Rose of Despair

Truely Amazing

Tori walked up to her dorm a few minutes after Tom left.
*hey loser!*
Tori shook her head at the journal when she opened it.
"What idiot?"
*Took you long enough, what were you doing snogging the new guy?*
"Oh how did you know."
Draco didnt respond.
"Draco im joking."
"So yeah bet you had fun with that stupid bitch."
*I thought about it, but decided against it*
"Aww what happened?*
*She seemed clingy.*
"And Draco doesnt like clingy? wow!"
*Naw, never really did.*
*you're pathetic SinClair*
"Wow even when you write you refere to me by my last name!"
"Ha! I got you!"
*Anyways know why they all of a sudden came to Hogwarts?*
"Didnt you ask Virgin Mary?"
*Hmm thats pretty funny, but no I didnt, doubt she was paying attention to what I was saying, just kept gawking at me.*
"Now now, dont be cocky."
*Im not! and she was!*
*Hey im bored.*
"Sound the trumpits"
*Funny, but lets do something.*
*I dont know...something!*
"Good description there."
*Shut up, meet me at the intersection of our houses.*
"But im lazy right now."
Draco didnt respond.
"That ass!" Tori mumbled to herself. Jumping out of bed Tori headed for the door.
"Tori? Oh, where are you going now?" Hermione asked.
"Umm a walk?"
"Mind if I join?"
"Not at all."
Hermione got up and grabbed her cloak.
Tori and Hermione walked to the intersection.
"Uhh what are we doing?" Hermione asked noticing Tori looking at the opposite hall.
"An idiot."
"Who are you calling an idiot?"
Hermione looked at the hall Tori was looking at as Draco appeared from the shadows.
"Good to see you too Granger."
"Yeah she wanted to tag along." Tori said noticing Draco's confused expression as to why Hermione was there.
"Well shes not the only one." Draco said turning back down the hall he came from, soon enough another body emerged from the shadows.
"Finally Blaise."
"Sorry mate, couldnt find my shoe."
"So anyways what did you have in mind to cure us from boredom?" Tori asked Draco.
"Uhh its kinda dealing with wands, brooms and a thick coat."
"Im even clueless as to what he is talking about." Hermione said.
"Just follow me." Draco told them before walking ahead.
"Aye Capitan!" Tori said before saluting, making Hermione laugh. Draco and Blaise rolled their eyes before continueing.
"I swear these guys have no sense of humor!" Tori told Hermione who nodded in agreement.
"I heard that SinClair."
They followed Draco out of the castle and into the freezing cold winds.
"If you plan on killing us with Hypothermia then you are on your way to succeeding." Tori said through shivers as she embraced herself. Hermione rolled her eyes also gripping onto her coat which sadly wasnt think enough.
Draco shook his head before swishing his wand to the two.
"Yeah, still freezing." Tori said.
Soon enough both girls were knocked down to the ground as something crashed into them from behind.
"Ahh warmness." Tori said laying on the ground while hugging the thick fur coat. While Hermione on the other hand was having trouble getting the heavy coat off of her.
"Draco, you jerk you could have warned us." Hermione said finally standing up and throwing the coat on.
"Yeah but oh well." He said turning to a smirking Blaise.
"Girls." they said at the same time looking towards the forest.
"Conjure your brooms." Blaise told the girls.
"Uhh I dont fly."
"Thats why we have brooms Granger."
"Thats not what I meant Malfoy, I meant that me and brooms dont get along."
"Then ride with me." Blaise said scooting up on his broom.
"Wait! we cant leave the campus, we'll get in trouble!"
"Stop being such a goodie thingy, whatever you girls say, and just take a risk."
"Blaise I have taken risks before."
"Then this shouldnt be a problem."
Hermione looked at him still deciding if she should go.
"Crap! I forgot to take the lock off of the closet." Tori said making the three turn to her. She stood behind them waving her wand like a maniac.
"Ill be right back." she said about to run to fetch her broom.
"Oh no you dont, we have a schedule to keep." Draco said yanking Tori back, making her stumble.
"But I..."
"Hop on."
"No way."
"Just get on."
"Hell no you might do a flip and make me fall a hundred feet in the air!"
"Tori just get on." Hermione said as she stood behind Blaise.
"Fine!...Just get on blah blah blah!" Tori said mimicking them before climbing onto the back of Draco's broom.
"Drop me Malfoy and Ill kill you."
"First of all how can you kill me when you are going to plummet into the dirt?"
"Ill rise from the dead and kill you in your sleep."
"Hmm, seems fair enough." he said before kicking off, Blaise following afterwards.
"Where are we going?" Tori asked gripping onto Draco's shoulder.
"Must you always know, for once just sit back and shut up."
Draco said making Tori glare at him.
"You best wipe that smirk off Malfoy." Tori said in his ear which sent shivers down his spine.
"We'll be there in about another thirty minutes."
"But we have been flying for hours!"
"Its only been fifteen minutes."
"Feels like hours."
They soon landed in a dark secluded area.
"Wow, umm nice?" Tori said not sure what to say.
"This is not where we are going, just where we are landing."
After hiding their brooms and think coats the girls followed Draco and Blaise who obviously took charge. The girls stayed behind a bit to chat and the guys wont hear.
"I wonder where we are going."
"I bet to a slaughter house!"
"Tori! thats not funny!"
"Mione Im just joking, calm down."
"If we get caught.."
"We arent going to get caught okay, you are with the Head Boy and Head Girl here! They wouldnt punish us!"
"Just ban you from your position."
"Touche." Tori said making Hermione glare at her.
"Dont worry okay, just follow these dimwits and see what Slytherins do to cure boredom."
"You know we can hear to SinClair." Blaise said turning around and walking backwards.
"Oh shut up!"
"Okay we are here." Draco said interrupting them.
"A farm? and I thought the secluded area was bad."
"Not that stupid, that!"
Draco said grabbing Tori's head and turning it to the left.
Down the street from the farm was an amusment park, ferris wheels and everything.
"Wait this doesnt make sense, Slytherins......AMUSEment parks? Muggles?!"Hermione said looking at them confused.
"Now whos being stereotype?" Blaise asked.
"Its stereotypical moron."
"Uhh, wheres Tori?" Draco asked interrupting them. They looked around for about three seconds before spotting her running down the street to the park.
"That girl." Draco murmured before running after her.
Hermione and Blaise stood there before it finally sank in, and ran after.
"Damn your fast." Draco said catching up to Tori who just stared at the lights and rides in awe.
"Ever been to an amusement park before?" he asked noticong the big smile on her face.
"Nope, never, this place is amazing!"
Soon Tori grabbed Draco's hand and dragged him to one of the hundred things to do.
"Slow down, we have to pay you know." Draco said laughing, yet laughing!!
"Okay." she said taking out her galleons.
"News flash...muggles, and im not letting you pay."
"Aww is Malfoy actually being a gentleman?" Tori asked looking shocked.
"Well, seeing as you cant exactly pay with wizarding money I have no other choice."
"Well then pay up Mister because we are going on every ride here!.....Well except that one." she said pointing to the tea cups.
"That looks weird."
Moments later the four went on most of the rides, the guys were getting tired while the girl....uhh werent!
"Okay now lets go on that one!" Tori said looking right.
"No, that one!" Hermione pointed to the left.
The guys stood there as the girls couldnt decide what to do.
"But that one goes way up!"
"Im afraid of heights! Ask Blaise!"
"Yeah she was practically about to cut off my circulation."
"But that looks so much fun." Tori said pointing at the ferris wheel as she watched people scream as it went around.
"No way that one looks so much better!"
Soon the girls were pulled apart going in opposite directions.
Blaise had taken Hermione to the tea cups while Draco pulled Tori to the ferris wheel(clearly I dont know any other rides!)
"Now its settled." Draco said as they stood in line.
Soon enough, to Tori's delight they were hoping on to the ride. The guy made sure that everything was secured before making them go up one, taking the people below them off the ride. It continued three more times before a new set of people were on the ride.
Tori yelled along with the other people as the ride went faster.
"C'mon Draco yell!" she said looking at him while putting her hands in the air. Soon Tori heard louder screams, turning their way her eyes went open.
"How did I miss that?" she said staring at it.
Draco looked at her confused before looking at what she is talking about.
"Oh no! We are not going on that!"
"Oh yes we are!"
"Hell no thats suicide!"
"Looks fun!"
Going around a few more time they got off the ferris wheel, Tori grabbing Draco and running.
"Tori there is no way you are letting me go on that thing!" Draco yelled staring up at the rollarcoaster as it flew fast high above the ground.
"Scared are ya?" she asked as they waited in line.
Draco looked up again at the ride before glaring at the girl in front of him who was trying to look innocent.
"Ahh, c'mon it'll be fun, after this we can head back." she said smiling from ear to ear.
Obviously she was pretty excited about the rides, and a bit crazy!

"Hey guys!" Hermione said as they met up in front of the childrens rides.
"Uhh you okay mate?" Blaise asked patting Draco's back who look like he was about to hurl.
"You took him on the rollarcoaster didnt you."
Hermione asked with a smirk.
"Guilty." Tori said giving a sad look at Draco.
After a while they were all ready to go. Flying back was a bit harder because it was alot colder,they were all shiverring, reguardless of the thick jackets.
"Cant you make the air warmer or something?" Draco asked as they flew.
"No, Im not trained to make air warm." she responded hiding her head in the coat, trying to conserve as much body heat as she could between the two of them.
Glancing over Draco saw that Hermione and Blaise werent having a blast either.
Finally landing at the school the girls said a quick good bye before running up to the common room, most likely going to fight for the spot in front of the fire place.
Blaise and Draco smirked as the shivering girls ran out of view before walking to their common room.
"Pretty fun tonight." Blaise said as they turned the corner.
"Yeah, spent all my muggle money though."
"yeah me too."
Blaise laughed at his friend as Draco smirked.
"But it was worth it." Blaise said, Draco agreeing.
Reaching into his pocket to make sure his wand didnt fall from the rides, Draco felt something unfamiliar. Looking confused as he felt it.
Dracos confused expression turned into what looked to be a happy one.
He looked at the galleon resting on his palm. Reaching back into his pocket he felt a few more pieces.
Blaise also pulled out a few pieces of galleons also, before looking at his friend.
"Girls." he said at the same time smiling before putting the money back into their pockets.