Rose of Despair

Malfoy was right once again

"Tori!!" Hermione exclaimed once Tori walked into her dorm. Tori stared at her with a blank expression.
"Are..are you okay?" Taylor asked. It was around 2 in the morning and both her friends were worried about her for she hasnt returned after Head Girl duties were over.
Tori didnt respond and went straight to her bed. Hermione and Taylor looked at her sadly before both of them sat on her bed.
"Whats wrong?" Hermione whispered placing her hand on Tori's shoulder bringing her back to reality, for she was trapped in her thoughts.
"I dont want to talk about it right now." Tori responded in monotone.
"Tori you have to tell us, what happened because you were gone for hours."
"You kept us worried!"
Tori closed her eyes trying not to realive the sadness in her head.
"Harry and I are over." she said in a deep whisper.
"Why!? What happen?!" Taylor asked walking to the front of her friend.
"I...I-I caught him with Ginny in the dungeons."
"Are you serious?! Why that little son of a ...."
"Taylor!" Hermione said before Taylor finished her sentence.
"I am so sorry." Hermione said embracing Tori into a deep hug which is exactly what she needed at the time.
"You should be sorry for Potter as well." Taylor spat.
"Taylor dont worry about it."
"I have to worry about it Tori! He cheated on you! with her!"
"No, Ginny is not a bad person.....I was simply in the way."
"What are you talking about?! She stole him from you!"
"Does he know?" Hermione whispered.
"Ha! Not yet, wait till I get my hands on him."
"Taylor now is not the time."
"Hermione I am not going to sit here and let that jerk cheat on our best friend!"
"Mione is right Taylor, now is not the time."
Sighing Taylor nodded and sat in front of her friend.
"How come you two are still awake?"
"Well when we came back you werent here, so I thought that you were still doing your duties, so we went to sleep."
"Yeah, but then a storm woke us up, and believe me it was the worse one I have ever seen before!"
"Speaking of the storm."
"What?" Hermione asked quickly.
"I..I think I caused it."
"Tori I know you are kind of out of it so im going to pretend like I didnt hear that."
"Taylor let her finish!" Hermione interrupted.
Tori looked at Taylor, Taylor nodded for her to continue.
Tori sat up and explained to the girls about what had previously happened, from when she caught Harry with Ginny, to Malfoy's her her argument."
"Wait! Im confused, what does your anger have to do with the weather and how in the world is Malfoy included!?" Taylor asked.
Tori mentally hit herself, she forgot that Taylor didnt know about her being a Quan,and her friendship or what was once her friendship with Draco.
Thankfully Hermione started to explain everything to Taylor with of course Tori's permission, it was time that it was no longer a secret. In the end her friends were going to be there with her when the war would break out, so its best that no secrets were kept.
After Hermione was done Taylor stared at her like she was completely insane.
"So you are telling me that her..." Taylor said pointing at Tori.
"Is a Quan?! The thing that was only said to be a myth!"
Tori looked at her confused.
"You know about Quans?"
"Yeah, I do read you know!" Taylor said not intending to sound mean which Tori understood.
"Not only that but Malfoy!! What are you thinking?"
"I dont know, he cant be all bad can he?" Tori asked trying to convince her friend which sadly wasnt working.
"Malfoy?! not bad?"
"She is right Taylor, strangly Draco has actually been nice to me." Hermione said looking down confused, before turning to Tori is hope for an answer.
Tori shrugged not knowing why also, all she told Malfoy was to avoid her friends never saying anything about being nice to them, which she didnt mind.
"What do you mean he was...nice?!" Taylor asked.
"Well for the past week actually when I would pass him, instead of the usual insults he would make he simply would address me by my last name as if acknowledging me."
"Well darling if you havent notice he always address us by our last names." Taylor said.
"Well to you guys, but he has always called me mudblood, along with Krystal. But surprisingly he hasnt bothered her either!"
"and how would you know?"
"Well Taylor I was a bit suspicious so I kept my eye on him to see how he treated the others. I thought he was going to do something when he came across Krystal and Seamus about three days ago, but he didnt. He simply nodded to them and walked away."
"Whoa, that is definately not the Malfoy we know. Are you sure its him, is he sick?"
"Its really him, and no he isnt sick."
"Thats just weird."
Tori sat there watching the girls as they talked about Malfoy's sudden change of character, knowing exactly why he was treating him the way he is. Just because she told him to avoid her friends she didnt expect him to act nicer towards them.
*Maybe he is different.* she thought a small smile appearing on her once tear stained lips.
"So I am not the only one that thought he has gone insane, when I was hanging with Tristan the other day Malfoy came and started to talk to Tristan about quidditch practice and then he turned to me and said that i am not that bad as a chaser! Could you belive that! He actually complimented me!" Taylor shrieked in confusion.
"Something is up, there has to be an explination."
"Maybe Tori is right, Malfoy might not be bad anymore." Hermione said.
"But Herms, Draco is going to be a deatheater! They dont change!"
"Then maybe he is not going to be a deatheater, because he did." Tori said suddenly joining the conversation, which surprised her friends for they forget she was there.
"Well I am going to bed because I have to meet my mother early in the morning, Mione are you going to come with?" Tori asked getting herself into bed, the other two doing the same.
"Yeah sure."
"How about you Taylor?"
"Sorry deary but I kinda planned something with Tristan."
"What is up with the two of you?" Hermione asked that has been bothering both her and Tori.
"Nothing, we are just friends."
"Sure you are." Tori said, for the first time in a while the girls all laughed together.
"But after I deal with Potter."
"Taylor dont yet, promise me you wont do anything until I deal with him first." Tori said no longer smiling.
"Sure Tori, but best you hurry with the Headmaster because I dont know how long I will last without clawing his eyes out!"
Although everything seemed okay, Tori was still breaking into pieces as if everything she had was no longer there, then she looked at the two smiling girls before her then she realized, she still had them, her friends.
*Malfoy was right once again, I am lucky.*
Then all tension dissapeared again as they joined in laughter once more before finally falling asleep.
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