Rose of Despair

Old Enemty, New Friend

Tori and Harry headed downstairs to meet up with thier friends, Tori gave a weakened smile to Hermione who gave a sympathetic look.
They were definately going to stay up and talk tonight.
"Well Double Transfiguration is calling me." Tori said moments later after hanging with everyone in the common room.
"Tori.....its saterday." Alice said. She looked at her friend with a questioning look.
Everyone abrupted in laughter.
"Yeah they wanted to prepare for the dance tomorrow, which im sure you are all ready for?" Alice asked, everyone nodded.
"Well what do you all want to do?" Taylor asked.
"Not much to do I mean we all are ahead in class."
"Speak for yourself." Ron said, making then smile.
"And we are all ready for the dance, so what the hell can we do?" Taylor asked in annoyance. Tori and her always have to be doing something, decided to try and not make your like a complete bore.
"Well we can duel?" Alice aked.
"Naw practice tired me out." Ron told her.
"Umm how about pick on the first years?"
"Taylor thats not nice!"
"Sorry Herms but Im bored and noone can figure out what the hell to do!"
"Wait!" Tori said suddenly, everyone quickly turned to her.
"Where is everyone else?" she asked noticing that many students werent present in the school.
"You said saterday right?"
"Uhh yeah...what are you.."
"Hogsmead!!!!" the girls yelled causing the fellows to cover their ears. Soon enough all were rushing down to the little down.
"I cant believe we forgot!" Hermione said as they all reached their destination, out of breath.
"I know!" Krystal said bending over trying to catch her breath also.
"To think we were about to duel."
"Hey I like dueling!" Tori said with a smile.
"yeah because your good!"
"No, I just think of spells quicker than you."
Everyone all walked around for a bit, eventaully meeting up with their other friends.
The guys= Harry,Ron,Seamus,Dean, and Tristan all wanted to go to the quidditch shop, so the girls went on their own, eventually splitting up after a few minutes.
"So what happened with Harry?" Hermione asked looking at a bottle of perfume.
"Well he didnt really think much of it, kind of a shock but since we dont know much about Quans it didnt really bother."
"Oh, then why did you come down with a sad smile."
"Well we had a little argument."
"about Quans?!"
"No about...." Tori paused looked to Hermione, then looked around the store.
"Harry dated Ginny last year." she whispered.
"Sorry, its just whoa!"
"Yeah but Im not jealous or whatever, the reason we fought was becuase his reason for breaking up with her."
Tori pulled Hermione to a secluded area in the store and filled her in on the argument.
"Oh, I wouldnt blame you for getting upset."
"Yeah but Im not going to think anymore of it, its done and over so Im not gonna bother with it."
The girls walked around for a while. Hermione wanted to buy some books, something about a new edition to "The Secrets about Fairies" and Tori decided to meet up with her at the three broom sticks.
Walking in Tori was kind of surprised that it was basically almost empty.
"Ah hey Tori!" Luna Lovegood said sitting at one of the many empty tables. Tori quickly walked over to the friendly Ravenclaw.
"Hey Luna, how are you?" Tori asked taking a seat next to her.
"Oh the usual, reading and reciving."
"Weird looks from people."
"Dont bother with them Luna, they are just stupid jerks that have nothing better to do."
"Yeah i know, so uhh wheres the others?"
"Just roaming, Im actually waiting for Mione shes at the new book store."
"Oh I head the new edition of The Secrets about Fairies came out."
"Uhhhh yeah." Tori said before ordering a butterbear for her and Luna. Soon the drinks came.
"Thanks." they said to the waiter.
"Oh no." Luna said rolling her eyes before looking back to the magazine she was reading. Confused Tori looked up to find Draco Malfoy standing at the door, obviously surprised at the fact that about three people were inside.
"Well I best be going Ill see you back at the school, I have to talk to Alice about Ravenclaw things." Luna said all at once before grabbing the magazine, accidentaly knocking over her butterbeer.
"Oh okay bye Luna." Tori said taking napkins and trying to clean up the mess.
"Oh its ok." the waiter said and soon enough the mess and empty bottle dissapeared. Tori looked up and found Malfoy walking to her.
"Wheres the other pathetic scums?" he asked standing next to the table.
"All in Slytherin." Tori said rolling her eyes causing Malfoy to smirk. Without permission or an invitation he sat down across from Tori who looked at him eyebrow raised.
"Excuse me?"
"Well i didnt say you can sit with me."
"Well I dont care." Glaring at him Tori then turned away to look around.
"So you ready for the dance?"
"Wow, its THE Draco Malfoy actually trying to start a conversation with little ol me?" Tori said with a smile making Malfoy roll his eyes.
"Well seeing as it would be awkward if noone talked yeah." he said.
"Yeah Im ready." she responded, Draco nodded. The silence remained.
Draco was right, it was awkward, I mean here were the schools biggest enemies sitting together having a butterbeer. Suddenly Tori looked up. It then sank in, here she was with Malfoy...Alone! friends....having a butterbeer!
"Uhh Malfoy what are you doing here?"
"Well you dont own the place do you SinClair?"
"No but if people sees us rumors are bound to spread."
"What people?"
"Hmm good point." Draco shook his head before taking a sip of his own butterbeer.
"Um I wanted to say thanks." he suddenly said.
"Um helping me out last night?"
"Wow, well you sure are full of surprises! I mean first you actually are risking to be seen with me, trying to start a conversation AND saying "thanks!" a word many have never head escape your mouth?!" Tori said making both of them laugh.
"and it doesnt stop there, he actually laughs!" Draco shook his head again.
"Well you're welcome, but dont expect more of it!"
"Ha! same with you."
"Umm I wanted to ask you for a while you actually want to be my friend, with the letters and all?" Tori asked looking down at the drink. Draco looked at her confused for a bit.
"Well I wouldnt be here if I didnt."
"But why? I mean yeah I can always use another friend but why all of a sudden, you know we arent likely people to have a sudden change of heart!"
"I seriously dont know but I just want to."
"Oh okay, but that doesnt mean that im gonna let you insult my friends, if you want to be my friend you are going to have to stop that!"
"Hey what about you! You piss my friends off also!"
"I thought you dont have friends?"
"You know what I mean SinClair."
"So you actually want me to be civilized to Parkinson and Malfoy?"
"If you want me to be with your friends."
"Uhh fine whatever?! But keep in mind old habits die hard, if they wont be civilized with me then im not going to bother."
"Deal, same with then....including Pott...Po..."
Looking away angrily he nodded. With a sigh Tori said, "Look, okay you dont have to be friends with them because im not telling you to, just stop treating them like shit. Because I know its going to be hard for me as well with the bimbos."
"So I dont have to be their friends?"
"No, just when you decide to have a smart remark.....keep it to yourself."
"Argh! fine whatever. So basically we can be friends and all we have to do is avoid eachothers friends?"
"Hmm basically."
Draco smiled and nodded.
"That just might be possible SinClair."
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