Rose of Despair

Cant just leave him there

Well Casey was sold to Blaise Zambini who payed 33 galleons and Pansy was sol to Alan Shourt from Hufflepuff who payed 27 galleons.
Well nothing interesting happens this week so lets skip to next week two days before the dance.
The girls are having one of their "girls day" and they were all in the Ravenclaw common room all trying on their dresses they bought that day at Hogsmead. Although it was a Halloween dance the girls decided to just go without costumes. (how lame I know!!!)The reasons was because the only costumes left were all skimpy and would have made them look like sluts so no!
Plus a dance is a dance so who cares! The girls started taking pictures of themselves with their dresses knowing when the dance came noone was gonna take pictures but just be a mere memory!

"I really love your dress Taylor! Tristan is going to look so shocked when he sees you in that!" Hermione said as the girls put their dresses away.
"Ha! Ron is gonna cry!" Taylor said back.
"What I want to know is what Seamus is gonna do when he sets his eyes on our Krystal!" Tori said and all girls cheered loudly making Krystal look away blushing.
"Seamus and Krstal..." taylor sang.
"Sitting in a tree.." Tori helped.
"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Hermione and Alice joined in. All girls laughed.
"Hey Im gonna be right back, gonna stop by the kitchen and get something to eat, im starved!" Tori said getting up.
"Anyone want anything?" Tori said, Taylor then gave her a list.
"I shouldnt have asked." Tori said before turning to leave.
"Yeah I love you too!" taylor said.
Tori walked down the halls very happy that she is head girl so she can roam without getting in trouble. It was around 10 pm, Tori already did her usual search with Malfoy at 9 luckily there were no students out.
Close to the kitchen Tori turned the corner and suddenly stopped. Looking down was a figure not moving, just lying there.
"Umm excuse me?" Tori said bending down and put her hand on the figure. Who ever they were they were using a large cloak hiding themselves from the world.
Tori gently shook the person, hoping that its actually a person and not some creature. Suddenly the person said a soft noise showing her that they needed help. Removing the hood tori gasp.
"Malfoy? What are you doing down here, and by that I mean on the ground?" Tori asked in a whisper.
Malfoy just kept his eyes closed not wanting to open them.
"Draco?" she asked once again in a soft whisper. That got im to open his eyes.
"What are you doing?" she asked. The light from a nearby torch suddenly revealed a dark bruise on his face along with a deep cut that was still bleeding.
"Oh, are you okay?" she asked.
He just layed there staring at her like he has never seen her before.
" called me dr...draco."
"That is your name isnt it?"
"Well what happened to Malfoy?"
"Well if you prefer Mal..."
"No." he said cutting her off.
"Umm okay, but uhh what happened to you?" she asked trying to slow the bleeding down with her robe by applying pressure.
"Nothing, just it...nothing." he said as if making up his mind.
"Okay well when I do nothing I dont end up like this." she said still wiping the blood.
"Why are you helping?"
"Because dumbass or not you still need help, I mean I dont just find a body lying close to the kitchens and leave it there." she said with a laugh to herself.
"C'mon." she said trying to help him up but he obviously too weak to even stand.
"Okay this sucks." she said getting um to hold onto her for support.
" Seriously SinClair why are you helping me?" Draco said trying to catch his breath with every word.
Tori was quiet for a moment before saying, "well you helped me out by not letting me fall down those stairs, thought I'd return the favor."
The rest of the way was silent which annoyed both of them. Tori thought it looked a bit weird I mean here she is walking with Draco's arm around her shoulder leaning on her before he falls to the ground, they are known as enemies so this scene is just weird!!!
They finally reached the Slytherin common room.
"Okay whats the password?"
"Im not telling you."
"Well seeing as your sorry ass needs my help right now I suggest you tell me, you can always change it you know! Or would you rather have me leave you here to rott and wait till tomorrow till someone opens it, which for the record would be pretty late considering it is a saterday." Tori stated.
"Fine! gah your such a know it all!"
"and damn proud of it!" she said making her laugh while Draco just looked at her weird. With some hesitation Draco finally said, " Souls demise."
"What thats it, thought it was some hardcore wizard password!" Tori said.
They both stood there in complete darkness staring at the painting in front of them.
"Uhh." Tori said after a while.
"Souls Demise!" Draco repeated.
Still nothing....
"Are you serious, they fucken changed the password!" Draco said.
"Try banging on it?"
Draco looked at her like she was stupid.
"Just a thought." she said looking away.
"So uhh where to now?" Tori asked, getting tired of holding onto Draco.