Rose of Despair

Lose one, Gain one

It was very early in the morning, very few are awake, and it was still quite dark outside.
Hermione looked sideways at her cousin who was doing a sad attempt in trying to look like nothing in front of her bothered her.
Tori stood there looking hesitant as both of them stood in front of the big golden doors to the Great Hall where they knew HE would be sitting acting like nothing happened, like he didnt just cheat, like noones heart was breaking.
"Dont worry Tori Ill be there." Hermione reassured her. With a nod Tori pushes one of the big doors with a deep breath.
There he was, just as they expected, acting as if everything was great as he chatted away with Ron and Krystal. Taylor and Alice were no where to be found.
"I-I dont know what to do Mione, do I act like its all okay, or just ignore him, or kick the living day lights out of him!" Tori said getting more angry for every thought ran through her head.
"As mush as I would enjoy watching you beat him to a pulp, now is not the time to do so, you heard the Proffessor, you must control your emotions or another reinacment of last night will occur.
"But I dont know what to do."
"Just ignore him for now until you two are in private, then do whatever, just-not-now."
With that said Tori nodded and walked into the room, head held high, heart hanging by a thread.
Instead of the usual seating arrangemets Tori sat the opposite of Harry, next to Hermione who sat next to Ron. Harry gave Tori a questionable look but she didnt dare look at him, I mean how could she, she might just lose it right there. Instead she averted her gaze to the lovely breakfast infront of her. After being in the office Tori desperately wanted something to eat but after being in the same room as Harry for a few seconds she lost her appetite.
Harry was about to ask why she was over there but Hermione gave him the she-is-not-in-the-mood looks, but kind of a glare as well.
Hermione knew Harry was a good person but hurting her cousin and one of her best friends wasnt his smartest decisions. She gave him a sad dissappointed look when he turned away. Tori picked at her breakfast quite disgusted with it. She then glanced down the table and saw Ginny Weasley, smiling to her friends as if she won the lottery. Tori couldnt help but glare at her, before turning back to her food sadly.
"So practice today?" Harry asked outloud hoping Tori would respond, but she didnt. Thankful for Hermione who did most of the answering.
Harry kept looking at Tori for some kind of explanition for her sudden behavior. Was it because he hasnt really hung out with her? Or maybe because she didnt attend the last practice and feels guilty? Hmm if only he knew.
Tori sat there not knowing how much more she could stand, all she wanted to do was ring his neck, beat him till he wishes that it was Voldemort that killed him.
*How could he do this to me, act like we are the perfect couple everyone sees us as?* Then she glanced around the room at all the smiling, cheerful students.
*He is lying to them also when he acts like we are perfect.That stupid git.I just want to hex him till he blows up his guts splatter all over his new love* she thought venomously.
Tori looked up and saw people all around her looking around frantic. Gusts of wind was strong within the great room, girls were holding down their skirts, some trying to protect their hair they just fixed minutes ago, guys were trying to protect their food from flying around.
Hermione grasps Tori's arm telling her to calm down, with that Tori did. Just as it appreared the wind quickly died down. Everyone looked around, asking questions, looking for an answer at the sudden burts of wind.
Tori looked up and made eye contact with a fellow Slytherin as he smirked at her. Looking down Tori decided enough of this.
"Im going to go." She said getting up to leave the room.
"But you just got here and you didnt finish...."
Tori was completely ignoring Harry as she rushed out of the room. Harry got up, Hermione trying to stop him but sadly failed. Harry ran after Tori who was surprisingly down the long hall already. Running faster he finally caught up to her as they entered into one of the deserted hallways somehwere in the dungeons.
"Tori!" he said once he noticed that she sped up. He kept calling her name getting more annoyed that she was ignoring him.
"Hey!" he said grabbing onto her wrists spinning her around. He stood there shocked to see some tears fall from her eyes. It may have been dark but he definately saw those tears.
"Whats wrong?" he asked advancing towards her, she backed away quickly.
"Just get away from me." she told him in a monotone.
"No, not until you tell me whats wrong. Why are you acting like this?"
She stared at him in disguest, shaking her head at him. She turned to walk away but he grabbed her again, making her pull away from him.
"Tori! What is going on!?" he asked loudly.
"Does this place look familiar?" she spat glaring at him. She didnt want to be there, alone with him, as he stared at her not knowing what she was talking about.
"Oh c'mon dont tell me boy wonder over here cant figure it out?!" she said angrily.
"Tori I dont underst-"
"Ginny and you!! Do you understand now!?" she yelled at him completely catching him off guard. He stared at her wide-eyed, his face going completely pale.
"What you thought I was stupid!?" she said before turning around again.
"Listen Tori im so-"
"No!" she yelled cutting him off, she couldnt take it any longer, but she was trying to control her anger.
"Dont you dare say you are sorry because you dont meant it! How dare you sit there today and act like nothing happened! How could you do that to me!?" she yelled a couple tears falling sadly down her face. Harry stood there speechless, not knowing what to do or what to say.
"You made your choice, now just get out of my life." she said before walking past him back out of the dungeons. He reached for her, but before he could touch her he flew back about ten feet, feeling a stronger gust of wind.
Shocked and stunned at what just happened, Harry sat there watching the girl he loved walk away.
*How could....I be in love with two girls?* he thought looking as Tori's body dissapeared leaving him in the dark, cold dungeouns.
After leaving Harry there Tori found one of the nearest empty rooms, closing the door. She needed to catch her breath, needed to think about what just happened and what is going to happen.
Are they still going to be friends?!
*No, of course not*
What will people think? What will her friends do? Whos side will they choose?
A few moments later she didnt care about those things, all that mattered was that he wasnt hers anymore.
"Quite a show you pulled in the Great Hall." a voice said scaring her. Turning around Tori saw a figure in the shadows.
"Enjoy it did you?" she spat glaring at the figure.
"Not as much as the one in the dungeons."
"Glad my suffering is your entertainment Malfoy."
Draco sighed before appearing from the shadows and leaning on one of the desks in the back.
"Its not as fun as before, before I would have loved to see that."
"But....we are friends now, so its different."
"Oh, we are still friends after last night?" she asked with a small unbelievable laugh.
"Well if you let little arguments like that ruin friendship then..."
"Then what, I dont deserve to be your friend? Im not in a higher class to be called a friend in your definition?"
"No.Thats not what I mean." he paused looking a bit worried?!
"Malfoy I am not in the mood right now, I just want to be by myself." she said sitting on a desk and putting her head down.
"And what kind of friend would I be if I didnt stay and talk?" he asked advancing towards her.
"A good one?" he heard her say with her head still on the desk.
"Hmm, yeah not gonna happen."
Frustrated Tori sat up and glared at the annoying little ferret in front of her.
"And what can you possibly say that will make me feel better?" she asked crossing her arms.
"Umm, that Weasley girl isnt even pretty for one."
Tori didnt say anything signaling for him to continue.
"And Potter knows that he just made the biggest mistake of his stupid pathetic life."
Tori's little glare turned into a sad one.
"I doubt it." she said before putting her head back on the desk.
"C'mon." Draco said grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the room. Shocked and confused Tori didnt have time to think and fight back.
"Umm, where are we going?" she asked basically running behind him.
"Well if you dont recognize whats around you then just shut up and wait till we get there."
"Well how can I see whats around me when we are probably running 50 miles per hour!" she said being sarcastic.
"Well then you dont have any other choice but to shut up." he said with a small smirk.
Rolling her eyes Tori let Malfoy drag her along as if she was a helpless little pup. After a while of running their surrounding started to settle in.
Finally realizing where they were headed, Tori opened her mouth.
"Umm why are we goi-"
she paused looking in front of her, as the cold wind brushed against her.
The view of the sun rising never looked so enchanted before, as the two stood at the top of the Astronomy Tower. It definately looked different then last night. It was so calm and inviting. Tori smiled staring at the little orb of light rise from behing the trees. The tower was her favorite spot to think, but she has never got up this early to see the sun rise. In fact the only times she ever came there was at night, usually before Head Girl duties.
"Well that calmed you down."
"Oh hush it Im trying to enjoy the moment." she said making him smile.
Tori continued to stare at the scene before her and yes, it was truly magical.
"I usually come here every morning before breakfast, to think." he said standing next to her.
"Good thinking, I come here mostly every night before duties, to you know....think also. I never expected to be completely different at sun rise."
"Well you have been missing out."
"Not really, have you seen it at night? Its incredible! all the stars and such."
With a nod, they stood there looking at the sun as it rose, a symbol of a new day, a new begining.
Exactly what Tori needed.
"You surprise me Mr. Malfoy." Tori said refering to what Jimmy called with with a smirk. They were walking down the stairs to get ready for their classes. Lucky thing it was friday, Tori needed to rest for hours and not have to worry about work....well kinda.
"And why do I?" he asked dusting his robe as they walked.
"Well its like you are completely different....hmm well not completely for you are still an ass on occasions." they both laughed.
"But you are different."
"I told you, im tired of the way things were between us. It isnt fun and exciting anymore."
"Hmm, you all of a sudden wanting to be my friend is still a mystery, but its better this way."
"Yeah, strange isnt it? I guess years of fighting just becomes a bore in the end."
"Well I guess we are growing up."
"I guess so."
Soon they parted at the end of the hall, both going seperate ways.