Rose of Despair

Awkward Encounter


"This cant be happening." Draco said as Tori dragged him to the only place the two knew where it was okay.
The Room of Requirement.
Tori did the usual to get into the room.
After Harry first was told about the room soon enough the whole group and some slytherins knew about it, one of them being Draco.
"Ah here we are." Tori said dragging Draco in who looked at the room disgusted.
"What where you expected a golden bed and shit?" Tori asked before letting go of Draco. Draco looked at her before falling, he closed his eyes awaiting the impact only to meet soft cusions.
"Im not like you and drop people on their stomaches." Tori said before thinking of a small couch for her to sit.
"How many times do I have to apologize for that?" he spat.
"Once but you can continue." she said with a smirk.
"In your dreams, that was a once in a life time thing." he said. Draco started moving around causing himself more pain as he tried to take off the cloak.
After a few more minutes, very frustrated he turned to Tori.
"Can you help?"
"Ask nicer."
" just do it?"
"Gah!!......." he paused and caught his breath.
"Can you please help me?"
"Ahh good boy now roll over." Tori said patting his head. With a small laughter tori finally helped Draco pull of the clock. In the process his shirt was pulled up a bit revealing his abs.
"Like what you see SinClair?"
"Well first of all...No! and second of all i wasnt looking at your oh so amazing body (note the sarcasm) I was looking at the cut on it!" she said. Draco quicky pulled his shirt down.
"What happened?" she asked sitting back down in her seat.
"What does it matter to you?" he spat looking away.
*whoa, talk bout bi-polar!* she thought.
"Well im just asking beca..."
"Dont bother." he said. Okay this was really starting to piss you off!
"You know what screw you Malfoy, I just dragged your ass all the way up here dealing with all your crap and all i asked was a simple question, you know what forget it I have better things to do like eat! Yeah instead of eating I decided to help you!" Tori said getting up and walking to the door.
*that fucken prick, what does it matter to you blah blah, asshole, that stupid son of...*
Draco took hold of her arm stopping her and interrupting her thoughts.
"Let go." she said not turning to look at him. Immeadiately he let go.
"Please." he whispered. Tori turned to him seeing his looking as helpless as ever.
"What do you want now? Want something at the kitchens?" she said sarcastically folding her arms across her chest.
Draco looked in deep pain as he tried to hold himself up, imagine the pain it cost when he got up and walked after her.
"Please...just sit." he whispered before almost collapsing, luckly Tori caught him. Placing him on the couch he was on she walked over to her own.
"Your lucky." he said not looking at her.
"Whats that suppose to mean?"
"Your lucky you have people that care about you." he said suddenly turning to look at her. She didn say anything just decided to let him talk.
"Remember the day at the hospital wing when you got all crazy saying noone cared for you."
"I was not crazy."
Draco rolled his eyes.
"Anyways, the reason I blew up the way I did was because how can you say that noone cares for you when all of your friends do, thats how you are lucky, because they care."
"Well im sure your friends ca.."
"What friends?" he asked.
"You see SinClair, finding friends like yours is hard, I can never find them."
"Well I never thought you'd want people that cared, I mean you act like you dont care so why so others?"
"Its not easy with the reputation I have."
"Ah fuck the reputation, look where it has gotten you." Tori said looking at him sadly.
Silence remained between the two both staring off in different directions.
"My father did this." Draco said breaking the silence. Tori quickly turned her head to him.
"Are you serious?"
"What you thought that the Malfoy household was one happy family?" he said with a glare but not towards her.
"No, its just....your own father?"
"yeah, this is just one of the many things." he whispered.
Tori looked at him before smiling making sure Draco didnt notice.
She did it, Tori SinClair has done it! She made him open up.
"Im sorry to hear that your father does that?"
"Are you really or do you just feel sorry for me because I dont need your pity."
"draco Im really sorry." she said not knowing what else to say.
Tori then stood up and walked over to him taking his shirt off. He stared at her surprised.
"Ha! No Malfoy im not going to fulfill your fantasy, im going to heal you." she said before spreading her hands on the deep cut that ran from one end of his stomach to the other. Soon enough the cut disappeared only leaving a scar.
"My moms a healer, taught me many things." she said getting up and walking away having Draco put his shirt back on relieved that the pain no longer existed.
"But dont you need a license or something?"
"No, dont worry im allowed to heal, I volunteer helping my mom over the summer so its all good."
"And just when I thought i knew all about you."
"Draco?"Tori asked moments later.
"Hmm?" he asked with his eyes closed.
"Im sorry about what your father does to you, but be happy you have one."
"What do you mean?" he asked opening his eyes.
"I dont have a father, well I have one obviously but not one that I know of. He left long time ago." she said.
" how did your mom take it?"
"uhh she was of course heart broken, she never talks about him even if I beg, i guess it just hurts her so much to even bring him up."
"Ha! no, he just one day took off and left." Tori said looking at the fire that burned before them.
"The sad part was that the day he left my mom was going to tell him bout me, that he has a little girl." she said more to herself.
"Hmm love must suck." she said.
"What about Potter, Im sure he loves you."
"Yeah, Im sure he does too."
"Whoa! you called me by my name!" she said making him roll his eyes.
"what....what if Harry...isnt the one for you?" Tori just stared at the icy blue eyes that stared back.
"Well if he isnt then i guess he isnt, Ill just wait and see what happens, I mean i really do care for him, more than anyone, so he should be right?" she said talking to herself completely forgetting someone else was in the room.
"But what if he isnt, life doesnt stop there....what if he is but...but I lose him to Voldemort, what do I do next?" she said whispering to herself. Draco just stared at her.
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Plus if you want character blending in your banner
look at my Stories Bleeding Beauty and Crypt Falls to see if those are banners your interested in