Rose of Despair

Helped the enemy

"Oh well look at the time, I best be off." Tori said getting up and heading to the door.
"Im sure you can handle the rest from here?" she asked turning back to Draco who just nodded. With that she left the room to finally retrieve her food. Its been about 2 hours since she left Ravenclaws common room, her friends are probably wondering where she went.
"Okay how bout this...I umm saved a helpless ferret?" she said to herself as she quickly walked to the kitchens.
"No, thats not good enough...Oh! the elves needed my help with some recipes! yeah they will fall for that one!" She then looked up and there was a sight she enjoyed. The picture that lead to the kitchens.
After eating some spaghetti she got the things Taylor left on the list.
"Damn this girl." Tori said carrying the heavy basket all the way back to the common room.
"Need some help Miss SinClair?" A voice asked behind her, startling her and making her drop the basket.
"Uncle!" she said shocked to see who it was.
"Ah a little midnight snack I see." Professor Dumbledore said with a smile.
"Sorry sir, its just tha..."
"No need to explain yourself Tori, I myself is on my way to the kitchens, oh how I love their pie!" he said with a cheerful voice making Tori smile.
"Well Ill let you get back to your worried friends now, oh and can you come by my office tomorrow, I feel there is something important we need to discuss." he said still smiling.
"Sure Uncle." Tori said picking up the basket.
"Oh let me help." Professor Dumbledore said, with a wave of his hand the basket disappeared.
"Where did...."
"Its infront of the common room." he said.
"Thank you sir." she said before walking away.
"Oh Miss SinClair."
Tori turned around.
"50 points to Gryffindor for helping a fellow student, especially a Slytherin." he said. Tori looked at him shocked.
*how did he know?! Oh yeah hes Dumbledore, its amazing how he knows all this!" she thought.
"Thank you again sir." she said before she turned and left.
"Oh yeah! I got us 50 points! Whoohoo!" she said doing a little dance on the way to the common room. Tori looked really stupid but its not like anyone was watching.

"Where have you been?!" Alice said once Tori walked into the room with the big basket of food.
"the kitchens?"
"Dont give us that crap, that was too long!" Taylor said getting up to retrieve her food.
"First of all your welcome, second the reason why im late is because I was helping a ferret who wanted some recipes." she said quickly. Then she stopped as what she said sunk in.Hiting her head.
*what?! how the heck can i mix that up?!" she thought as she repeated to hit her head.
"Um Tori dont beat yourself up now." Hermione said interupting her thoughts.
"Sorry, I ran "Oh." the all replied looking through the basket of food.into Proffesor Dumbledore." she said.
"Oh." the all replied looking through the basket of food.
Tori then looked over at their dresses that hung in Alice's closet. Good thing Alice was a prefect because she gets to have her own room as well as the other prefects. Dumbledore thought that with the usual Head boy and Head girl to share a room but seeing as past occurances made him think otherwise and just gave you both seperate rooms in your dormatories. Tori admired her dress, loving how she looked in it.
"Hey guys I have an idea, instead of being boring and just using dresses why dont we just wear masquerades masks?" Tori said not taking her eyes off her dress. The other girls then looked at their dresses.
"Awesome idea, why didnt I think of that?" Alice asked. The girls then had a new project before the dance. To make their own masks that would match their dresses.They conjured up the needed supplies before getting to work, getting a bite from one of the foods in Taylor's basket every now and then. Hours later all five girls layed down on their beds happy with their results but tired.

"Wow you guys, look at it!" Krystal said looking down at the table that held all their masks. There they were in a straight line one after another.
"I love yours Tori!" Hermione said looking deeply at the black one.
"Your own is amazing." Tori said back.
"Alice I love that color!" Taylor said picking it up and holding it to her face.
"Krystal the fabric is so kool!" Hermione said.
The girls continues their little comment giving for a few more minutes before carefully putting the masks away and heading to bed.
Tori layed in bed staring at the ceiling.
Thinking about what Dumbledore wanted to talk to her about.
Hopefully nothing to important, seeing as she has enough to worry about.
Luckily the girls finished all their work for the next week, not wanting anything to distract them as they got ready for the dance. Also because they have their "lazy" days and since all were in the mood they all decided to get ahead.
Alice and Hermione of course were the ones that did most of the work. Taylor and Tori mostly copied.
"Hey Hermione." Tori whispered next to her.
"Can you follow me to Dumbledores office later on today." she said seeing as it was 2 in the morning.
"No problem Tori." Hermione said back. Tori and Hermione were known as the two that would stay in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about whatever, they barely slept, it was a habit. Mostly every night they would lay and talk about whatever, even deep secrets that they didnt want the others knowing, not that they didnt trust them its just they wouldnt understand. Like in 4th year when Hermione went to the yule ball with Viktor, Hermione told Tori immediately knowing that Tori wouldnt tell.
Taylor would have made a big deal, Alice would have thought that the whole ordeal was stupid and Krystal, well she just wouldnt understand.
Hermione and Tori was very close, seeing as they grew up together, besides Hogwarts. Hermione was Tori's cousin from their mothers being sisters.
"Tori?" Hermione whispered.
"why exactly did you come late, I know Professor Dumbledore wouldnt keep you for 2 hours."
Tori sighed and turned to look at her friend or cousin or whatever.
"Ok, on the way to the kitchens I ran into Malfoy, he was beatened."
"Well not to tell anyone!"
"It was his father wasnt it?"
"Its obvious, who is the one person Malfoy fears most and no its not he-must-not-be-named."
Tori never really thought about it.
"So yeah thats why I was gone for so long, I had to help him."
"Why, I understand that its the right thing to do but c'mon its Malfoy! He doesnt deserve the right thing."
"I know Mione its just Malfoy or not I still had to help.The strange part is that I actually got him to open up, he told me about his past and certain feelings."
"Malfoy has feeling?" Hermione said causing both to softly giggle.
"Surprisingly yes and it felt good to be able to make him tell me those things and its me! The one person who he loaths!"
"Wow! thats just weird." Hermione whispered.
"Ha! tell me about it."
Soon enough both fell asleep.
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