Rose of Despair

The Quan of Air


"Where did I put that?" Hermione asked while throwing stuff here and there, a shirt eventually hitting Tori square in the face.
"Am I the only one freaked out about this?" Tori asked while removing the shirt away from her face and throwing it back to Hermione's bed.
"Its somewhere around here..."
"Mione! This is serious! Well I think, I mean being that thing wont change my life.....right?"
"Of course not....not really."
"But its just weird!!! Here am I living my life not knowing that I contain some special ability that can be dangerous to the world....and my MOTHER!!! she knew about it and decided to bind it for my safety?"
"Tori she was only trying to do the right thing and protect you, if binding it will then she'll do anything."
"Its not that, I know she wants to protect me but why now, all of a sudden she wants to unbind it. Wouldnt it be better if we kept it bind and then Voldemort wont have to come and look for me!"
"Binding their powers wont prevent them from being found. It is said that there is a certain ritual that one must do to find a Quan. But in order to do that ritual one has to find the sacred scripture that holds the secret on revealing the Quans."
"So you are saying as long as Voldemort--"
"Please stop saying his name!" she said cutting Tori off.
"Fine, you are saying as long as HE doesnt find that scripture thingy then Im ok?!"
"Yeah, but dont get your hopes up. Having the Quans power is very important so He-who-must-not-be-named is certain to continue to look for it!
"GAH!!! This is stupid!!" Tori said before throwing herself on her bed in frustration.
"Ah I found it!" Hermione said holding up a 4inch thick book.
"Not another book!"
"OH shut it, this holds some informations about the Quans, well only informations the two wizards gathered back then." she said sitting on Tori's bed and flipping to the middle of the book.
"Hmm.....oh right here, it says that observational qualities of a Quan is that they are rare beauty."
"Ha! thats stupid!"
Rolling her eyes Hermione continues,"and intense bravery."
"Mione! C'mon that can make anyone a possible suspect!"
"Im not done! Quans also bare the sacred mark of the forbidden language, looks of a flower, small but noticeable."
"This is pathetic, I got to go to practice." Tori said heading to the closet to grab her broom. Hermione watched her as she walk to the door.
"Tori, its your fate."
"Fate smate!! Its not my war Hermione!"
"But it is! When are you going to stop being in denial! Its everyones war, good or bad!" Tori continued to the door wanting to get out fast.
"What about Harry?" Hermione whispered. Tori came to an abrupt halt in front of the door.
"He accepted his destiny, He is going to fight this war that you dont want to be apart of."
Tori sadly turned back to her friend, then looked down ashamed.
Hermione got up and walked to her, resting her hand on Tori's shoulder.
"I understand that you are scared Tori, I mean I am too. Dont pretend that you arent, just because being a Gryffindor doesnt make us have to hide our fear. Being scared is a feeling that bravery itself cant hide, but possibly overcome."
Tori sighed before walking with Hermione back to her bed.
"Im sorry, you're right I guess I am scared, scared to admit that I might actually be of importance to this world..........and I dont want to let anyone down."
"Its okay to fail! But you wont, I know it!"
"Mione I know you are smart and all but you dont know everything." Tori said making both of them laugh.
"I can try cant I?" Hermione asked with a smile.
"Tori dont worry, we are all here to fight this with you."
"Aww Mione!!" Tori said making her friend roll her eyes.
"Im trying to be serious."
"I know, and thanks for this whole reality check! Now I have alot to think about, I mean Head Girl duties, quidditch, my grades, oh and the dance tomorrow, Harry, lets not forget Malfoy! Now this whole Quansintador thing and war!!!"
"Whats the deal with Malfoy?"
"I dont know! First he hates my guts then he wants to be my friend then he goes back to annoying the hell out of me! He is so confusing!"
"Ha! All boys are, lets tale Ronald for example! Not the brightest in the bunch." Both girls abrupted in laughter and agreement.
"But he is the sweetest guy that cares for me and accepts me for who I am, even if I tend to be a know-it-all or a show off at times, he doesnt care about my flaws but loves me for having them."
Moments later the girls head footsteps soon enough to be met with a sweaty team, well only 3 of them.
"Where were you, you missed practice." Harry asked trying to catch his breath.
"Its over already? but..."
"Yeah we had to give the field to Tevin Lounders."
"Ha! Those Hufflepuffs are going to need all the practice they can get!"
"Taylor! thats not nice!"
"Man Herms wheres your competitive spirit?!" Taylor asked before throwing her broom on her bed.
"Are you okay, I didnt think Professor Dumbledore would keep you that long." Harry asked before sitting on your bed.
" can I talk to you alone?" Tori asked which kinda caught everyone off guard, well all except Hermione.
"Well lets leave these two alone, Oh put that down Ron!" Hermione said smacking Rons hand as he held onto one of her shirts that was thrown around the room earlier. Soon the three left the room.
"So um...wait you arent going to break up with me are you?!" Harry asked quickly.
"Damn I told Taylor not to tell you!"
Harry went wide-eyed.
"Harry Im joking!! Of course not!"
"Oh are you sure because Ginny was looking pretty hot at practice today." It was Toris turn to go wide eye, making Harry laugh.
"You jerk."
"What you started it!!" he said before kissing her.
"Aww I miss you too! But i wanted to talk to you about why I missed practice."
"Oh okay."
Tori took a deep breath.
"Okay where to begin...."