Rose of Despair

Practice with Uncle

Focus my dear." the soft and gentle voice of the head master rang through the crisp air. Tori stood in front,eyes closed in concentration.
"I cant." she whispered, eyes clenched shut still.
"Concentrate, focus on the energy."
"It wont let me."
"Dont let it control you!" Dumbledore commanded, his voice rising.
"I cant do it!"
"Victoria concentrate!"
Tori stared at the deep energy in front of her, trying to build it, but to her disatisfaction nothing happened. Giving up she let out a loud sigh, staring at the ground, dissapointed at herself.
The headmaster also let out a sigh, before nodding to himself.
"Im sorry." Tori mummbled.
"Dont worry, you'll get it."
"Uncle, no I wont! Summoning lighting is something Ill never accomplish!" she yelled in annoyance.
"You'll get it next time." he whispered.
Tori collapsed to the floor still annoyed with herself. For the past week they have been focusing basically on the energy of lighting.
"Lets try the main, your true element."
Tori nodded rising to her feet, standing in the ready position. Dumbledore stood across from her about ten feet away, wand in hand.
Suddenly he trust his wand toward,mentally saying a spell, sending a few things flying towards Tori at increasing speed. Tori stood there, staring at the objects flying to her. About five feet away she sent a gust of wind to the objects, immediately sending them crashing into the wall. Smiling Tori stood back into her ready position. With another thrust much more larger objects were sent flying to her once again.
Her arms started to reach out from her sides, with enough focus she flew into the air, as the objects went past where she once stood, crashing into the door. Setting herself down she held that smile. She was progressing on the Air element, still having trouble with the rain and lighting. She desperately needed to control the other two, for she might not be able to control it when she enters another one of her angered emotions. With that Tori has learned to subside her anger, being able to control it.
"Great job, you are improving, I remember last time you couldnt fly in time, making the objects hit your feet."
"Yeah, dont need you to tell me that, I still have the bruises to do that." she said with a small laugh looking down at her feet.
"Now we'll try blocking." Dumbledore said. This particular method was the hardest to learn and control, for Tori. It required much concentration.
Standing in their places Dumbledore raised his wand once more, with a flick instead of the usual objects flying to her, Tori saw that these were not objects but instead spells, about three of them each ranging in different colors.
Completely catching Tori off guard, she suddenly focused on blocking it. Just in time, with a second to spare, a wall of air blocked the spells. After the wall dissapeared Tori stared at her uncle in disbelief who was trying to play innocent.
"You could have kill me!"
"Ah but I didnt, you must be prepared, for it might be anything flying towards you, weither its desks, or killing curses."
"But I wasnt sure if the wall would block the spells."
"Even me."
Tori's jaw dropped as she looked forward.
"Are you kidding me! You didnt know if it would have blocked me?!"
"Well it did, so no worries now!"
"Your crazy!" she said with a laugh. A few more times they practice, Tori was indeed progressing.
They watched as the training stadium dissapeared and the Headmasters office reappreared.
Both of them taking a seat.
"So this war is really going to happen isnt it?" she whispered looking aroung.
"Im afraid so my dear."
Tori let out a sigh.
"It scares me, what if im not able to protect anyone, what if I end up detroying?Or what if I dont learn to control my powers in time? What if Voldemort kills me to get my power?"
"He cant, he can try but he knows he cant. Your soul and your powers are binded, connecting it as one, so if you die your powers are useless to the world. That is why he wont kill you but rather use you."
Tori nodded, not looking at her Uncle.
"Dont worry, you'll do fine."
With another sigh Tori got up to leave.
"Victoria, next time bring your friends. Its time."
Nodding Tori left, letting to wooden door close, seperating them.
Dumbledore looked around his office.
"Its time." he said to himself.

Tori walked down the long corridors, to the Ravenclaw common room. Her friends were there waiting for her. It was a saterday night, they all decided to stay over at Alice's to discuss the training and anything news about Voldemort. Already knowing the password, Tori headed up the stairs ignoring the glances the Ravenclaws were giving her.
Probably because they witnessed the others, filing into their prefects room. Usually when the group got together, something was bound to occur, for example the snow ball fight. On the way up Tori remembered the looks her friends gave to her when she revealed about Draco.
Tom and Harry were the hardest to talk too, Tom because inside he deeply cared for Tori more than a friend, and with Harry it was a bit of the same, but also because of Draco's past with the group.
Some of them are still weary about the new couple, but decided that their romance was none of their business, well after Tori yelled it out to them. After a while the rivals started to warm up to eachother, but still a bit skeptical about it.
Hermione and Taylor was a bit shocked to find out that this infamous Phantom turned out to be Malfoy, once their enemy. Things between the group was still not the same but its getting there.
It was the start of a new year, a new beginning. Yep January 1st, everyone to put their problems aside and start fresh, although hard for a certain few.
Although with Draco and happy, Tori couldnt help but feel a bit jealous when she saw Ginny with Harry, but she knew in due time her feelings would subside and die out. Along the time of the last week of the year Zack and Alice became an official couple, after a lot of flowers, dinner on the lake, and a few supporting friends.
Tori placed her hand on the knob, slightly turning it.
Pushing open the door, Tori looked as her friends sat in different areas of the room all talking.
"So whats new?" Hermione asked being the only that noticed Tori's appearance.
"Well next week we are all to go to my uncle's office, on his command." Tori responded closing the door and taking a seat next to Draco, yep Draco was there.
"Why?" Krystal asked.
"I think because reality hit us both, its best we prepare for the war together."
"Any news about Voldemort?" Harry asked suddenly.
"Well the usual news, that he is creating an army, far more powerful than our typical witches and wizards." Tori responded.
"What do you mean?" Krystal asked.
"Well as of what I heard, he has got some of the Giants on his side."
"Giants!?" Ron yelled, making a few jump.
"Only giants?" Harry asked.
"Unfortuantely no, he has somehow managed to get Minotaurs, of course the dementors, the goblins, Werewolves, the Ogres, and some Trolls."
"And all we have on our side are?"
"Well we have some Centaurs, the rest decided that its not their battle. We do have a few giants, but not close to the ones that Voldemort has on his side."
"All we have are centaurs?!" Ginny asked looking shocked.
"Well we do have some Nymphs, but not sure what they are going to do, oh and we recently recruited the mermaids!" Tori said in a hopeful voice.
"Nymphs and mermaids?! What the hell are they going to do?!" Harry yelled in rage, or rather annoyance.
"Harry, we'll need all the help we can get." Alice told him.
"Voldemort is creating an army, so far its sounds impossible to beat, thats why we must create one of our own, if not the same at least close to whats hes got." Hermione said to everyone.
"The scary part, is that he is still searching for more." Tori added.
"But it wont matter, right?" Ron said having his own hopeful face.
"What do you mean?" Seamus asked.
"Well he may have all that, but we have the Quans!"
The others looked at Tom and Tori, who couldnt help but smile a bit.
"But we shouldnt let that fill our minds, we have to help get more." Draco said, which surprised some for it was the first time he has spoken in a while.
"Hes right, even if we are on the right side, anything can happen and our loyalty might lie somewhere else."
"You're not saying you'll be loyal to your uncle?"
"Of course I will, im talking about a certain someone that should be here but isnt." Tori said with a small glare.
The others, besides Tom didnt know what she was talking about or in this case who she was talking about.
"Our little Mary Cortez."