Rose of Despair

Masquerade Dance pt.2

Harry looked around at the other guys who themselves looked nervous.
Its been a while since the school hosted a dance, years as a matter of fact.They all stood there in long sleeve silk shirts, well all except Ron who was using a black tux with a blue tie to match Hermione's dress. The guys all decided to use a mask as well, just to be somewhat in the Halloween spirit. They were probably only ones that didnt dress using a contume but rather a mask and formal clothes. Suddenly they heard the girls door open and heard the sound of their heels from the wooden stairs. Quickly the guys straighted themselves.
Harry smirked when he noticed Ron asking Tristan to fix his tie. Seamus and Jimmy (the Ravenclaw prefect) fixed their hair. Then all looked up at the same time. All jaws dropped, well kinda, when there standing in front of them where 5 incredible beautiful young ladies, each using a very creative masquerade mask. At first the guys didnt know who was who but then they matched their color of the clothes to the stunning beautys. The guys really wanted to see how to girls looked without the mask but the girls told them that they are gonna have to wait till after the dance. You know save the best for last. Harry walked over to Tori, he was using all black. Probably the only one that wasnt using a colored tie. Seamus was using a yellow tie that matched Krystals ribbon that wrapped around her waist.
Jimmy used a brown on to match Alice's belt.
Tristan was using a violet red tie of course matching with Taylors beautifyl dress. The guys greeted their dates then all put on their white masks. Yeah I know how original! Note the sarcasm!
"Well lets go!" Taylor said at the front. All of them then headed down to the dance, eager to see what the others were using.
(Okay now its 3 hours since the dance started)
Tori and Harry just finished their 10th dance, maybe more but whos counting? Harry decided to get some drinks, so Tori stood at the side. Moments later a cup of punch was in front of her.
"Wow that was fast." she said. After drinking she noticed that a hand was in front of her.
"Harry, my feet are killing me." she said not really looking at the person.
"One more." he said.
With a sigh Tori grabbed his hand and they both headed to the middle of the dance floor, luckly for Tori is was a slow song.Tori fixed his red tie before they started to dance, he looked down at her smiling. The two danced at a great pace, he kept twirling her and making her smile.
"Wow, where did you learn to dance?" she asked once he pulled her back to him. But then the song ended and the guy kissed her hand then walked away disappearing somewhere in the crowd.
Confused Tori tried to follow, then she saw Harry standing at the side of the great hall holding two more cups of punch.
"Hey how did you do that?" she asked approaching him.
"Do what?"
"Get punch that fast again? I mean wow thats pretty fast since the punch table is all the way over there." she said loudly over the music that once again got upbeat.
"Well I just got them." he said giving her the drink. While taking a sip Tori slowly removed the cup away from her view at Harry. She looked at him questionably as he drank his own punch. Once he noticed Tori looking at him strangly it was his turn to look at her confused.
"What?" he asked.
"Oh um nothing." she said with a smile, then began taking more sips from her drink. She was looking around the room while doing so still a bit confused. Tori looked back at Harry who was talking to some guy from Hufflepuff.
*Where did his red tie go?* she thought. Then it dawned on her. It wasnt Harry she was dancing the slow song with.