Rose of Despair

The Poem

"Okay! spill!" Hermione asked jumping on her bed after placing her dress back into her closet.
"Yeah who was that guy you were dancing with?" taylor asked sitting on her own bed in her pajamas.
"Well theres nothing really to tell, I just danced with him, I dont even know who he was."
"He didnt tell you his name?"
"No, didnt want to tell me anything about him, but his eyes they kind of looked familiar.You guys know anyone with brown hair and blue eyes?"
"Sorry deary."
"Hmm oh well it doesnt really matter anymore its not like Ill ever hear from him again."
The girls layed in bed in the dark, all too happy to sleep. Tonight was a great night, they all had fun and one of their friends had a little too much fun!! *coughkrystalcough*
"hey Tori when is your mother going to unbind your powers?" Hermione asked once she knew taylor was asleep. For some reason Tori didnt want people to know about what she really is, didnt feel it was important.
"Well she said next week friday is when she is able to come here. The ministry wont let her leave any sooner."
"oh thats great! Arent you excited to start learning your true powers?"
"Um I dont know, a little."
"Well if I was you I'b be very excited!" Hermione said with a smile. After another hour of talking Hermione finally fell asleep. Tori stayed up staring at the ceiling.
So many thoughts kept going through her head, her powers, her relationship with Harry, and that mysterious guy that she danced with hours ago. She couldnt help but smile as she mentally replayed the memory in her head. After a few minutes she gave up on thinking the possible people he could be since it was pointless, its not like she'll ever see him again.

(next day)
Tori and Hermione woke up earlier than Taylor and decided to torture her like she did to them the day before. The girls jumped on Taylors bed making her jolt up scared. Relieved that it was only her stupid friends Taylor tried to push them off her bed, sadly they only fell on her.
"Get off me you fatty!" Taylor said.
"Im not fat!" Hermione said who was on top of her.
"Haha, just porky!" Tori chipped in. Suddenly there was pillow fight that was happening at 8 in the morning. Luckily for the other Gryffindors the girls had a room to themselves. As a matter of fact they other girls were the ones that requested that Hermione,Tori,and taylor have there own room. Somthing about always making noise and annoying them. Yeah I have no idea what they are talking about either!
"Truce?" they all asked exhausted on their beds.
"Yeah whatever, lets just get some breakfast and then maybe the tree afterwards?"
"I can do breakfast but Im going to hang with Tristan after." Taylor said.
"Like Taylor I can do breakfast but im meeting Ron,Luna,Krystal, Seamus, and Alice in the library."
"What?! Mione classes are tomorrow, cant you wait till then?" Hermione just shrugged.
"I guess its just me and Harry."
"What do you mean your are busy?!" Tori asked sitting at the breafast table. Harry smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Dont worry its just one day we'll be apart, you can handle that cant you?" Tori sadly smiled then nodded.
Aparently everyone was busy except her, so instead of going to the tree Tori walked back to her dorm. once inside she sat on her bed. This is the first time in a long time that everyone was busy except her, Tori was always use to having company. Laying on her bed as she listened to her music Tori suddenly jumped when a strange noise interrupted her thoughts.
There flying outside the window next to Taylors bed was a nice dark brown owl with cute white wings. Tori glared at the bird for scaring her then finally decided to let it in. She didnt recognized the owl, so she looked at the letter and found it was addressed to her. Not sure if she should open it, but later decided just to do it.

"When you looked into my eyes
I saw more than a beautiful face,
I captured every moment even if it was just a daze.
Unknown to the world this feeling you have upon me,
You are more than a nice face, the typical beauty.
So I ask thee to share the moment not only in mind, But also in heart for another one will be hard to find"

Yours truly
Phanton of Hogwarts

Tori reread the poem over and over again, smiling more each time.
Tori always thought romance was so corny and only happened in movies, but this said otherwise. Harry never wrote her a poem, then again he never really did anything that romantic. No, dont think Harry is a bad boyfriend, just he never took her on a date, or gave her candy and flowers, or write poems.
Tori really liked to have him do those things but she is perfectly fine if he doesnt. She loves him for who he is and thats all that really matters.
But you have to admit,it was kind of sweet for whoever that was to write her a poem. Too bad the owl left before she could reply, even if she got another owl the poor thing wouldnt know who to give it it. I mean you cant actually tell the bird that give it to the Phanom of Hogwarts, might end up somewhere across the world! Oh well!
Tori placed the poem in her trunk before returning back to her bed and jamming the music once again.
The week passed quickly and it was the night before Tori's mother came to visit and unbind her powers, plus things were getting interesting. It was thursday and Hermione and Ron are spending time together, also Taylor and Tristan, oh and lets not forget the newly couple Krystal and Seamus. Tori was getting suspicious with Taylor and Tristan because they have been hanging out alot lately, not that she minded or whatever. Harry hung out with Tori the day before but that was it for the past week he hung out with her for three day but was busy the other days. Tori didnt mind that either, in a way she was kinda grew happy about having time to herself. It as around 9 at night and Tori was roaming the corridors doing her Head Girl Duties, prefects just finished theirs. Tori was looking at the ground not really watching where she was going. She kept thinking about that Phantom guy, because for the past week he has been sending her more poems and flowers. A few days ago Tori decided that it was her mission to figure out who he was.Not only was that bothering her, but also tomorrow her mother was to come and finally unbind her "special" powers, in a way she was still a bit uncertain about the whole war situation but she decided to stop thinking about it, now is not the time.
Getting cold Tori looked up at her surroundings.
"Oops." she said looking around at the dark corridor. She accidentaly gone too far, this is Draco's part of the school he had to patrol. Turning around she began to walk back to her section. Two more halls to go before getting back to where she was suppose to be, she suddenly heard a soft giggle in a near by room.
"Dont they ever learn?" she asked rolling her eyes, slowly walking over to the door to get ready to interrupt the little couple or whatever.
"Harry!" a female voice said in another soft giggle making Tori quickly pull back from placing her hand on the doorknob.
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