Rose of Despair

They do exist

"Are you excited?"
"How many times are you going to continue to ask?"
"Sorry, its just such a remarkable event! Im going to witness a Quan having her powers unbinded!!"
"Someone is more into this than I am."
Tori wasnt really in the mood, for she was still unhappy about last nights events.
The girls were on their way to the Headmasters office completely skipping breakfast. Soon they were standing at the front of the door both eager to see what is soon to happen on the otherside.
"Lets get this over with." Tori said before taking a deep breath. Before Hermione could knock the door opened and they walked inside.
They stood there stunned to see so many people present, all of their Proffesors, The headmaster, Tori's mother, and a few others Tori didnt recognized.
Scanning the crowd Tori spotted her favorite ex-teacher, Proffessor Lupin smiling at her. After giving her mother a hug Tori then stood in the middle of the room, everyone else surrounding her.
Tori stood there a bit intimidated that so many great witches and wizards are there.
"They are here to witness you and your reuniting with your true powers." Dumbledore said noticing the look on Tori's face.
Tori nodded and smiled, glancing around the room, spotting Hermione looking a bit intimidated as well.
A few minutes passed, Tori looked at her mother who was giving her a confused look. Linda SinClair (Tori's mother if you didnt know) stood in front of her daughter eyebroe raised, pointer finger on chin, staring forward.
Everyone around the two were waiting and eager to know what is taking so long.
"Where is it?" Linda spoke out.
"Where is what?" Tori asked.
Tori's mother started to mumble something to herself, then giving a confused disapproving look.
"The white seal?" Tori's mother asked looking up at her daughter.
"What the hell is the white seal?" Tori asked noticing some people whispering in the room.
"The white seal is a clear smoke like seal that flows around someone who is binded, after saying a spell only the person that unbinded the powers is able to see it." Hermione said almost immeadiately.
"Yeah but after I said the spell the white seal is not there, nothing is." Linda said looking at Proffessor Dumbledore.
After mumbling something to himself Professor Dumbledore then walked up to the middle of the room.
In his soft, low and gentle voice the Headnaster spoke to all, "It seems to me that somehow Miss SinClair here has found a way to unbind her own powers by herself."
Even more whispers were heard throughout the room, Hermione and Tori stared at eachother confused.
"But how is that possible?" a wizard at the back asked the Headmaster.
"Apparently Mr.Higgulks." Dumbledore responded. All were looking at Tori for an explination but she didnt know herself.
"Interesting isnt it?!"
"Thats remarkable!"
So many comments were flowing through the room but all wanted to know.....How?!
"Victoria, did you somehow have an uncontrollable emotion recently that you think might have triggered the counterspell?" The headmaster asked.
"No, sir."
"Any deep emotion, love, stress, anger? anything?" Her mother asked with concern, making Tori go wide-eyed.
"Umm I might have but I didnt mean to, I wasnt even thinking or..."
"Tell us what happened dear."
Tori looked around the room, she wasnt ready to give the big news that she was no longer with the guy she gave her heart too, probably what caused to unbind her powers.
"Um, its kinda personal. But last night all I felt was anger and rage and.......hurt."
"Wait, the storm!" Her mother paused.
"That was you, you caused it?"
"I..I-I dont know, I think so."
Tori stopped upon hearing more whispers throughout the room which was really starting to annoy her.
"Unbelievable." The headmaster said.
"You somehow unbinded your own powers with out even knowing." he said with a smile.
"Is she really one of the Quans?" a witch asked causing everyone to look at her.
"Definately." Dumbledore said not taking his eyes off his niece.
"But how can we be sure, there isnt enough information to declare that she is one of the most rarest beings!" the same witch asked.
Tori's mother walked over to her daughter and lifted up her shirt, not all the way of course, just enough to prove to all the doubts in the room.
There as if it was real, the rose birthmark at the side of Tori's stomach. Some gasp, other stared in awe, and others smiled proudly to be in such presence.
All Tori cared about was going to breakfast for all the toast was gone.
"She is truly a Quan to have created such a storm last night, for it to suddenly disappear was no work of nature." another witch in the room said, everyone else nodding.
"Well now its time for the young ladies to head to breakfast, and we all shall continue on our way, oh and Victoria." Tori paused at the door as her and Hermione hurried out of the room.
"Yes Proffesor?"
"We shall start your training Monday night, please dont try to go into extreme distress or such, try to control your emotions till then."
Tori nodded and with a wave to everyone else, she disappeared behind the door.
"Well that was intersting." a wizard said breaking the silence one she left.
A few moments later everyone started chatting possibly about everything and anything before all came to a pause then the door bursted open.
There stood Mad-eye Moody, trying to catch his breath.
"Sir we found them!" he said through breaths.
"Who?" many in the room asked.
Moody limped into the room closing the door behind him.
"The other Quans."