Rose of Despair

The Other Quans

November has past and December is here, a truly exciting month. Why? Because Christmas of course! Everyone is excited about what else, the christmas ball, set on Christmas eve. But that is still a while from now.
Hermione and Taylor stood in front of the common room door waiting for Tori who once again over slept. It was saterday and Hogsmead trip!! Well thats if Tori doesnt take forever and they get there on time. The girls decided to meet up with Alice and Krystal and they would get a headstart on shopping for their dresses. They didnt want to wait then rush and stuff, rather be prepared.
"Tori!" Taylor yelled.
"Im coming, sheesh!" Tori said running down the stairs before stumbbling a bit. Good thing she caught herself, thanks to the wall.
"Finally!" Hermione said.
"Yeah yeah, lets go." Tori said plainly.
"How about this one?" Alice said holding a dark green dress against herself.
"Naw!" all of them replied.
"We have been in this shop for about 2 hours just close our eyes and pick a dress!" Tori said for they were all quite annoyed.
Standing in front of the long clothes rack each of them closed their eyes and picked a dress.
"Okay open!" Krystal said.
"What the hell!"
"Is this even a dress?"
"Okay, maybe we shouldnt do that!" Tori said throwing the ugly orange and green thing back on the rack.
"This is suppose to be the best shop in Hogsmead!" Hermione said.
"Yeah." Alice agreed.
They all sat down tired of standing. Tori and Taylor sat on the ground while the other three sat on the couch.
"There is another shop down the street next to the deserted shack. They have amazing dresses." the cashier said.
"Umm....arent you kinda suppose to be supporting this shop?" Alice asked.
"Chh, this is only a part time job, besides the week before the dance the girls would come flying in here not caring what dress they pick out."
"Whats the name of the store?"
"Umm I believe its called Kaylees Wonder."
"Hmm I never heard of that, and I've been here since third year."
"Yeah noone really knows about it because everyone thinks that after the deserted shack theres nothing important beyond that point."
"Why doesnt the owner just move the shop over here?" Hermione asked.
"No room, plus she loves the view over there."
With that they all got up and set out to the secret shop.
"Thank you so much!" Taylor said before they exited.
"No problem!" the nice lady behind the counter said with a smile.
Rushing down the street to Kaylees Wonder the girls got some weird glances.
"Are you sure we should trust her, I mean she could be leading us into knockturn alley, or worse."
"Mione take a chill pill, wheres your sense of adventure?"
"Fine, just dont expect me to say I told you so when we are handcuffed in an underground lair."
"You have some imagination Hermione." Krystal said with a sweet smile.
"Okay before we get there...colors?"Taylor said.
"Black and white."Tori responded.
"Pink maybe." Hermione said.
"Um Ill go with a light blue." Krystal said.
"Purple for me!" Alice said loudly.
"Ill go with red then." taylor told them. The girls turned the corner and came to an abrupt halt.
"Remind me to give that lady a very nice christmas gift." Tori said in awe as they stood infront of the extravagant shop.
Without another second wasted they all flew into the shop, fits of giggles on the way in.
"Why hello there, finally someone comes to my shop! I was begining to think my creations werent good enough for your taste!" a tall slender middle aged lady said with a smile.
"Are you crazy?! these dresses are amazing!" Taylor said looking at the lady in disbelief.
"Well Im Kaylee, as you might have guessed and welcome to my shop....hmm kinda gets lame after you practice over and over again and noone ever comes."
They all laughed, each girl in seperate parts of the store.
All you could hear through out the shop was the usual "Oh my gosh!" and "Look at this one!" or the main one, "I cant decide!"
A big smile was on Kaylees face as she watched the girls fly back and forth holding her wonderful pieces.
After a while all girls stood in front of the cashier, holding their dream dress, with even bigger smiles. The best part too, the dresses werent expensive.
After paying alittle more extra than the asking price the girls shrunk their dresses so the other girls wont see them.
"I love you girls, and Im glad that you all love my crations!" Kaylee said.
"I would be honored if only you five shopped her for every occasion!"
"Of course, would you like us to tell others about your amazing dresses?!" Alice asked.
"No, I want only you five for you are my first customers and you'll be my last, I wouldnt want other girls that dont deserve these to be using them." Kaylee said.
"We are truly grateful but are you sure you wouldnt want others, I mean we know some nice girls also."
"I wouldnt want to risk it, please make sure you dont tell others about this shop."
"Of course not." Taylor said. After saying their goodbyes the girls headed back to the busy street of Hogsmead.
"Dont you think its alittle weird that she doesnt want others to know about her shop?"
"Well she did say that she doesnt want girls that doesnt deserve them to wear it."
"Yeah but.."
"No more buts Hermione, as far as I see it we are the luckiest girls on the planet!" Taylor said, soon enough Hermione was smiling holding onto her shrunken dress. Deciding that thats all they needed they all headed up to Krystals room to try on their dresses. Getting a bit worried because from all the excitment they forgot to try on the dresses and immediately bought them.
Luckily somehow the dresses all fit them perfectly.
"Now I know why that name sounds familiar! Kaylee is the witch designer that magically makes her dresses fit the person perfectly!" Alice said standing in front of the mirror.
"This is incredible!" Krystal said walking out of the bathroom in her dress. They all stodd there in their dresses staring at one another in awe. After putting back their dresses they decided to head to lunch, if they are lucky most of the students would still be at Hogsmead.
Afterwards Alice and Hermione left to the library, Krystal left with Seamus, so Tori and Taylor went to the quidditch pitch, not to practice because soon the Hufflepuffs were to practice so they just hung out on the bleachers.
"Hey wanna see something cool?"
Tori put her hands in front of her and closed her eyes, a few seconds later she opened them and looked towards the forbidden forest.Making her hands go opposite ways Tori and Taylor watched as the winds pushed the trees in the direction Tori's hands were going.
"Thats cool!" Taylor said outloud.
"Yeah its pretty interesting." Tori said before putting the trees back to its original state.
"My uncle taight me that a few nights ago."
After about an hour of chatting Taylor had to leave because she was suppose to meet Tristan for some 'tutoring'.
"Ill follow you up."
After going their seperate ways Tori headed up to her room, once again she was alone. Before she didnt mind but now she couldnt help but feel a bit lonely at times. Taylor often left to Tristan, Hermione with Ron, Krystal and Seamus, then Alice had to help with the Charms club that she joined.
Climbing onto her bed Tori reached into the drawer and pulled out her journal.
"Hey Draco you there?"
No response.
"Guess hes still at Hogsmead." she said to herself putting the journal away.
Nothing else to do but.....sleep!!
Hours later Tori woke up and looked at the clock.
"Crap!" she said getting up and running towards the Great Hall for dinner. She definately didnt want to miss it, and something told her not too, well something besides her stomach.
"Where were you?" Hermione asked once Tori sat next to her a bit out of breath.
"Fell asleep." she responded before digging in.
A few minutes later Dumbledore walks in, many didnt even notice he wasnt even there.
"I have an announcement to make, we have two new students joining us here at Hogwarts."
Everyone quickly turned their heads to the doors as in walked two new faces, a boy and a girl around Tori's age. The girl had long blonde hair that went past her shoulders, she was in fact very pretty but she had that stuck up look. The guy on the other hand had short dark brown hair and nice blue eyes. He was very handsome indeed and unlike the girl he looked like someone you can actually get along with.
"These two are Mary Ctrtez and Tom Kalvic . Mary comes from Spain and Tom over here is from the United States. They will be staying here for the remainder of the year, so please treat them with the up most respect that you would want in return."
The headmaster then placed a stool in the middle signaling for Mary to sit. He then placed the sorting hat on her head and she look at him like he was crazy, placing such a horrid thing on her head.Once it spoke she jumped a bit making a few laugh, she then glared at them.
"We all know what house she'll be in." Taylor said outloud.
"Slytherin!" the hat finally yelled. Taking the hat off Mary stood up.
"Okay what the hell is this thing talking about?" she asked throwing it to the ground, making a few gasp.
"The school is divided in four, and the hat has placed you in Slytherin which is the house over here." He said pointing to the table to the far right.
"Why did the hat place me, couldnt do it yourself?" she asked folding her arms. Tori glared at the girl watching her speak the way she is to her uncle.
"My dear the hat was made for sorting people into the respected houses." Proffessor Dumbledore said with a smile.
"What kind of crap is that?!" Mary spat glaring at the headmaster.
"Just sit the fuck down already!" Tori yelled causing them to look her way. Proffessor Mcgonagal placed her head down and shook it, a usual thing she did when typical Tori did something. Mary glared at Tori before walking towards the Slytherin table.
Many Gryffindors acknowledge Tori's little scene, also many Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs who were equally annoyed at the new girl. Then the Tom guy sat on the stool after he picked up the hat and gave it to the Headmaster to put onto his head.
The Gryffindors cheered and Tom went to the table filled with cheerful people. He looked for an open seat, many girls were pushing their guy friends out of the way.
Tom decided to sit towards the end of the table with people around his age, which of course was Taylor and the rest.
"Im Tom." he said sitting next to Taylor,across from Hermione, diagonal of Tori.
They did the usual greeting before turning back to their plates.
Tori gave a apologetic look towards her uncle who was still smiling, he gave her a small nod before making the stool and hat disppear.
"You look familiar, have we met before?" Tom asked Tori catching her by suprise.
"Um, I dont think so, ever been here before?"
"No, this is my first time actually."
"Well then Welcome to the country!" Taylor said with a laugh.

After dinner everyone headed their ways, Dumbledore stopped Draco, Tori and the new students.
"Mary, Tom these two are Head boy and Head girl, if anything feel free to ask them."
Then he turned to Draco and Tori.
"If you can, take them on your duties tonight and give them a tour of the school. Miss SinClair it appears that Mr. Kalvic has the same classes as you, so Im sure you'll show him your classes, and Mr.Malfoy, Miss. Cortez has her schedual, so please show her classes. Also feel free to explain a bit about the school and upcoming events and such."
Draco and Tori nodded, then the Headmaster left.
Draco and Tori discussed some Head duties with one another.
"Next time I suggest you keep your mouth shut." Mary said interrupting them.
"Excuse me?" Tori asked.
"You heard me, believe me you dont want to mess with me."
"Oh really?" Tori said walking up to her, Draco had to yank her back.
"You know what new girl im going to let you get away with that, next time back mouth me and see what happens."
"Is that a threat?!"
"Uhh what does it sound like?" Tori said sarcastically.
"You have no idea who you are dealing with, so if you want to have your body parts together then I suggest you stay on my good side."
"That was lame, you know that." Tori said not caring what she said.
"Tori calm down." Draco said pulling Tori away.
"Yeah listen to your boyfriend, well soon to be ex." Mary said smirking at Draco making him raise his eyebrow.
"First of all he is not my boyfriend and second of all you should be lucky he pulled me away." Tori said before walking past her.
"Welcome to Hogwarts." she said
and headed out making Tom follow.
"You are pretty brave talking to her the way you did." Tom said as they turned the corner.
"Well the hat didnt put me into Gryffindor for nothing." she responded.
"Oh, Im sorry, im not always a bitch its just when you disrespect someone I care for you are going to have to deal with me." Tori warned.
"Note to self." he said making her laugh.
"Okay, well our tour."
After duties were over they headed to the common room, Tori filled Tom in on everything, the teachers who are boring, Hogsmead, the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin, the upcoming dance, all those.
"Wow, Hogwarts is definately different than back home." Tom said.
Tom looked at her weird.
"Oh thats the password, you must remember it if you wish to enter, believe me you dont want to forget." Tori then walked in, Tom following behind her holding a confused expression as he tried to pernounce the password.
"Well boys dormitory is to the right, just go up the stairs and you'll go down the hall, look for your name on one of the doors, and thats your room."
"Oh ok, but it is okay if I stay up a bit, not really ready for bed."
"No problem I was going to stay down her anyways." Tori said sitting on the couch, Tom deciding to sit on one of the chairs.
"So Tom, other than being 17 and from the United Stated, what else is there to know about you, and why all of a sudden are you here at Hogwarts."
"Well back home I play keeper for my quidditch team, I lived with my father before I came here, and the reason I came here was because Proffessor Dum-bul...uhh the Headmaster came and talked to my father, now I am here."
"Hmm interesting why would the Headmaster all of a sudden take you away from home?"
"Well you see, we kinda needed to be here, for our safety also."
"Well you are aware of the war with he-who-must-not-be-named and the rest of the wizarding world?"
"Well im kinda here because of that, you see both Mary and I are umm.....Quans?"
Tori then stared at him eyes wide open.
"You..You are a Quan?"
"Yeah, you actually know what that is?"
Tori paused not sure if she should reveal who she is also, for she barely knows the guy. But he trusted her enough to tell her so its fair.
"Im a Quan also." she said still staring at him.
"But-but how can that be? I know only of two Quans, which are Mary and I!"
Tori lifted up her shirt revealing the rose.
"Whoa." he said before unbottoning his shirt showing his chest, revealing a flower about the same size as Tori's, but it wasnt a rose.
"What is that?"
"Its an Asher."
"Thats is weird! Three Quans!"
"Wait did you see Mary's mark?"
"Yeah, on the way here she showed it to me, its on her arm, her right arm to be exact."
"Ahh no wonder why she acts the way she does, because she is a Quan and she thinks that she is more powerful than everyone else."
"Yeah, quite annoying on the way here."
"Hey Tom do me a favor and dont tell her that I am one of you two, I want to surprise her myself."
"No problem, oh yeah what kind of Quan are you?"
"Um, A Quan of Air."
Tom looked at her like her face was suddenly crooked or something.
"No way! Of Air?! But that has never been recorded yet, Never! You are definately a rare one!"
"Umm yeah, but what are you....and Mary."
"Oh I am a Quan of Water, and Mary is a Quan of Earth."
"Water eh? Impressive." Tori said with a smirk.
"Yeah, you like?" he said playing along.
"Oh its such a turn on!"
Soon they were both laughing like hell.
"Well its truly an honor to meet another Quan, of Air especially, its quite strange though, I mean three Quans suddenly appear and last recordings of them were ages ago."
"I guess this war is going to decide the fate of the world." Tori responded.
"Tori, do you think that there is another Quan out there, a Quan of fire?"
"Um I seriously dont know, there might be I mean if Air never existed before why not a fire Quan."
"Right, well Im going to hit the sacks, Ill see you tomorrow?"
"sure thing Mr.Kalvic." Tori said then.
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