nothing else."
"Okay stop, enough with the shags, we have a little kid present."
Draco looked at her then smirked even more, if its possible.
"Slytherins all shag darling, no matter the age."
"The gross part about that Malfoy is that all those you shaged are Slytherins, you were here when I said that they are all possible related!"
Draco walked towards Tori, smiling with every step. He stopped right in front of her,bend down to her level then said,"Who told you it was only Slytherins that I shagged?"
Tori looked at him with a glare as he smirked.
Then she started making gaging noises which made Malfoy's smirk wipe off his face completely.
"Eww Malfoy germs has started to spread around the castle! Quick get out before its too late!!"Tori said aloud, before laughing once she saw Malfoys glare.
"You're so immature."
"Whatever." she said still laughing.
Tori then looked at her watch, then got up and started walking to the doors.
"Where are you going?"
"Aww seeing as how much you love me and all, I have other important things to do." Tori said walking backwards.
"You are not suppose to go until the nurse releases you."
"Well its lunch, Im starving, and I could care less if I get in trouble for leaving!"
At that Draco watched her dissappear to the other side of the doors.
"Shes intersting, isnt she Mr. Malfoy." Jimmy said from his bed.
"She is indeed." Malfoy replied.
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