Rose of Despair

Things never change

Tori happily skipped down the hall that headed to the Great Hall.
A few students gave her the typical weird glances but she just smiled at them!
She was so relieved to get out, and she couldnt wait to surprise her friends and most of all, she couldnt wait to see Harry.She smiled as the doors to the great hall appeared!
Running so she can be reunited faster, suddenly she came to an abrupt halt. What she saw broke her. There sat Harry, skinny as ever, dark patches around his eyes, his hair messy. He looked a complete wreck.
Tori thought Taylor was exaggerating but boy did this surprise her.
She saw Hermione and Alice desperately trying to make him eat, but sadly he just stared at the food before him.
*Im sure Taylor told him that I'd be out tomorrow, but why isnt he eating?* Tori thought. She slowly walked into the great hall and stood behind Harry who took no notice.
Her friends looked at her but she motioned them to keep quiet.
Tori reached forward and placed her hand on Harry's back, causing him to jump a bit, but didnt do anything else.
"Harry?" she whispered in his ear, causing him to look straight ahead before turning his head to her. He stared at her as if trying to make sure shes real.
She gave him a weak smile. Harry immediately jumped up and grabbed Tori into his arms, which kinda caught her by surprise.
"Oh, Tori." he whispered, still embracing her.
"Im okay Harry."
"You scared me!!" he said letting her go.
"Ha! I scared myself!" she said trying to make him smile.
"Told you Harry, she was ok." Taylor said at the side.
The couple sat down joining their friends, once all of them thanked Tori for being okay.
"Thanks guys." she said to all of her no longer worried friends.
For a while some students came and made sure Tori was okay, which once again surprised her. Most of them were Ravenclaws though.
"Harry, c'mon lets go get yourself cleaned up." Tori said.
"You starting to smell." she said making him laugh.
"Ha! speak for yourself SinClair, you didnt shower for two weeks!!" he said making her jaw drop! Everyone around them laughed.
Tori jumped to her feet before draggin Harry out of the great hall and straight to the showers!
"She didnt shower for two weeks...gross!"Ron said holding a piece of chicken in hand.
"Hello, Maddam Promfrey used magic to clean Tori, she uses magic to clean all her patients, Harry was just messing with her!" Alice said.
Hermione shook her head at her boyfriends ignorance.
"Dont worry Ron, I was thinking the same thing!" Tristan said in a sad tone which somehow cheered Ron up.
Hermione,Taylor,Krystal, and Alice all shook their heads at the same time.
"Guys." came out of their mouths, giving the dissapproving looks. Ron and Tristan looked at them confused.
"Ahh that feels sooooo good!" Tori said once she got out of the shower. Changing in the bathroom, she finally exited to find Harry sitting on her bed. He looked alot better since he got himself cleaned, but still too skinny!
"damn boy, you got to eat!"
"I should say the same to you!"
"Im not that skinny! If anything I think my thigh alone weighs more that you!"
"Funny Tori." he said causing her to smirk. She walked over to him in a sexy kinda way which she knew turned him on.
"You look so hot when your hair is wet." she said as she sat on his lap,facing him.
"You aint too bad yourself." he said before kissing her. Soon enough the two were engaged in a make out session! Thats as far as they ever go.

"damn how long are they taking a shower?" Hermione said looking at her watch. It was after their free period and the two hasnt came back yet.
"They are probably doing something."Tristan said with a wink. The girls rolled their eyes at him.
"Damn stop doing that, im starting to feel stupid." he said crossing his arms like a little five year old who didnt get any candy.
"Only now?" taylor asked, eyebrows raised.
"Ha ha, Monroe!" he said still crossing his arms. The group sat under "their" tree that was close to the lake.
"Oh great." Alice said in annoyance. Everyone looked at her then to where she was looking. The group groaned as Malfoy and his crew approached them.
"Where is SinClair?" He said.
"Why?" Alice asked standing to her feet.
"None of your bussiness." Malfoy spat.
"Then its none of your business where she is." Hermione said.
Draco rolled his eyes at her.
"As a matter of fact it is, you see I need that pathetic thing because she is my partner in potions and seeing as I want to pass I need her." he said glaring at them.
"Why dont you just suck up like you always do." Hermione said angrily.
"Unlike you mudblood...."
"What did you call her?" Ron said getting to his feet. Hermione quickly grabbed his arm, yanking him back to her.
"Dont." she said.
" pathetic." Draco said.
"Get out of here Malfoy." Alice said, arms folded.
"Seeing as that isnt going to happed, for I need to know where that dumbass is."
"Just leave!"Hermione said. Draco turned and glared at her.
"Aww am I scaring the little mudblooded whore?" he said, causing his friends to laugh. Tristan got to his feet.
"C'mon Draco, now is not the time."
he said.
"What did you call my friend?" a voice said at the back. Everyone turned to find Tori and Harry both looking like they wanted to kill.
"Ah so you heard." Draco said.
"If you dont get out of here Malfoy im going to kill you."Tori said, clenching her fist.
"Ha! Im not scared of you!"

"This is your fault." Draco said holding a rag to his nose as blood continued to drip.
"Oh yes,everything is my fault, you can never admit to your actions, always got to blame someone else."Tori spat.
Ahh yes, everyone was in the hospital wing, all for different reasons, yet caused by the same problem.
"Did you see Maddam Promfreys face when Magonagal walked us in, looked like she was gonna have a heart attack." Krystal said making her friends laugh. As usual it was Tori and her friends to the left side of the wing and Draco and his to the right.
"I cant believe that the Head boy and Girl would act in such a manner!" Taylor mimicked what Maggonagal said earlier as she lectured the students.
"And you, you're all seventh years for crying out loud, first years act more behaved!" Tori joined in doing her own impersinations (sp?).
"You are all to have detentions!" the two said at the same time.
"Oh shut up will ya!" Pansy said really annoyed.
"Aww whats wrong Parkinson...headache?" Hermione asked before rolling her eyes.
"Shut up I said!"
"Or what?" Alice joined in.
"Or I'll..."
"Give it a break."Tori said.
"Hey this is none of."
"Parkinson shut your trap," Taylor said. Pansy glared at all the girls who smirked back.
Tori then layed her head on Harrys shoulder who looked down.
"Parkinson gave me a headache." she said in a whineing tone.
"Aww poor baby, want me to kiss it?" Harry said. Tori nodded like a little girl and pointed to her head, then her nose, then her lips, having Harry kiss one by one.
"I think im going to be sick." Draco spat looking away.
Harry looked at him and smirked.
"Dont look at me like that Potter." Draco said.
"Aww whats wrong Malfoy want me to kiss your booboo too?" Harry asked making his friends burst out laughing. The Slytherins glared at them, all thinking of different hexes they could say right now.Well all except Tristan who tried hard to keep a straight face.
"Fucken Gryffindors." Draco, Casey, and Pansy said at the same time.
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Lovely isnt it?