Rose of Despair

Who is Phantom

A true beauty blended
with the perfect soul.
What more to ask of thee?
If only I wasnt of secrecy.
Countless imaginations of
your smile, brighter than
the days sky.
Lighting my way through the

A week has passed and to Tori's fear, things have changed. The rest of her friends has found out about what Harry did, but noone knows the girl.

Surprisingly Draco hasnt ratted out who the little boyfriend stealer is, not that he hasnt thought about it.
Tori sat at her usual spot at the tower, reading yet another lovely poem from the secret stranger. Ever since the break up more frequent letters and flowers was sent to her, all from the same person.
Who is this guy, this Phantom?
Was he even real? Tori often thought to herself.
*why hasnt he shown himself? Maybe he doesnt want to, or maybe hes scared?*
Since everything was as hectic as last week Tori often found herself thinking of who the mystery guy could be. In the morning sitting at the breakfast table she would glance around for dark brown hair and blue eyes.
There were so many possible suspects. But who?
She wished it was more than just those two traits, his hair and eyes. Cursing herself for forgetting his voice, it felt familiar but still distant from her mind. Then again she has talked to many people so the voice was a big difficulty.
Harry has been trying to talk to her, but not once did she bother to hear what he had to say, I mean what could he say? What could be his excuse, he didnt even know, he just wanted to hear her voice again.
Hermione and Taylor are still furious at him, the others are mad but still talked to him. Tori didnt really mind, although she despised him she couldnt stand to see him lonely or sad. Now that the "Perfect Couple" is no longer together many have asked the two out on dates and such but Tori refused, she wasnt ready.
Draco has somewhat taken the place of Harry in Tori's life, no not a boyfriend, but the good friend she once had. Students often found the two chatting here and there between classes, also some have witnessed him actually having a decent conversation with Hermione and Taylor. Confusion and rumors started throughout the school.
Is Headboy and Headgirl dating?
Has Draco become soft?
Harry and Draco are fighting for Tori's heart, you know the usual.
Tori didnt care about the rumors, for they were just words. But Taylor refused all to be true to those that asked. Harry was aware and furious to find out about Draco and Tori's friendship, but there was nothing he could do.
Many Slytherins thought Tori had their leader under some kind of curse, they refused to belive that Draco is being civilized to Gryffindors of all!
Tori has been having her sessions with her uncle, now she is getting the hang of controling her powers.
The headmaster didnt really know how to get her to control it for it was a rare magic but he helped to the best of his abilities. Tori would often show off to Hermione after each of her sessions. Hermione was excited as ever everytime Tori would walk or sometimes float into the room and show her more controlled magic.
Being able to control AIR was the greatest power anyone could ever imagine. She can now make herself as well as others float in the air with the levitation spell. She can also make sudden gusts of wind appear at her command. Next week her uncle decided he should try and make her control her powers over the weather, doesnt wasnt to have another one of her storms.
In this case Tori was the new Ororoe from X-men, most of you know her as Storm! The ability to control the air element also meant to control the weather but with deep concentration!

Tucking away her letter into her robe Tori decided it was time for HeadGirl duties. Walking around doing the usual. After it was done, Tori headed back to the common room. Not once did she have to take away points that night, which was quite interesting.
Walking into the common room she froze as the door closed behind her. Harry sat there in front of the fire place, alone. Good thing he wasnt with Ginny because Tori might just have sent the two flying through the wall.
Noticing she was in the room Harry quickly stood up.
Tori stared at him or awhile which was pretty uncomfortable for him. He opened his mouth again to speak but she pushed pass him and ran to her dorm. Tori thought avoiding him was the best choice, although the hardest she has ever known. I mean he was in the same house as she was, the same quidditch team, oh and lets not forget the same group of friends!
Sitting up on her bed Tori pulled out the letter and placed it with the others in the drawer next to her. She bewitched the drawer to only let her open, not that she didnt trust her roomates but what if someone else was to come in and trash the room. Chances of that happening is low.....very low, but you can never be too sure can you? Next to the letters was her two way journal. Im sure most of you heard about this special journal. The one where two people can write to one another no matter how far away they are. You would have never guessed who gave it to her. Then again maybe you did, yep none other than thee Draco Malfoy. After duties they would usually write to one another seeing as they are night owls.
"Hey you there?"
*yeah, just got back*
"Yeah me too, so find any?"
*Yeah one, third year hufflepuff.*
"What was he doing?"
*Trying to find the kitchens*
Tori laughed at this, but made sure to make it soft for her two besty friends are sleeping.
"Did you beat him up?"
*No, I brought him to the kitchens, then followed him back to his common room.*
"Aww how sweet!"
*Oh shut up. What about you, any?*
"Nope, my side of the castle has gone good!*
*Well thats a shocker.*
Tori smirked at his sarcasticness, is that even a word?
Along the lines of their friendship Tori finally told Draco about her being a Quan, not that he didnt figure it out on his own. He was there when she had her little outbursts.
"Well im not tired, probably gonna have a broom ride before I hit the sacks."
*Fancy some company, had some sugar with the Hufflepuff and Im awake like hell.*
Laughing, Tori responded, closed the book, placed it back into the drawer and went to grab her broom.
Thinking Harry was still downstairs Tori decided to take the window. On the way out she accidentally woke Hermione up.
"Tori where are you going?"
"Just for a little broom ride, dont worry Ill be back in a bit."
With that Hermione nodded and went back to sleep. Jumping on her broom Tori headed towards the pitch, seconds later Draco was next to her. The two flew around the school a bit before going to the pitch. A few laps around the pitch the two decided to slow down a bit.
"Ahh, I havent done this since what....third year, wow thats long." Tori said a bit more to herself.
"So this is what its like outside at night, nice."
"Yeah, see Im not the only one that has been missing out."
Smiling Draco nodded in agreement.
"Wow, christmas is getting closer, almost the end of November." Draco said looking around.
"Yeah, are you staying for the holidays?"
"Not sure yet, usually I go home but frankly im tired of the formal parties, what about you?"
"Im definately staying here, hogwarts is my home, besides my mother will be gone most of the time so its going to be boring."
"Hey can I ask you something, what are your plans after Hogwarts?" Tori asked as they glided along the pitch.
Draco sighed not sure how to answer that.
"I-I dont know honestly. My father has plans for my future, but Im not even sure if im going to have a future after this war."
"You shouldnt let your father decide for you, im sure you might have heard this before or whatever, but its true. You decided to change on your own, I mean look at what your father turned you into."
"I dont really want to talk about it now."
"But we have to face reality Draco, this war IS going to happen and we can only choose one side."
"Hmm how would you feel about having a deatheater as a friend?" he asked with a small laugh, but when he turned to Tori she wasnt smiling.
"Im serious Draco, do you seriously want to be his sick little pet that does those shit because he cant do it himself, are you going to sink that low?" she whispered.
"I have been down that low before."
"Then whats the point in going back, better yet whats the point in changing if you are just going back?"
"Sometimes you cant decide for yourself."
"Yes you can!Why wouldnt you want to?"
"Im not like you Tori, life is at stake if I deny my fathers request."
"Either way your life would be at risk, I would rather fight for the right side than to risk my life every day just to satisfy his sick needs. Draco you risk your life on little missions, if you upset him your risking yourself! Aurors are going to be constantly on the look for you! Being one of them is pointless, I mean what is the point in serving him?!" Tori said getting a bit angry that he was just going to give up.
"I cant fight it."
"You could Draco, I am! Im not gonna let him take me. He wants both of us, you because he needs more servants because more are getting sent to Azkaban and me because my power! You see it doesnt matter what happens to us just as long as he gets what he wants."
Draco stared at her as her words sunk in. Draco sped up and landed at the top of the bleachers, Tori sadly following him.
"Im already risking myself just talking to you." he spat.
"Im risking myself too you know! I mean your father or my mother can kill me! So dont act like you are alone there."
"Its easy for you because your mother cares about you, enough not to plan your future or you die."
"Even if she did, I wont let her. Draco I'd rather fight than to either give in or run for the rest of my whole life."
"Tori, after this war is over.....everything is going to be different. If the dark lord wins I-I wont be able to fight forever you know."
"He aint going to win."
"So you have faith in Potter?" he said disgustedly. Sighing Tori looked in front of her.
"Harry and I wont let our personal problems interfer with this war. Doesnt matter what he did to me, he could throw me off a broom a hundred feet in the air and I would still have faith in him."
"Same with you Draco, I have faith in you no matter what side you choose. If you sadly choose their side at least I know that at one point you were good." she said with a laugh making him nod and smile.
"So you'd still have faith in me even if I have you at wand point on your knees beggin for your life?"
they both laughed.
"First of all, SinClairs dont beg and wouldnt kill me." she said smiling.
"Ha! what makes you so sure?!"
Tori didnt answer, instead she looked at the dark forest as the wind blew past. Inside both of them knew the answer to the question.
"When is this world ever going to find peace?" Tori asked kinda annoyed with the question.
"Peace? not possible.No matter what there will always good versus bad."
"Hmm when did you get so smart?"
"Im not a dumb blonde as you claim I am."
"You're not?!" tori asked acting shocked.
After a few bits of laughter the two went silent. Breaking the silence Tori asked, "Well since Christmas is coming up, Im expecting a very big gift from you."
"Ha! Why would I even think about getting you something SinClair?"
"Because im the most specialist person and you are by besty friend in the whole wide world!?" She said in a little girl voice.
"Oh whatever! Fine Im not gonna get you anything!"
"I didnt ask you too."
Her smile turned into a glare.
"Fine Malfoy dont come crying to me when you look under your tree and dont see a gift from me!"
"Dont worry SinClair, I wont." he said in the same tone, obviously annoying her more.
"You're such a prick." she said shaking her head.
"and you love me for it."
"Hmm actually..."
"Okay I was just kidding, Ill get you a stupid gift." he said giving in with a smile. Standing up and grabbing her broom.
"Im still not gonna get you anything."
With that she flew off making Draco shake his head before following her. The two raced a few laps before calling it a night and heading their seperate ways.