Rose of Despair

Bloodtraitor and Halfblood

"There is alot of new things happening this year, I mean its been what about three years since we last had a dance."
"Yeah, and now everyone gets to go to Hogsmead, no matter what year." Krystal said.
"Dont forget that trip to Romania."
Tristan pitched in.
"I wonder why all of a sudden all these things are happening."
"Probably the Headmaster doesnt want to alarm anyone, I mean they are already freaked that he-who-must-not-be-named is back." Blaise said.

"Okay we have a list of creatures that just might make our army as strong as his." Hermione's voice said, as she and Alice headed towards them, parchment in hand.
"Okay, lets see." Taylor said reaching her hand out.
"Hmm, Griffins are good."
The group was underneath their tree, everyone except Tori.
Tom and Harry were having a discussion about something. Draco,Blaise, and Tristan were talking about typical Slytherin stuff before Tori stormed over to them.
"Whats the matter?"
"This!" she said throwing a quill onto Hermione's lap.
"Oh no." she responded reading it.
"My uncle told me that Voldemort has gotten SeaSerpents!"
"But they arent that dangerous, are they?"
Tori looked at Ron like he was crazy, so did everyone else.
"Clearly you dont know what they are capable of." Tori said.
"How does Proffesor Dumbledore know?" Harry asked.
"Because they nearly killed him and Snape when they went to ask if they will join us." she spat throwing herself down in frustration.
This isnt going to be easy, and all were aware of it.

"Well if it isnt the weirdos of the school." a voice said behind Tori.
"Weirdos? is that seriously the best you can come up with?" Taylor asked, raising her eyebrow.
"I had to see it for myself, the rumors are true." Mary said.
"See what?" Taylor asked.
"The bloodtraitor and the halfblood." Mary spat disgustingly.
Draco at this point had to hold Tori back by wrapping his arm around her waist.
"From what I know, you arent a pureblood either." Hermione said with a deep glare.
"Stalking me are you, mud-"
"Finish that, I dare you."
"Get out of here Cortez." Taylor said standing to her feet, next to an angry Hermione and Tori.
"Im not afraid of you." said Mary.
"Just leave." Blaise said, making the Slytherin girls shake their heads dissapointed.
Mary then turned her attention to Draco, who stood behind Tori, arm still wrapped around her waist.
"You are making a mistake, even daring to socialize with such less beings, your purpose lies not here." She said glaring at those not in Slytherin.
"Its not up to you where my purpose lies, I have made my decision, even if it means looking like a traitor." Draco said, Tristan and Blaise nodded.
"Such a shame."
"Slytherins dont befriend Gryffindors." Pansy said, throwing her arms in the air, looking sadly at the three guys.
"Before Hogwarts even existed, Godric and Salazar were friends, so dont act like it never happened." Alice said.
"Things change." Casey said with a glare.
"Sadly people do too." she said looking at her cousin.
"Dont worry he'll come around." Mary said.
"Get out of here Cortez, you two also." Draco said, temper rising.
"Remember your fate, you all werent put into Slytherins for nothing." Mary said before turning away.
"Hmm, wonder if your father knows about this." Casey said smirking before her and Pansy turned to leave.
"Dont listen to her." Tori whispered giving his hand a gentle squeez, as they watched the girls walk away, but the thought was already planted into his head.
"So how do we get this creatures to join us?" Tom asked once the girls were out of view.
"What creatures?" Tori asked turning to him, Tom then gave her the parchement.
"Who thought is these?"
"Alice and Hermione." Tristan said.
"Ahh, of course the smart ones."
Hermione and Alice smiled at her with a sense of pride.
"Think we should talk to the Headmaster about recruting them?" Zack asked, gently rubbing Alice's hand with his thumb.
"I think we should." Hermione suggested.
"Thats not a good idea." Tori said.
"Why, its best he knows, what if he sends us to do it?"
"The headmaster already has enough to worry about, plus he wont let a bunch of students go across the world looking to dangerous creatures that will kill us." Harry said.
"Especially if Tori,Harry, and Tom go." Tristan said.
They all nodded in agreement, having the three go is surly a risk, if anything happened Voldemorts chances would surly rise.

"Okay so heres the plan." Harry said leaning in and pointing to the parchement.
"Since there is only four creatures on this list, not everyone will be able to go. Plus it will be too suspicious." he said.
"So who is going to go?"
"Ill go." Draco said immediately.
"Me too." Tori said.
"Okay, well of course im going."Harry pitched in.
"Seamus and I will stay with the rest of the seventh years." Krystal said, Seamus nodding.
"Ill go." Ginny offered.
"No you wont." Harry told her.
"And why not?!" she asked loudly.
"Because its too dangerous, and also because you are only a sixth year. You arent allowed on the trip next week." Harry said.
Ginny looked away angrily knowing he was very much right.
"Okay so next weekend when we go on the Romania trip for the Merlin thing, thats when we'll split." Draco said, those that decided to look for the creatures nodded.
Hermiones and Ron will stay in Romania while the others go look around the world, because the three were going to talk to Ron's brother Charlie about recruting the Dragons.
Tori,Draco, and Tristan were going to the place on the map that Alice provided for them, there were different places to look for the Griffins, which was their creature.
Harry and Tom were to head the opposite of the others in search of the Pegasus and the Harpies.
Hermione was unsure about sending two of the important ones to look for not one but two creatures alone, but later after arguing with Harry, she let him have it his way.
Everyone else was suppose to act like nothing was happening, deep hopes that the plan goes through well.