Rose of Despair

Wouldnt dream of it

Tori sat there staring at her boyfriend who just looked to the ground. Yep she just told him everything that her uncle told her.
"Wow, thats umm interesting." he said looking up at her to find a worried expression on her face.
"Thats all?"
"Well I dont know what to say Tor...You barely even know what to say about it. Its just..."
"Well, I dont want you to fight in this war."
Harry sighed looking away, towards the window that had rain drops slamming into it before slowly dripping away.
"Why Harry?" she asked again.
"I-I dont want you to get hurt." he said which caused Tori to smile.
"Harry, I'll get hurt with or without this war, its called life."
"But I cant stand knowing that your life can be in danger, not only yours but the others as well."
"Doesnt it make you glad to know that we will be right there next to you fighting with you?"
"I rather have you safe then next to me."
"But I want to be next to you! I want to fight knowing that you are there. I will be there anyways, this war is mine also."
"I-I cant lose you!" he said standing up and pacing back and forth in front of her.
"Dont worry I'll always be here." Tori said stoping him and making him face her.
"Harry I cant stop this war from coming, and I wont make promises that everything will be okay, but I will do everything I can to make sure that we all live through it." Tori whispered while looking into his eyes.
Harry sighed with a nod then sat back down on the bed.
"Honestly......I dont know what to do. How am I suppose to defeat him?" he whispered. Tori gave a comforting smile.
"Harry I know you'll figure it out."
For the next two hours you both talked about anything and everything.
"Tori." Harry said making her look at him as they both layed on her bed, him staring at the ceiling and Tori reading the book that Hermione left about Quans.
"Yeah." she responded.
"I have something to tell you."
"Umm okay."
"Well, last year you know after the whole Cho thing I didnt tell you about someone."
"Oh yeah I remeber your little fantasy about Cho. We made fun of you for days!" Harry smiled but then just as it appeared it left.
"Yeah, well um about that someone. I never told anyone but I dated Ginny for a few months."
If there is anything that could make your smile dissapear withing a split second that was it! Tori looked at Harry who kept his eyes on the ceiling.
"Oh...well thats the past right?"
"Umm why did you bring that up though?"
"Just wanted to finally tell someone about that, kinda sucks holding that in."
"Oh, funny thing is that you told your girlfriend." you said laughing a bit. He smiled but didnt look at you.
"Why did you break up?" you asked suddenly.
"Uhh, well because of the war." he whispered. You may have been a bit jealous as it all started to fit together, her every-now-and-then stares at Harry, or laughing even when he wasnt funny. Ginny is a good friend of yours, that sudden jealous feeling quickly turned into guilt. Here you were with the guy that she still cares for.
Tori turned away not wanting to look at him anymore.
"Are you mad?!"
"No!" she said quickly turning back to him.
"Just a bit upset." you said. Harry rolled his eyes.
"There is nothing to be jealous.."
"Im not jealous Harry! Im upset because you and her split because of this war but yet you are with me. I dont know what to think I mean..."
"I left her because I didnt want her to get hurt!" he said yelling over hers.
"Thats the point! You left her because you care for her and did it to protect her, how is that suppose to make me feel? You two didnt split because of a typical reason but because you two cared too much to lose one another!" Tori yelled back. Harry looked at her angrily then his look soften.
"Why did you go out with me?" she asked. Harry didnt say anything which was really starting to annoy her.
*could he still like her?*
*Did he go out with me because he felt lonely?*
*Does....does he even care?*
All these thoughts were running through her mind, getting worried after each second passed and he still didnt answer.
"Well, answer me!"
"I didnt expect to care for you the way I do now! I...I dont know! I mean you were my friend, I have always had feelings for you but I felt that you would never go for me! So thats why I went for Cho, I thought that maybe with her I can get my mind off of you!" he yelled rising from the bed. Tori didnt want to look at him while he yelled at her, to angry to hear what he has to say.
"But that didnt work! I still wanted you! Then.....then Ginny came and.." he paused, Tori looked up and glared at him.
"and what?!"
"when I was with her you didnt come to my thoughts." he said.
You hated what you were hearing. He was basically breaking your heart, doing it slowly and making it seem like its not his fault.
"And that actually made me happy to know that there was actually someone else that got rid of the thoughts of you." Tori shook her head at him in disbelief.
"Do you hear what you are saying to me?!" she asked.
"I...Im not done. You see I did care for Ginny, but I dont anymore! Okay I really care for you."
"Oh are you sure? Or are you using me to get rid of your thought for her?" she asked sarcastically.
"What?! No, Tori I love you and that thing with me and Ginny was something that wasnt meant to work out!"
"Let me ask you Harry, why were you trying so hard to get rid of your thoughts of me?! Am I that horrible of a person that you'd do that?"
"No its because I thought that you didnt like me! I mean you never gave me hints or whatever, and I thought it was the only way to get over you!"
"Harry! I did give hints! If writing to you every night saying it was out of bored because I couldnt come up with a better excuse then I dont know what hints are! Or maybe suggesting that you and I could practice quidditch together, or maybe hanging out with you during every Hogsmead trip wasnt a clear enough hint then Im sorry if I didnt just spell it out for you!" she yelled getting up and heading for the door.
"Tori! Dont ." he said grabbing her arm and making her face him.
"Look Im sorry okay, I really do care for you not Ginny. Maybe if I wasnt so caught up in the whole Voldemort thing I would have realized those hints. Im really sorry."
Tori stared at him still a bit angry with the whole thing.
"Dont blame Voldemort for your lack of common sense." Tori said glaring at him.
"Please I am sorry okay, she means nothing just a friend. I lost all feelings for her the day we started going out! I didnt want to get to close to you though because I didnt want to leave you like I did to her. I mean I got hurt too! But I love you too much to let you go. Im not going to leave you because I care, Im going to have you right there next to me through everything." he said.
Yep that did it. That made her calm down, soon enough a smile finally appeared on her face.
"You better not be lying Potter." said Tori.
"Wouldnt dream of it."