Rose of Despair

Masquerade Dance pt. 1

"OKay, let me get this straight, you and Malfoy.....wont fight anymore?" Hermione asked that night as the two did their usual routine of staying up to talk with the others slept.
"Yeah, well I dont know why but I kinda wanna be his friend also."
"I dont know, maybe because Im tired of fighting with him, it gets nowhere."
"Ahh now she listens!"
"Oh shut up."
"Hey you know the you bare the mark?" Hermione asked out of no where, must have been bugging her through out the day.
"Well I dont know."
"What do you mean?"
"Come here."
Hermione crawled out of bed and walked towards Tori's bed. Tori then lifted her shirt revealing ONLY her stomach. The light from the moon revealed about a inch and a half rose.
"When did you get a tattoo?!" Hermione said raising her voice a bit, then quickly covering her mouth as Taylor stirred in her sleep.
"its not a tattoo." Tori said putting her shirt back down.
"I had that since birth, I guess its my very own birthmark that is strangly shaped as a Rose."
"Wow thats pretty unique."
"Yeah at least now I have an explanation because most birthmarks dont look like this!"
" really are a Quan of Air. Tori that is amazing!! I am related to a Quan!! do you have any idea how cool this is!"
"I guess, I mean I have the power to control the air we breath! plus almost all wizards think im a myth! hmm this is preety cool!"
"Yeah! When your mother unbinds your powers imagine what you will do!"
"haha yeah just hope I dont go overboard and send a hurricane through the school!"
both girl abrupted in a little laughter.
"Well Proffessor is going to help you control it,so im sure it will all be okay."
"Hey Mione, I wonder who the other two Quans are, like are they our age, or all females?"
"I dont know, but from what im guessing is that we will soon find out with this whole war thingy."
"Umm yeah I guess."
"Oh Im sorry Tori, I forgot that you are still a bit unstable about the whole war."
"Well I really dont know what to think I mean I have an amazing gift but Im going to use it in battle! All because of that stupid profecy! Remind me to tell my uncle to walk away once he senses that someone is about to spill about some profecy!"
"Haha, will do."
"Yeah well we should sleep the dance is tomorrow and we need out beauty sleep."
"Oh whatever."
Soon enough they both fell asleep.

"Get up!" Tori continued to stir in her sleep as the annoying sound filled her ears.
"Tori you have to get up!"
"Sunday, no classes."
"Yeah, but Sunday, school dance."
Tori quickly opened her eyes.
"I hate you." Tori said glaring at Taylor who rolled her eyes.
"Yeah I feel the love." she responded before walking to the bathroom.
"Mione...get up before Taylor decides to kill you." Tori said to the bed next to hers. Only to come to the same response she gave Taylor.
"Sunday, school dance." Tori repeated sleepy still in her bed. The results were the same, Hermione's eyes flew open.
"Why must we wake up this early, the dance isnt till 6."
"You know Taylor and her many hours to get ready theme."
Soon both girls dragged themselves out of bed. Taylor then exited from the bathroom.
"Ahh good Herms, you're awake."
Hermione sent her a glare.
"Once again I feel the love." Taylor said before leaving the room. The two quickly changed and joined Taylor at the common room.
"Okay here is the plan." Taylor said holding a long parchment and a white feather.
" 1.Meet up with Alice and Krystal=1 minute.
2.Walking to Great Hall=5 minutes
3.Eat breakfast= 10 mins
4.Walk back to common room= another 5 minutes.
5.Get ready for dance= unknown hours."
Tori and Hermione shook their heads at Taylor. Taking off her pretend glasses, she said looking up at the girls, "C'mon lets get moving." before tucking the parchment into her robes. Soon enough the girls were down at breakfast quickly eating what they can for they had limited time.
"She actually has it all written!" Hermione said shoving bacon into her mouth and chewing quickly.
"Wow! Thats just freaky!"
"Oh whatever you wanna see it?" Taylor asked grabbing the quill in her robe and unrolling it before Alice and Krystal who were sitting across the table. She heard both girls laughing making her look at them questionably. Taylor turned to Hermione and Tori who looked away trying to hold back laughter. Taylor then turned the parchment to her and her eyes grew wide making all girls laugh harder. Across the quill, written over the little time line was "TAYLOR IS A LUNATIC!" in big bold letters.
"Very funny Tori." she said before rolling it up and shoving it back into her robe pockets.

"You think thats bad, she sent me a howler to wake up!" Alice said as the girls quickly walked back to the common room.
"Ha! she sent me a holygram of herself to yell in my ear!" Krystal while rubbing her ears making Hermione and Tori laugh.
"Hey I did it for a reason, watch you'll thank me."
The girls rolled their eyes at Taylor also trying desperately to keep up with her. Tori saw Ron and Harry down the hall walking towards the Great Hall for breakfast. Harry gave Tori a questionable look, Ron doing the same to Hermione. Before the girls had a chance to say anthing Taylor said, "Not now Potter or Weasley, we have a schedual to keep too."
Harry and Ron stopped walking at stared at her confused. Alice gave them a she-is-crazy look as the girls passed them.
"I saw that Alice."
"No you didnt."
"Well I know you did something."
Alice sighed, "Sucks being predictable."
Before another word they were all in the Gryffindor common room.
"Wait I have to get the masks in my room." Alice said walking up to the girls dormatory.
"Already taken care of."
"Wow, Taylor I dont want to be around when you get married, imagine your parchment!" Tori said with a smile causing all girls to laugh.
Many many many many hours later......okay maybe that was too much, 8 hours later the girls stood in front of eachother looking extremely beautiful and georgous as ever. The reason it took so long was because the girls decided to piss Taylor off by going at a slow pase. Too bad it wasnt slow enough.
"Ron is going to flip Mione!"
"Ha! imagine the look on Harrys face."
"We have to take a picture of Seamus's face once he sets eyes on Krystal!" Alice said making Krystal look down to the ground with a blush.
"Oh c'mon Krys, you know you look HOT!" Taylor said nudging her friend.
"Okay according the the plan we have exactly 30 minutes till six." taylor said looking at her wrist as if she had a watch on it.
"Best we meet the guys now." Hermione said, reaching for her mask that layed on Taylor's bed. The rest did the same before heading down the steps knowing that 5 lucky guys are waiting anxiously.