Rose of Despair

Drama Already


"Malfoy!" Tori yelled as she entered his compartment, wand pointed straight at his face. Harry and Taylor quickly joined their wands pointed at him as well.
"So im guessing you heard about the mudblood!" He said standing up, hoovering above Tori. Soon he was knocked back down into his seat.
"Dont you dare call her that!" she warned, staring at him.
"What are you going to do, your out numbered." Draco said, rising again.
"Count me out of it." a voice said.
Tori looked to find her favorite Slytherin, Tristan Love.
He was the only person in that house that they got along with, besides Harry and Ron, he was considered one of Tori's great friends.
The downfall was that he was as well Draco's best mate!
"Well your still out numbered!" Draco said.
Tori looked around, Draco with Crabbe and Goyle at his sides then Pansy and Casey behind them. Casey Malfoy....need I say more? She was exactly like Draco, just with boobs and body...meaning personality wise. She is Malfoy's cousin, that is the same age as all of them, her best friend is of course Pansy Parkinson.
"You can't do anything and you know it SinClair." Malfoy's voice came running back into Tori's head.
Tori then looked at Taylor and smiled.
With one swift movement both Pansy and Casey were on the ground, holding the heads.
"You were saying Malfoy." Tori said in a sickening tone.

With that a small war broke, although it was very common with both groups.
Harry sent Crabbe across the compartment, but Crabbe got up and punched him.
Taylor was having trouble herself with Goyle lifting her up. Although those two were as smart as a raisin, they were as strong as a troll!
Tori was busy sending hexes at Malfoy, he doing the same.
Both of them said the same spell at the same time, causing both to fly back.
"Stop this now!" A voice of rage said interrupting all of them.
They all stopped immediately.
"What is going on here?" Yelled Snape, taking notice of the few drops of blood that fell from both Malfoy's and Tori's face.
Harry had finally knocked Crabbe unconsious, Taylor had kneed Goyle in his groin before sending her knee to meet his face.
"Well dont all speak at once!" he yelled making all jump.
" Well professor.."
" 50 points from Gryfindor....for each of you!" Snape said cutting Taylor off.
"You cant do that, we arent even at school yet!" Tori yelled.
"I can do whatever I bloody hell want Miss SinClair, just like I want you for detention for a will teach you to mouth talk me." he said, before turning his back.
" It will teach you to mouth talk me!" Harry mimicked.
" You will join SinClair, Potter." Snape said not turning his back as he kept walking away. Once he was out of site Taylor said, "That dumbass!"
" I will see you there Miss Monroe." Snapes voice said ringing through the train.
Tori turned to look at Malfoy as he held a smirk on his face. She smile at him before punching his face.
"What the fuck was that for?!" he yelled, holding his cheek.
"That was for calling my friend a mudblood."
"But you already punched me for that!"
" Oh yeah, just felt like wiping that smirk off your face!" Tori said as a smirk grew on hers. With that all three of them left to their own compartment.

"I swear, Snape may be a slimeball, but he is a slimeball with one heck of a sense of hearing!" Taylor said once they got into the compartment.
Once the others heard what had happened, Taylor, Harry, and Tori recieved a very long lecture from Hermione and Alice, explaining how wrong it is to fight, and how you're not setting a good example for the younger kids blah blah blah.....
"Finally!" both Tori and Taylor yelled as they exited the train!
Hermione and Alice rolled their eyes, knowing very well that they were not paying attention to their little lecture!
" Potter, Sinclair! You must ride in that compartment!" Professor Magonagol *spelling* said pointing to a carraige, with a red cross on it.
They have never seen this carriage before.
The professor noticed Tori's confused face and said, "Thats the carriage that will take you straight to the hospital wing. I heard about your little rampage with your fellow Slytherins!" giving them both disaproving looks.
Taylor stayed behind because she wasn't injured badly, well her knee was bruised but other then that she was just fine.
Tori turned and laugh as she saw Taylor look completely bored as she recieved another lecture from Professor Magonagol.

"Thanks love." Tori whispered to Harry as they both walked up to the carraige.
"Anything for you!" He replied.
Tori was truly greatful for him, a pain of guilt came across her as she noticed his swollen cheek and busted lip.
" Im really sorry." Tori said again.
"Dont worry about it, im always gonna be there for you!" he said as they reached the carriage.
"Oh hell no!" Tori yelled as she opened the carriage door.
Inside were their favorite people, the fellow Slytherins that were included in the fight!
"Well this is going to be interesting!" Harry said next to Tori, as they were recieving glares.