Rose of Despair

Surprising Letter


"You have got to be kidding me!" Casey said noticing Tori and Harry.
"Nice to see you too....Malfoy!" Tori said the name as if it was poison to her lips.
Draco and Casey glared at her, as they entered the carriage Harry following.
Through out the whole ride no one made a sound....just glares.
Harry and Tori began whispering to one another in hopes to piss off the others.
"What are you two idiots mumbling about?" Draco Malfoy asked still glaring.
Tori winked at Harry saying time to put it into action!
Harry winked back....confused looks were shared among the Slytherins.
Suddenly Tori climbed on top of Harry, him grabbing her waist in return.
Tori and Harry started to make out, moans coming out.
Before they knew it someone grabbed Tori off of Harry sending her towards the floor of the carriage. Tori looked up glaring at Draco.
"If only you told me you wanted him I would have given him to you, no need to get all pissy about it." she smirked.
Draco just glared down at her before sitting back on his seat.
"I was doing all of us a favor Sin one wants to hear that sick shit coming from you two." Draco said calmly.
Harry helped her too her seat before saying, "You act like you didnt like it Malfoy!"
"Shut your trap Potter!" Pansy said glaring at them both.
This caused Tori and Harry to smirk, she sent him another wink.
The rest of the ride was in silence....well some of it, Tori and Harry doing whatever they can to annoy the others.
Finally they reached the entrance to the hospital wing, Maddam Promfey *spelling* cleaning them all up.
Tori and Harry decided to miss the feast and head straight to the common room.
Maddam Promfey gave them both the passwords for none of them knew who the prefects were, which was weird for noone knew anything about the new prefects including the head boy and girl.
" Ahh home sweet home!" Tori said loudly while jumping on the couch, Harry sitting the chair oppoite of her rolling his eyes.
"Oh dont act like you dont miss it!" she said sitting.
" Hmm you know Tori you look pretty cute when you act stupid." he said.
She smiled then shot him a glare when she realised what he said.
"I do not act stupid Potter!" Tori replied standing up walking up to him.
He stood up both of you were face to face now glaring at one another.
" Well I think you are pretty stupid Sin Clair." Harry whispered.
That did it before you knew it both of them were..........................making out! (haha gotcha!)
Well for those who havent figured it out yet Harry and Tori are dating!
They have been dating for the past 6 months. Everyone thought the two were the perfect couple.....well all except Slytherins.
After a long make out session and alot of water they both made their ways to their dorms. Tori walked into her dorm smiling as she inhaled the smell of her dorm, it always felt like home. She headed over to your her which was of course next to the window.
She picked that spot because she loved to star gaze, it was one of the things that made her happy.
After a moment at the window Tori noticed a white envelope on her silky white sheets. Taking it into her hands she looked around trying to see if she can find the sender.
it read:
"Dearest Victoria
you might be suprised as to who is sending you this letter. Before I begin I will say that this is not a joke but maybe a change of heart I guess. Im gonna go straight to the point....I want to be friends with you, and not the typical say hello while passing eachother in the hallway kinds friends I mean the whole care for one another and understand eachother when noone else will. I am deeply sorry although that is rare for the way I have been treating you. Something about you keeps me interested in getting to know you more, to figure what goes through your mind. I guess the fact that you can take care of yourself or maybe the way you stand up for those you care for....its just you are different and I know you know that. I guess thats why I find you interesting, because you are different. Please give me a chance to have your friendship.
awaiting your heart
Draco Malfoy

Tori sat there shocked. She knew it wasnt a fake, for it would have exploded long time ago! She then immediatley grabbed a parchment and began writing back.
I am not sure if this is a joke but if it is I will ring your neck the next time I see you. The first thing im wondering is why the sudden change of heart, our families will most definately not approve of this but im willing to consider it. But you are going to have to prove that you want my friendship!!! Until then...
your new friend
Tori Sin Clair
after sending the letter she jumped into bed with a smile on her face....
♠ ♠ ♠
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