Rose of Despair

Too much for Tori

"You are going with Tom?!" Taylor shrieked with happiness while jumping up and down on her bed.
"Yeah so?" Tori said looking up from her quidditch magazine.
"So?! You are going with one of the most hottest guys at this school you know that right!?" Hermione said as she jumped on her own bed.
"Watch out, dont let Ron catch you saying that."
"Ha! Ronald has been paying attention more to Harry then me!"
Tori then looked sadly at her friend.
"Mione im sorry that my problem is bothering you, I didnt..."
"No Tori its not your fault. Ron is my problem so dont feel bad about any of it."
"Hermione is right Tori, Ron is Harrys best mate so its understandable that hes always with him."
"Yeah but I didnt expect him to ditch Mione!"
"He didnt ditch me, actually I kinda like the freedom from him, I mean yeah I still care for him alot but lately oh I dont know what im talking about!" Hermione said throwing her hands in the air.
"Oh I think you do."Taylor said with a smirk.
"So what about you, I keep asking whats the deal with Tristan and all you keep saying is we are friends. Im not that stupid!" Tori said turning attention to her friend who stopped jumping.
"Oh I dont know whats going on, hes really nice and stuff but it doesnt make any sense! All of a sudden he wants to 'get to know me better' and I dont know what to think."
"Well its obvious that he likes you."
"Gee Hermione ya think!"
Taylor said smiling.
"But I dont know if I want to be in a relationship right now. Hermione dont listen to me but being single means freedom and I dont want to constantly worry about what hes doing or who he is with!"
"Ahh, but that is the consequenses of being in a relationship!"
Taylor then smiled a bit brighter then before.
"But I cant help it when he acts so sweet and constantly say this that..."
"That just makes you melt?"
"Aww is our wittle Taylor falling for my favorite Slytherin?"
"Mione! No Tristan, hello!"
Tori looked shock at what Hermione blurted out, even Hermione herself looked shocked.
"I have no idea where that came from." Hermione said defending herself.
"No worries, I guess people would think that since we started hanging out. Its weird many Slytherins at first thought that I changed the Heart of the House or whatever they call him now a days, but now they dont even care."
"He sure has changed hasnt he."
"I guess."
"So anyways enough about Malfoy hows Krystal and Seamus doing?"
"They are strong and in love!" responded Taylor before walking into the bathroom.
"Aww everyone is growing up, soon enough we'll all be out there in the real world. We might not even see our other friends for a while. I doubt Hogwarts does ten year reunions?"
Hermione shook her head.
"Hmm, well then we must make the best of this year!"
"I agree!" Taylor yelled from the bathroom making her friends laugh.
"So um hows training going with your uncle?"
"He said im learning fast go I guess it going pretty good. I have learned so much, air is not just an element but apart of me and when im able to control my powers it feels incredible!"
The girls heard the toilet flush, Taylor soon walking out, hands washed.
"Can we not talk about that right now, every time I think about your powers I think of that slut Mary."
"Why would my powers remind you of her?"
"Well its obvious that shes another Quan, I mean the whole transfering in the middle of the year and plus she is getting lessons from your uncle as well."
"What?!" Both Hermione and Tori yelled.
"You didnt know? He is helping both Tom and that idiot with thier powers because like you they had no idea about their incredible existance."
"Taylor how do you know all this?"
"Oh because i had to run an errand for Proffesor Sprout after class and both of them were in his office."
"I cant believe my uncle didnt mention that to me, he didnt even tell me about having the other two Quans here! Tom had to tell me!"
"Well im sure he has a good explanation." Hermione said reassuring Tori who nodded.
"So is everyone ready for the ball?"
"Oh no Taylor you are not making us go through that crap again! That was torture, I skipped lunch and barely had a decent breakfast!"
"Dont worry im not going to do that again, although it did help!"
"Yeah I have to go do duties now, the Ravenclaw prefects should be done by now."
Soon Tori was out the door.
On the way there she ran into someone. Looking for a way out, Tori looked down in dissapointment.
Tori tried to ignore him by walking past, still keeping her eyes on the ground.
"Tori." he called again walking next to her."
"What Harry?"
"Um bad time to talk?"
"Yeah actually I have to patrol."
"Mind if I join?"
"Oh come on Tori, cant you talk to me?"
"I could talk to you but I dont want to! I thought I made it clear to stay out of my life!"
"What did you expect me to do? I still care for her, I couldnt lie to myself anymore!"
"So you decided to lie to me?!"
"No! I didnt mean to, I-she."
"Harry I dont want to hear anything you have to say."
"Stop being stubborn and just listen!"
"Why?! You dont even know what your point is, all you keep doing is stuttering!"
"Because I cant think when im looking at you!"
"Then look somewhere else!"
"I cant."
Tori glared at him before continuing on her way.
"Let me go." she whispered but Harry didnt move.
"What do you want, isnt it bad enough that you hurt me in the worst way possible!? I mean I feel like shit because of you! Losing someone to another girl makes me feel like I wasnt good enough for you to hold onto, no matter whatever feelings you have for her!"
"I dont know what to do, I still care for her but I cant stop caring about you too."
"Oh dont feed me that crap Potter! I heard enough lies so just continue on with your little happy life pretending like I dont exist!"
"I cant love a ghost."
"Then get over it! Leave me alone and take all your confusion about your feelings with you!"
She yelled walking away faster.
"Tori!" he said grabbing her hand once again.
"Leave her alone Scarhead."
Both Tori and Harry turned around to find Malfoy standing there looking as if hes ready to kill.
"This isnt any of your business."
"I said leave her alone." he repeated.
"Draco I can handle this." Tori said yanking her hand free from Harry's grasp.
"One more time you touch me, Ill make sure that you wont live to kill Voldemort." she spat before walking away leaving Harry and Malfoy to glare at eachother.
"Just give up Potter, she doesnt care for you anymore."
"What does it matter to you anyways, last I checked you two are enemies."
"Then you need an update."
"Leave Tori alone."
"Why? Is it because she actually prefers me over you?"
"She isnt at the right state right now, just watch she'll me mine once again."
"You see, I wouldnt be here if only you didnt screw up in the first place. But deal with the consequenses Potter, she has moved on and doesnt want anything to do with you. Lets see it as, your loss is my gain!"
"Dont you dare Malfoy! Tori is mine!"
"You dont own her Potter, news flash she is a big girl and can decide for herself, so she has made it clear on what she decided."
"I guess she has gone low enough to befriend you!" Harry spat.
"Well it is you who has gone so low as to lose one of the best girls in the world, over some filth."
"You make it sound like you actually care for her Malfoy which we both know isnt possible."
"Anything is possible Potter."
"Well I still have Ginny, who do you have, it isnt Tori thats for sure!"
"What makes you say that? Because unlike you I have Tori and Ill always be there for her."
"Im not talking friend wise, I mean relationship. Tori isnt one of the whores you are use to!"
"Your point Potter?"
"My point is that all you'll ever be to her is a friend, nothing more."
"Who said anything about me wanting to be more than friends with her?"
"Oh well I heard that you were going to ask her to the Winter Ball..."
"As a friend."
"Well then you wont be upset because its just a friend thing."
"What are you getting at?"
"Shes is going with someone else.Someone better than you!"