Rose of Despair

Amazing Discovery


Tori sat down at the breakfast table eager to hear what Professor Dumbledore wants to talk to her about. She has been meaning to talk to him about that certain meeting that herself and Hermione encountered a while back. I mean she is head girl, she should know what goes on around the school....right?!
*Hopefully at the meeting I will bring it up, if anything Mione was there so im sure that she'll back me up.* you thought. Senseing someone behind you, you turn to find Harry with a big smile on his face.
"And why are you so happy?" you asked eye-brow raised.
"Well because I have such a beatiful girlfriend."
"Ha im sure." you said turning back to your food. Looking across the table you saw Ron and Hermione having a small conversation, he whispering into her ear and she trying hard not to giggle too loud. A cute couple dont you think?!
"Adorable arent they?" Harry asked next to you.
"Yeah, they sure are. So anyways ready for the dance tomorrow?"
"Ready as ever love." he replied kissing your forehead. You too were excited about the dance, eager to see what the guys would say when they saw the girls in their dresses. Seeing as breakfast was almost over you turned to Hermione.
"Wanna go now?"
"Wait where are you two going?" Ron asked, everyone looking at you.
"Professor Dumbledore wants to have a chat." Hermione said.
"Oh yeah cuz last night?" Alice asked.
"What happened last night?" Ron whispered to Alice.
"Well hurry because this afternoon im calling practice, the field is finally available." Harry said, you nodded then left.

You and Hermione hurried to the headmasters office eager to hear what he wanted to talk to you about. Finally you both stood in front of the door. Before you had a chance to knock the door gently open. Walking in you see your uncle sitting at his desk writing something.
"Ah Victoria." he said looking up with a smile. You slowly walked in Hermione soon to follow.
"Oh and Miss Granger, lovely that you could join us, please sit." a wave of his hand and two wooden chairs appeared.
"So Proffesor you asked for me to come." you said.
"Yes, glad you did this early too what I wanted to discuss with you is very important."
"Proffesor is it okay for me to be in here." Hermione asked quickly.
"Certainly actually Im glad that you came along also, before anything do you care for some tea?" he asked in his soft voice. You both shook your heads in a polite manner.
"Very well, Victoria I am aware that both of you were roaming the halls during your Head Girl duties and happen to come across a certain conversation that the other Proffesors and I were in." he said looking you square in the eye. Of course you wanted to talk to him about that night just you didnt expect for him to know that you were there.
"Yes sir, I've been meaning to ask you about that actually."
"Ah, well that night everything you heard is true. I know that you both are old enough to understand the predicament we are in. As you suspected Lord Voldemort is of course alive and roaming the world freely."
Hermione turned away at the mention of the Dark Lords name, to think that she would be use to it by now since both you and Harry always refered to him by his name.
"Yes but what does that have to do...."
" Victoria there is something that your mother and I have been meaning to talk to you about and I feel that today would be the best day to do that and Miss Granger you can stay for this is you want for I know that you are confused right now." Hermione smiled then nodded as you stared at your uncle confused.
" You mother should be here any minute." he said before returning to his letter. A minute later your mom was at the door looking as beautiful as ever.
"Mother!" you said giving her a hug, afterwards Hermione and your mother shared a hug as well.
"Aunt Linda." they said acknowledging one another.
"So what was it that you two wanted to talk to me about, and what does it have to do with that night sir?" you asked getting to the point. Your mother seated at a chair that appeared next to you.
"Tori, before anything I want you to understand that I wanted to tell you but I decided not to for your safety." your mother said looking at you placing her hand on yours. You looked down at her hand confused, you sensed this wasnt going to be a happy conversation.
" Victoria do you have any idea what a quansintador (made that up) is?" Proffesor Dumbledore asked. You shook your head not understanding what he was talking about.
"A quansintador or a Quan as it is commonly called is another form of an elemental which are gifted beings posseing the power of an element." Hermione said aloud with pride.
"Thank you Miss Granger, yes that is the easier way of explaining what an Quansitador is. Victoria you are a Quan, that special being that is possesing an amazing yet dangerous gift." Proffesor Dumbledore said. You stared at him clueless at what he was saying.
"Say what?!"
"Tori, your uncle is saying that you hold a special power that is unknown to mankind." your mother said looking at you seriously.
"Are you kidding me?! I have an unknown power?!" you said looking at her making her nod sadly.
"Thats awesome!" you said with a smile, Hermione smacked her head.
"What?" you asked.
" Being a Quansitador yes is an amazing oppertunity but it is very dangerous to hold that power. The actual being was said to be just a myth that some wizard made up to get some fame over a thousand years ago. Many didnt believe him saying he was mad, but the wise ones thought otherwise. The wizard said that from his experience with a Quan that they hold the ability to control a certain element. Around that time at the other part of the world another wizard claimed to have seen an actaul Quan as it performed its magic."
"Oh yes I read about that, one Quan was said to have possed the water element that controlled the seas and the other to posses the earth element. But there is another myth saying that there was a third Quan a very powerful one at that." Hermione said, making you roll your eyes.
"But noone ever said that they saw the third one as of this day Quans itself are claimed as a myth, a mystery." your mother informed. You shook your head at what you were hearing, not wanting to believe it, barely understanding it, and quite annoyed that you were the only one in the room that has no idea that the hell it is!!
"So you are saying that me Victoria Jade SinClair is a Quan-whatever-dor and that I hold some secret power that is said to be a myth?" you asked in total disbelief.
"Yes dear." your mother said.
"Okay! Lets say I actually believe you, what does that have to do with Voldemort and how do you know I am really am one, I mean so far no signs lead to me being one of those things!!!" you said getting alittle louder. Your uncle sighed before standing up and walking around his desk.
"That night when you over heard us talking about the Dark Lord returning you understand that his army is increasing at an amazing rate. They probably joined him in fear of what he is able to do. Im afraid that he has in fact an incredible army that might be more powerful than ours. That is when you come in dear." he said then looked to your mother who nodded.
"Sweety, your powers is so powerful that the Dark Lord himself is astonished by it. Sadly he has come aware that the "myth" of the Quansitadors are in fact true. Coming the the sense that you are real he wants you or in fact your power so that he will be invincible. Having the Quansitadors on his side will sadly destroy the entire world." your mother explained. You looked at her sadly as the reality of what you are and what you posses sinks in.
" We found out that you are a Quan from a profecy that a friend of mine announced the day before your birth. You hold the qualities too." she added with a soft smile.
"which are?"
"Im sure Miss Granger will tell you later." your uncle said before siting on his desk in front of you.
"Im afraid that there is more Linda." Proffesor said making your mother look up at him.
" Its certain........there are three Quans that are roaming the world."
"What!? How can that be, Quans are suppose to be rare!! Basically as we all known a myth! That is not possible that there are THREE!" you mother said getting loud making you look at her sadly.
This war is actually happening, and there is unknown power upon the world that is clueless as to what it is.
"Albus are you certain that there are three?" you mother asked in a hush tone.
"Im afraid so."
"But Proffesor what if He-who-must-not-be-named knows that three of the exsist in the life time!" Hermione asked rising to her feet with a worried look upon her face.
"It is said that he is aware already and that he is searching for all three."
"Do you know who the other two are?" your mother asked rising fromher seat as well. You stared around you looking at the three as they each held a worried look.
"No, but we are also looking for the other two. The Quans will bring more danger than any wizard is capable of."
"What do you mean danger?" you asked joining in on the conversation.
"The power they hold is much to powerful that under the wrong hands can bring true and unbelieveable chaos to the world." your uncle said making you sink back into your seat.
"Great and I thought all I needed to worry about is my potions test next week." you said.
"Professor? What element exactly does Tori control?" Hermione asked looking at you making you raise your eye brow. You and your mother also turned to the old man who looked to a portrait of your grandfather and him when they were younger then back to the three of you.
"The air element." he whispered.