Rose of Despair

Another poem

Tori sat up, back against the wall while doing on of Snapes homeworks.
"Still not finished?"
Draco asked next to her.
"Almost done." she replied scribbling something before crossing it out.
"What about you?"
"I finished my half of the homework during lunch. Had nothing else to do."
"Well hopefully Ill finish this before our duties, which is in less than an hour.
"Well hurry up, im bored."
"Hey if you insist on making me hurry up why dont you do it."
"Uhh no thanks."
"Thats what I thought." she said writing something before once again scribbling it out, groaning in annoyance.
"Something weird haas happened."
"Weird things happen every dau Draco, its life."
"Stop being such an ass, I meant that Blaise has been acting different lately."
"Must be a late bloomer."
"Thats not what im talking about!" Draco said smirking.
"There!" Tori said before throwing the feather down.
"Im done!"
Draco glanced down at her work which looked like chicken scratch but still she was done and thats all that mattered. Good thing Snape didnt care about neatness, because if he did Tori would go insane.
"Ahh and we still have time to talk about Blaise reaching puberty!" Tori said looking at her watch.
"You are so difficult sometimes you know that."
"Yeah well you aint a bunch of roses yourself!" she retorted.
Suddenly they both heard something, looking up Tori spotted what she has grown to know, the dark brown owl. In her view it was HIS messenger.
The owl glided down before landing on her legs. Tori quickly took the letter and placed it in her cloak before Draco asked anything.
"Who is that from?" he asked.
"Umm a friend." she responded before watching the bird fly off.
"Their name?"
"Uhh...I dont know."
"Then that isnt a friend."
Tori looked at him.
"Well this is non of your business." she said tapping on her robe where the letter was placed.
"oh come on just read it, not like we got something else to do!" he said acting like a five year old being refused candy.
"Ahh so its not Blaise that is reaching puberty!"
"Oh shut up and read the darn letter."
"No can do, personal information."
"A love letter is not personal information."
"And how would you know if its a love letter?"
"Because if it wasnt I know you'd have read it already."
"Its not a love letter!" she said pulling out the letter and reading it.
"Dear Miss SinClair we are please to inform you that you have tested negative to have umm Gab-olic-ousis that uhh its safe to live?"
"Nice try." he said before snatching the letter away before she noticed. Looking down at her hands Tori saw the letter was no longer in her hand, only to find it in Draco's whos eyes were scanning it.
"Hey!" she said reaching for it, sadly it didnt work.
"Give me that!"
"Aww this is so sweet!"
"Yeah yeah tell the world now let me have it!" she said jumping on him desperately trying.
"Fine here." he said giving it to her.
"You read it all didnt you?"
"Every word!"
"Loser." she mumbled before turning around and reading. Draco walked around her.
"What are you doing?"
she asked no looking up from the letter.
"I want to see the expression on your face when you finish reading this thing!" Tori glared up at him.
"Not the expression I had in mind."
"Oh shut up!" turning back to the letter. Draco caught a glimps of a small smile the crept on her lips.
When she finished she had a bigger one than before.
"So who is this Phantom guy, which by the way is a lame name."
"Draco is a lame name and I dont know, but...I like his poetry." she said a teeny tiny wittle blush showed on her cheeks.
"How can you be certain that this person is real?"
"Well I doubt the owl that brings me the letters write it!"
"You never know!"
"Oh hush up, c'mon time for duties!" Tori said walking down the stairs from the tower leaving a smirking Draco to follow.
Two and a half weeks passed, everyone all excited about the upcoming dance also known as the Winter Ball.
The best dance of the year, just the feeling it brings out is enough to make Voldemort smile.....then again maybe not.
The dance is two days away and people that didnt have dates were getting nervous, one of them being Tori.
The girls were back in Krystals room gawking at their dresses.

"Hey Tori can I talk to you?"
Tori turned to find Tom behind her on her way to Transfiguration.
"Yeah sure wassup?"
"Umm you have a date for the dance?"
"Uhh no, im officially a loser!"
Tom laughed before shaking his head.
"No, probably all those guys are scared to ask seeing as you will tell them no straight out."
"Well remind me next time to be alot nicer so I wont wait this long."
"Well wanna go with me?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I recently posted this as chapter 36, but this is originally chapter 37, please read chapter 36 again...sorry!