Rose of Despair

Their last Winter Ball

"Aww this is so sweet!" Hermione said while reading the new poem that Tori recieved, along with that came a red rose.
"Well not really, I feel bad because its basically talking about how he found out that I am going to the ball with someone else. Look right there ' Change of thought, choosing another. Yet all I am, is left to wonder' I think he is talking about how he changes his mind about revealing himself."
"Oh my goodness, I just thought, what if its Tom, I mean dark brown eye, I mean it fits!"
"Thats what I thought but Tom came after the Halloween dance remember?"
"Oh yeah, so its clearly not him. Plus if it was him why would he be upset if he was going with you anyways?"
"Exactly....I give up! This phantom guy doesnt exist I mean the constant poems and roses, yet he still hasnt shown himself! A girl can get impatient ya know!"
Laughing Hermione said, "Tori the guy does exist, just shy i guess."
"But he is talking forever!! I cant keep getting these butterflies in my stomach if he is not going to show himself!"
"What? I cant help it if his poems are so enchanting....oh and his eyes, Ive only seen then twice and I can still remember the mystery behind it. Plus a girl has to gush when a guy sends her roses!"
"This guy just might actually be a ghost because I have looked around and only came up with a list of seventh year guys with blue eyes, guys with dark brown hair, and guys with both." Hermione said before digging in her bag, finally pulling out a parchment.
"Wow, Mione you uhh really do your studies, even with guys!" Tori said eyeing the list.
"ha! You arent the only one that wants to know."
"Well most of these guys are taken, I know that these guys dont even know what a poem is, hmm I didnt know he had blue eyes..."
"Focus Tori."
"Oh, right, anyways im not even going to bother anymore, if he shows he shows if he doesnt then life goes on."
"Right, well im going to sleep early because for a fact I know that Taylor is going to wake us up early like last time."
Hermione said before pulling her sheets up.
Tori reached into her drawer for her journal, might as well bother someone.
"Hey Draco you up?" she wrote.
After a few seconds of waiting he finally responded.
"Whatcha doing?"
"Having intercourse."
"Joke Tori."
"ha.ha, well I cant sleep."
"Same here as usual, excited for the ball?"
"yeah I guess, oh yeah I never got to ask you, how come you didnt go home for the holidays? I thought you planned on leaving?"
"I did, a while back I wrote to my mother informing her that I wanted to stay for the ball plus its my last year at Hogwarts, staying for my last christmas here is going to be worth it."
"Good! Because I wanted all my friends here for christmas! Oh and im still expecting a very big gift under the tree."
"It aint going to be from me!"
"So promise me a dance tomorrow?"
"Are you sure you want a dance because I remember last time I promised you one you didnt show up."
"Promise me a dance."
Sighing Tori nodded, "Fine Draco I promise you a dance if you promise to actually show up!"
"Night Tori."
"Hey! Im not done! Who are you going with??" she wrote quickly but he didnt respond.
"That loser."

"Tori, Hermione if you dont get up I am going to curse you to death!"
"You already are!" Hermione said stirring.
Apparently taylor has been trying to wake her friends up for a while now.
"Breakfast is over in ten minutes."
Immediately the girls flew out of bed both rushing to the bathroom.
"Hmm why didnt I think of that earlier?" Taylor asked herself.
Finally the girls were at the Great Hall, rushing to the food.
Tori looked over at the other tables.
Alice looked like she was about to kill Taylor and Krystal looked like she was about to fall into her oatmeal.
"Okay ladies you know the drill, time to get ready!" Taylor yelled making people look at her.
After having food in their stomachs the girls rushed to Krystals room to get ready all jumping with excitment!
First Tori did Hermione and Krystals hair, while Taylor started on Alice's make up, then they switched.
Afterwards Hermione was helping Alice find the right sandals while Taylor did Tori's hair and makeup. The girls took their time wanting to look perfect, also so time can go by.
"So Hermione what did you get Ron for christmas?"
"Oh um I got him a new wizards chest game, the advanced one where the pieces at the end go to war."
The girls laughed, all helping one another.
"I got Seamus a leather journal that never runs out of paper but stays the same size, said he always wanted one." Krystal said hoping around trying to put on her sandal.
"Thats great!"
Sooner than expected they finished getting ready.
"Whoa! i thought the dresses were amazing, check us out!" Taylor said smiling.
After a while it was time.
"Ready for our last christmas here in Hogwarts?" Alice asked looking at all her friends who couldnt help but look a bit sad.
This was it, no more christas parties, or running down to the common room for gifts, after tomorrow it will forever be a memory.
"Lets go." Hermione said.
"Snape isnt bautiful?!" Ron said looking at Tom like he completely lost it.
"Oh." he said looking up at the stair case. The girls were stunning, literaly taking the guys breath away.
Zack from Ravenclaw who is Alice's date looked like he saw a ghost, as they girls walked down.
Tori started to laugh once they reached the guys.
"And why are you laughing my lady?" Tom said giving her his arm.
"Because I took a mental picture of all your faces, believe me if you saw it you'd laugh also!"
Smiling Tom nodded.
"You look incredibly beautiful." he whispered making her blush.
"Thank you, and im glad to say that you're looking pretty stunning yourself."
Soon they were off, all walking towards of course the Great Hall, meeting up with other of their friends who looked happy yet a bit sad as they also realized that this was going to be their last time together for the holiday.
The Great Hall was amazing! Snow fell from the ceiling before disappearing before it touched anyones heads.
Of course the large christmas tree was in its spot. Mistletoes floating aroung the sides of the room.
There were already people on the dance floor.
Tori smiled inhaling the smell of fresh baked gingerbread mans, this is s scene to never forget.
"Shall we?" Tom asked signaling towards the dance floor.
"We shall."
Everyone was on the dance floor jumping up and down with the rock music that played.
Alice and Zack were doing some freaky dance moves yet it looked proffesional.
At the other side of the room was Pansy doing something with her hips, poor thing look like she was going to dislocate it.
"Im glad that you accepted." Tom said twirling Tori around as she laughed.
"Me too!"
Dancing a few more songs they decided to take a break, the whole group.
Tom and Zack went to get drinks while the rest sat and rested thier sore feet.
"No way." Hermione whispered next to Tori.
Tori turned to the door of the great hall.
"oh my gosh!" she said.
"I know!."
"Thats the ugly dress I was about to get!"
"Ye-wait what?!" Hermione said looking at the doors.
"No not that, That!"
"Oh my gosh!"
"I know."
There stood Draco Malfoy wearing all black and attached to his arm was the one and only Mary Cortez wearing the biggest smile.
Both Tori and Hermione had to admit, she did look nice tonight.
"Hey did you see..."
"Yeah we did." Hermione and Tori said at the same time.
Also next to Draco and Mary stood a very annoyed looking Blaise Zambini with Casey Malfoy attached to his arm.

"Why do you think he came with her?" Hermione asked looking kinda shocked.
"Because hes Malfoy." Taylor responded.
Mary looked around acting like she came with the hottest guy in all of Hogwarts.
In a way she had every right to feel that way, because she kinda did.
But she wasnt the only one that had a hot date, many others did also thats why seeing them together made no effect.
A few more dances, many more drinks, and a couple of romances later, the school dance was sadly coming to an end.
The guys decided to go to the mens room before the last dance of the night.
Tori let her eyes wonder around the dance floor, remembering every thought. Then her eyes landed on Harry and Ginny who was slow dancing at the side if the dance floor. She had a nice smile as they swayed back and forth. Thinking maybe she was a bit too harsh towards Harry, you cant help who you end up falling for, and she felt selfish and upset for the way she was acting towards them. Harry looked up and noticed Tori staring at him, he gave her a sad look.
Tori smiled at him, this was the night to end all problems between them.
Mentally she forgave him and he knew it. Harry thought about who he wanted and who he thought he wanted. The girl in his arms was the one he chose.
"You promised me a dance." a voice said interrupting her thoughts.
Draco stood in front of her holding his hand out for her to take, which after a few seconds she accepted.
"I thought you forgot." she said placing her hand in his has they started to dance, a new slow song played.
"Nope." he said with a smile.
"You look really beautiful tonight, im sure you heard that many times already."
"Actually your the second and thank you."
"So wheres your date?"
"Umm, as of now sitting watching us." Draco looked and saw Tom looking at them with a smile.
"Nice guy." he said.
"Your dates the opposite." Tori whispered as Mary glared at her, possibly burning holes through her.
"Yeah about that, I didnt want to..."
"Dont worry Draco, you dont have to explain anything."
"But you dont like her so i thought you'd might be mad."
"Mad? no. Curious, yes."
"I asked her today, seeing as I didnt have a date."
"Why so late? I thought you had a girl on her mind for ages!"
"She turned me down." he said a small laugh.
"Who would turn you down?"
"Apparently her."
"Dont worry, she'll regret it."
"Hope so."
"Well if it makes you feel any better I got asked two days before the dance!"
Draco laughed at her attempt to cheer him up.
Soon the song came to an end and the friends parted.
"No problem."
"Okay this is the last song for the night, I want everyone on the dance floor, especially the seventh years! You know this is important, Merry Christmas everyone." Kyle from Hufflepuff said outloud.
Moments later everyone was on the floor swaying away, having small talk, savoring the moment.