Rose of Despair

Virgin Mary

Hey Tori wait up!"
Tori turned and saw Tom running to catch up.
"I almost got lost back there. I was about to ask a Ravenclaw for directions." he said pantting when he reached her.
"The school isnt that big.....nvm its pretty big."
"Yeah, it felt like this hallway is the length of a football field."
"A footwhat?!"
"A footba- oh yeah you dont know, like the quidditch pitch."
"Oh, not really, dont worry you'll get the hang of it."
"Hope so, so anyways breakfast?" he asked signaling to the Great Hall.
"Yeah, lets go before Ron eats all of it."
"Ron? The redhead?"
Tori laughed before dragging him.
They walked all the way there, Tori holding his hand because she was dragging him, which wasnt a good thing.
Students started giving them the noisy looks as they passed by, which Tori eventually caught on, but by the time she noticed they were in the Great Hall.
The good thing was that not many people were awake at the time, the bad thing, well a certain someone saw. Tori looked away from Harry as he stared at the two concerned.
After eating Tori decided to head back to the common room, not in the mood for anything.
"Tori are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah why?"
"Well you want to sit in the common room, on a saterday."
"Mione im fine, just lazy to do anything else."
"Great Tori now all of a sudden I feel lazy."
Hermione decided to join Tori in the common room, probably because the girls were tired from last nights events.
"Well if it isnt Head Bitch of Hogwarts." a voice said out of nowhere. Tori turned around to find Mary and a few other Slytherins behind Tori and her.
Groaning in annoyance Tori looked at her saying, "Yeah yeah that hurt im gonna cry now....well bye!"
Tori grabbed Hermione to walk away, too bad it wasnt fast enough.
"Dont be sarcastic with me!" Mary yelled before pulling Tori back by the hair.
"What the hell, look im kinda lazy right now, can I please kick your ass another time?" Tori said actually meaning it while sulking.
Mary looked at her like she was insane.
"So you think you can kick my ass eh? Keep dreaming."
"Okay are we done here, the couch is calling me." Tori said turning around rolling her eyes.
"Im not done with you!" Mary said pushing Tori forward, which made her fall to the ground, seeing as she was tired and really not in the mood.
Getting frustrated Tori stood up and faced a sneering Mary. Hermione tried to pull her cousin away but sadly it didnt work.
"Touch me one more time Cortez and it would be the last thing you do." Tori said in a monotone.
"Tori, whats going on?"
Tori turned to find Taylor looking at them confused.
"Are you bothering my friend new girl?" Taylor asked walking up to Mary. Hermione as this point was trying to pull both girls away before a teacher comes.
"This is between me and her so mind your business." Mary spat. Taylor looked at Tori and gave her the oh-hell-no-she-did-not-just-say-that-to-me look. Surprisingly the Slytherin girls were trying to convince Mary that now isnt exactly a good time to start something, but being who she is ignored them.
"Listen, you dont come to our school and act like you all of a sudden own the place."Taylor said.
"Mary, who are you...oh its them." Casey said from behind the Slytherin girls. Her and Pansy walked up to join Mary's side.
"Oh here we go." Tori said irritated.
"Say something SinClair?" Pansy asked glaring.
"Yeah I said your moms a hoe."
Pansy's expression completely changed, making her more angry.
"Dont you dare say anything about my mother if there is anyone that is a hoe its your mo-"
"You best not finish that sentence." Tori said walking up to Pansy and grabbing her by the collar.
"Why dont we take this outside?" Mary said interrupting with a smirk.
Tori looked at her like she wanted to rip her face off, she knew exactly why Mary wanted to go outside. Because her power is out there, seeing as she controls the Earth element.
"Why? inside isnt good enough, you see we arent picky as to where we fight."Taylor said with a smirk.
"Then you'll meet us outside if you arent picky."
"You know what im really tired right now so listening to you is just annoying me more. Can we schedule this some other time?Go ahead and say that we punked out or whatever, make your ego bigger! Because after im done resting ill just deflate it." Tori asked sounding like a little kid whining for candy making Hermione smirk.
"No just tired." said responded truthfully.
"I say other wise."
"Look Mary why dont you take your little lambs over here and shove off!" Tori said signaling to Casey and Pansy.
"I take it that you are scared of me, and that you are all talk! Hmm such a sad thing." Mary said pretending to look sad.
Hermione, Taylor and Tori looked at her like what the fuck is she saying!
"Hmm, maybe you should listen to your mudblood friend over there." Mary said with a smile looking at Hermione. Tori walked up to Mary but Taylor pulled her back.
Looking stunned that Taylor did that, Taylor signaled to look at Mary, who was on the ground holding her cheek.
"Dont you ever call me that again!" Hermione said standing above Mary.
Tori and Taylor stared at her jaw-dropped.
"Hell yeah Mione!" Tori said with a big smile. Hermione looked at her her glare changing into a smile.
"How dare you put your filthy hands on me!" Mary shrieked standing up with the help of her friends or scared followers, which ever you prefer.
"Dont even think about hitting her." Taylor said stepping up, Tori following.
Mary looked angrily at them, one by one.
"You'll pay for this, just wait all three will pay!"
Mary yelled before storming off, pushing whoever out of the way.
All of a sudden Mary stopped walking away and screamed loudly. Looking down she noticed she didnt have any clothes on besides a panty and bra, her panty read 'Virgin Mary' across it. Turning around Mary saw Tori and Taylor with their wands pointed at her.
"Ill get you for this!" she yelled before storming off again, trying to hide her body with one of the slytherins cloaks, the weird thing was that the Slytherin was still using her cloak.
"Yeah like I havent heard that before!" Tori said putting her wand away.
"You guys what if she tells we could get suspended!" Hermione said looking at the ground frantic.
"ha! this slut wont say a thing."Taylor said.
"She should see it as a welcome gift from us." Tori said smiling.
"You girls are seriously crazy!" Hermione said laughing.
"I agree with that." someone said behind them.
"You're one to talk Malfoy." Taylor said smirking, There stood Draco, Blaise, and Tristan all holding smirks of their own.
"So how much did you see?" Hermione asked looking worried.
"Oh we saw the whole thing! Very impressive."Tristan said looking at the girls.
"Yeah we love to stay and chat but im still tired, so we'll see you boys later." Tori said before pulling both Taylor and Hermione's hand. The guys stood there arms folded watching them walk away.
"Is it me or is Malfoy all of a sudden always around?" Taylor asked as they walked up the stairs.
"he has always been, I swear there is probably ten of him walking around the school." Hermione said.
"Ten Draco's?? thats a scary sight." Tori said.
Laughing they finally reached the common room.
"Ahh perfect!" Tori said snuggling up in her bed. Hermione and Taylor stood in front of her bed staring down at her.
Suddenly they jumped on Tori completely surprising her, after playing around a bit the girls fell asleep, but not in their own beds.Somehow Hermione ended up on the couch, Taylor on the floor and Tori on Taylor's bed.
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Im sorry but I posted the wrong chapter! This is originally chapter 36, the one you all read was chapter 37! sorry for the mistake, but here is the real chapter!