Rose of Despair

How could something break when it doesnt exist

The sounds of thunder was summoned to their ears as they sat stareing at the fireplace. Sorrowful thoughts flowed through her mind as the fire crackled in front of her.
Tori stared at it wishing that it would burn away her thoughts, her feelings. Turning away knowing that fire depeneded on something, oxygen. She doesnt need anyone to depend on, she can take care of herself, well now she has noone.
"How did you find me?" she whispered hoarsely looking up into his stormy eyes.
"I saw what happened,everything." he said not meeting her gaze.
"I......was patroling and saw you outside the old potions room looking at something."
She turned her attention back to the fire before her, nodding.
Moments later she spoke again, this time not taking her eyes off of the fire, "So this is what it feel like."
Draco looked at her worried and confused. Tori turned to him, their eyes meeting.
"To lose something you loved." she whispered.
"Did...did you really love him?"
Tori looked at him confused before turning away cursing herself if that tear fell from her gentle eyes.
"I dont know."
"Look, its none of my business but I know you didnt love him."
"and how would you know, no offense Malfoy but I doubt you know what love is." she spat bitterly.
"I doubt you do too."
She turned to glare at him, he stared at her daring her to say otherwise, before her expression changed to sadness.
"Never thought I'd say this but you just might be right."
Draco smirked at her before looking at the clock placed on the center peice next to them.
"You can leave if you want." she said watching him look at the time.
"Do you want me to?"
Tori didnt answer instead she put her head on her knees as she sat rocking back and forth lightly. Draco decided to stay, not knowing why. Guessing because it was the right thing to do, then again since when does Draco Malfoy do the right thing? Oh yeah, when he decided he wanted to be her friend.
Eye brow raised, he looked at her a bit confused. A while back he made it his goal to figure out the girl that sat before him, and he honestly didnt know why. Why all of a sudden does he take interest in the girl that equally put him through hell as much as he did to her.
One thing he did know for sure was that Saint Potter messed up, and Draco was going to be there to see Tori kick the hell out of his sorry ass. Draco smirked knowing he wouldnt miss that for the world, then again the world would be nice to have.
Images of what was soon to occur kept going through his head, making him smirk even more.
Then he heard some soft sniffles bringing him back to reality.
He looked at Tori as she quickly tried to wipe away her tears before he saw. Usually he would have payed to see the Victoria SinClair vulnerable, but as he stared at her he coulnt help but pity the girl. He obviously has never experienced what she just did so he imagined the effect it would have on him. I mean this is or was his worst enemy, no longer did she look or feel strong but rather weak and broken. If she was just as strong as he was imagine what he would do if love decided to hurt him.
Then he sneered to noone. It wasnt going to happen to him, he decided he wasnt as weak as the so called powerful girl thats lips quivered as she continued to rock back and forth.
*I will never fall in love.*
Thats what everyone thinks and thats exactly what Draco thought.
"How did you do that?" he asked out of nowhere making her glance at him.
"The rain and wind shit.....I mean it was practically a storm, then all of a sudden it dissapeared in seconds when..."
Tori stared at him waiting for him to continue.
"When you stopped crying."
Tori looked at him with one of the most confused expressions she can ever make.
"I didnt notice."
"What? How could you not notice?!"
"Well excuse me if I had some other personal problems running through my head!" she said meeting his tone.
"Oh stop feeling sorry for yourself!"
"Im not feeling sorry for myself!! I just lost someone I thought I cared for okay!"
"Get over it and move on, gosh its not that hard!"
"Its so easy for you to say Malfoy because you never went through what I just did! Well just to let you know this is what you do to other girls that you dont even care about! The ones you treat like doormats, the ones you act like you care about but in reality all you care is about how fast you can shag them!" she screamed getting more angry as he glared at her.
"You know nothing about me so dont act like you do."
"Oh I dont?! Like I dont sit there and listen to some poor girl as she cries her eyes out saying how she gave you everything and you dont even care to remember her name!! Or its not me that is helping my friend feel more better about herself because it was you that made her feel that she isnt of any importance!! You have no idea of your effect on people because you dont care! So dont say that I know nothing about you when im the one saving whatever is left of their dignity that you didnt destroy!" she yelled.
Draco glared holes into her as she glared back. How can he be so not understanding about someones feelings?? Oh yeah because he doesnt care right?
"Dont worry Malfoy, you'll get your turn."
"Dont be too sure, you are going to get your heart broken and then you know exactly how I feel."
"Well unlike you I dont love or care for that matter, so getting my heart broken is not possible."
Tori turned her attention back to the fire that looked like it was about to die.
"You're right." she whispered. Draco smirked at her in triumph.
"How could something break when it doesnt exist?" she asked turning back to him.

"What?!" he spat. He was still angry at their argument a while ago.
"Nevermind." Tori said before standing up and heading to the door of the room of requiremnets.
"You think you are so smart dont you?"
Tori stopped and turned around to face Draco who sat on the couch staring off into nowhere.
"What is that suppose to mean?"
"Oh nothing." he said teasing her.
"What forgot your point?"
"No I remember my point very well actually. You stand there and act like you are this strong and smart person always willing to do good and help everyone, when in reality you are the one that needs the most help."
"I dont need help, if there is anyone that needs it more that me its you!"
"Oh really?, was it me that just cried my soul out to the world at the top of the Astronomy tower?"
Tori's stare went from wide-eyed to a deep glare.
"Oh now you understand."
"Malfoy you have no idea what you are talking about?"
"Really?! You talk about how I am evil and heartless and how you are the one cleaning up my mess, when you are hiding yours. How does it feel to no longer have a father?"
"You should know."
Draco quicly rose to walked to her, both of them standing face to face glaring at one another.
"Leave my father out of this." he spat.
"Then leave mine!"
"What father, you dont have one!"
Anger was roaming through both their bodies, they might have just felt the heat from eachother.
"What does he have to do with this?"
"You see the reason why I said that you arent so smart was because you try to act like the hero all the time just like your boyfriend!" Tori pushed Draco back making him crash into the center piece.
"He is not my boyfriend anymore!"
"My point is that you try to be the hero when you are the one that needs to be saved, growing up without a father, noone but your mother to love you but she barely has any time for you with her job being more important. Losing someone you love to a worthless scum. Hmm...what do you have SinClair?"
Tori didnt answer.
"Thats right, nothing. So dont go saying stuff about how you save people when you are just a coward that needs to be saved also."
"HA! and who is going to save me? hmm, noone because according to you I have noone!! But you see I dont need anyone to help me, I can help myself!"
"Then why havent you?"
"You know what I dont have time for this." Tori said turning back towards the door.
"Exactly run from the truth just like the coward you are!" Draco yelled.
Tori stopped at the door, slowly turning back to him with a cold glare that sent shivers down his spine.
"and I thought you were different, but as usual im wrong."
With that, she left him standing in the room alone and confused.