Rose of Despair

A new year


Tori waved goodbye to her mother as she walked onto the beautiful train that would send her to her favorite place!!
Looking for a compartment became a problem for her, since the first years were running all over the place. One unfortuante first year slammed his trunk into her leg, causingher to grab him by the collar, bringing him up to meether eyes.
" Watch where you are going next time or I'll have to throw you off the train."she whispered. He looked at Tori with deep fear in his eyes.
" sorry." he stuttured.
Tori then gently placed him down and he ran off.
As he did, she smiled, knowing that he didnt mean it, butshe loved to scare!! Finally after many more encounters with the young onesTori reachedher compartment, finding the golden trio inside.
"Hey Tori!" Hermione yelled, pullingher into a big hug.
"She cant breath." Ron simply stated.
Hermione immediately lether go, asshe gasped for air.
"Nice to see you too Mione.
"So how was your summers?"Tori asked her friends, while putting her trunk away.
"Mine was absolutely amazing, we went to Paris!" Mione exclamied.
"Nothing can top that." Ron said bitterly at Hermione, causing her to roll her eyes.
"What about you Harry?" Tori asked looking at him.She gave him a weird look, noticing that he was pretty quiet.
" Its the Dursleys" he said as if was an obvious answer.
Suddely the door opened revealing Taylor looking red in the face.
"Those damn first years, I swear there are more of them every year!" she said, dragging her trunk into the compartment.
"Glad to see you still have all your limbs together!"Tori said. Everyone laughed.

Just then Krystal and Alice walked into the compartment.
"What the hell happened?!"Taylor asked Alice. T
here stood Krystal tears flowing down her face, with Alice trying hard to hold onto her.
"That dumbass Malfoy. Krystal stepped onto the train after me, then Malfoy pulled her back making her fall onto the pavement. To make matters worse he said, "thats where you belong you mudblood, you have no right coming onto this train!" Alice finished.
Everyone noticed that when Alice finished her story Tori was nowhere to be found. Immediately Harry and Taylor left the compartment running to catch up.
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Hope you enjoyed!