Rose of Despair

Phantom of Hogwarts

Tori sat there staring at her friends as they danced. The Halloween Dance is almost over one more song to go.
Mostly everyone was on the dance floor swaying to the slow music.
Oh there it was, the last song of the night and Tori was sitting alone. Yep, alone! Harry promised Ginny two dances so she was stuck there flicking the candy wrapper off the table.
"Why isnt a beauty as yourself on the dance floor?" Tori looked up to find the same guy with the red tie and white mask. He had dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
Tori looked at him and smirked, "Well if it isnt the Phantom of Hogwarts."
The guy smiled at her.
"Would you care to dance?" he asked.
"Umm, sure I guess." Soon both headed to the dance floor. They started to dance, Tori caught a glimps of Hermione looking at her questionably. Probably because she saw Harry dancing with Ginny. Tori gave her the Ill-tell-you-later look, and she nodded. Tori then let her eyes graze around the dance floor.
"Who are you looking for?" he guy whispered.
"Oh just a friend."
"Your boyfriend?"
"Oh no, another friend, he told me that we'd have a dance but I guess not, oh I think that is him over there." The guy spun Tori around gently.
"The blonde?" he whispered.
"um yeah, but hes dancing with someone else so whatever." Tori said looking at the back of a guys head who was blonde.
"Hmm you dont want to dance with me?" he asked.
"Oh no I didnt mean it like that, Im sorry, I enjoy dancing with you! umm whoever you are...hmm who are you?"
He laughed before turning her around again.
"The Phantom of Hogwarts as you call me."
"Well do we know eachother Mr.Phantom?"
"You can say that."
"Hmm, and how do we know one another?"
Tori rolled her eyes knowing he was trying hard not to reveal himself.Tori stared at him, trying to find something about him that can give her a hint of who she is dancing with.
*theres so many people I know with dark hair, so this is going to be hard.The eyes!* she thought staring AT his eyes, suddenly she was staring INTO his eyes captured by it.
"You have really nice eyes." she said before she could catch herself making him laugh. Tori looked away a bit embarassed.
"Your eyes are nicer." he whispered.
"So you are not going to tell me who you are until the end of the dance are you?"
"You'll see."
The two danced till the song was over. Then Kyle a Hufflepuff 7th year went to the stage.
"Okay everyone, some of you might know how this works, most dont. At the end of the dance all spells on constumes will wear off. And people can take off their masks to reveal themselves. So on the count of three....One...Two....Three!!!" he shouted into his wand.
Everyone cheered and took of their masks.
"Wow! Tori!" Harry said walking to her with a big smile. She returned the smile and turned around, suddenly confused. The guy she was dancing with dissapeared again as if he was never there. Tori looked around but not finding anyone with brown hair, blue eyes, and a red tie was anywhere.
Tori shrugged her shoulders before giving Harry a kiss. Hermione and Ron soon joined the two as everyone started to file out of the great hall. The whole group was there except...
"Wheres Krystal and Seamus?" Hermione asked holding onto Rons hand. For a while they stood there still looking for the two.
"Alice dont speak like th..Holy Crap!"
Tori grabbed Hermione and faced her in the direction both Alice and her were looking. The seated Krystal and Seamus making out! Its such a shocker because Krystal as you know is the innocent shy girl of the group, so watching her go at it is get the point!
Soon all started cheering making them split apart confused, then once Krystal saw her friends she turned around blushing.
Tori and Taylor were giving her the thumbs up, Hermione and Alice were clapping, and the guys...well they cheered!
"We'll check you later Krystal." Taylor called out before grabbing Tristan and heading out the door, everyone else following.
"I danced with her, wow she is so beautiful without the mask."
"If only she knew."
"I wouldnt matter, a miracle if I ever hold her again."
hmm so who is this mysterious guy? You might know him, you might not.You might also remember him *hint* first day of potions class!!and no he isnt a stalker! just an admirer!