Rose of Despair

I guess all Malfoys arent complete jerks

"So everyone know what to do?" Tori asked.
"Wait! how are you going to be talking to the creatures, I mean I doubt that they understand what you'll be saying." Taylor said.
"We have thought of that you know." Alice told her before looking at Hermione.
"Okay, when we split up we all have different creatures, so we all need different kinds of the Truan spell. That spell enables up to talk to creatures, having to say a certain part of that spell will let us talk to specific creatures." Hermione told the group.
"Next to the creatures name is the spell that you need to memorize." Alice chipped in.
"Holy crap those spells are like a paragraph!" Tori exclaimed.
"Tori its only three sentences."
"Uhh how the hell will be say that while running for our lives!?"
Hermione rolled her eyes.
"How come so long?" Draco asked.
"The first sentence is basically the Truan spell, the next two is to tell the spell which creature you are going to talk to." Alice told him, and everyone else.
They all looked up to the school as the dinner bell rang.
The group watched as other students ran up to the castle, eager to taste the delicious food the elves have prepared.
"Best we get going too." Blaise said.

"Ronald I dont need to explain anything!"
Tori looked up from her journal, as she wrote to Draco.
"Im your boyfriend!"
"Not for long if you keep acting like this!"
Rons glare quickly dissapeared as he stared at Hermione, who looked at him angrily.
"I just want to know." he whispered.
"You are going to have to deal with the fact that Im not going to tell you everything."
"Dammit you are my girlfriend, you are suppose to tell me things that I wish to know!" he said pounding his fist on the table, making both Tori and Hermione jump.
"Ronald, Ill talk to you later." Hermione said before quickly rushing up towards the stairs.
"No, you know what, forget it." he said, making her stop. Hermione slowly turned to him, a bit confused.
"Forget what?"
"Forget us. We are through!"
With that Ron stormed out of the common room, leaving everyone shocked.
Tori stared at the door, before slightly glancing at Hermione, who looked sadly at where Ron once stood.
"Oh my gosh." Hermione whispered, quickly wiping that stupid tear that fell, then turned to run to the dorm.
Tori ran after her, journal in hand.
Once she entered the room, Tori saw her cousin on her bed, head deep in the pillows.
"Mione?" Tori whispered, sitting on Hermione's bed.
"Im sorry Tori that you had to see that. I...I cant believe its over."
Tori quickly embraced her cousin in a hug, letting Hermione cry.
"Dont worry." she cooed.
"I...I deserve it though."
"What? No Hermi-"
"No, I do." Hermione said cutting her off.
Tori looked confused at her weeping cousin.
"Ron...he found out about Blaise."
"But its not like anything happened!"
"Still, the point is that he knows that it wasnt my parents that gave me this ring. He tried asking about it, but I ignored him."
Hermione paused, taking a deep breath.
"Until he noticed that Blaise and I have been talking, he immediately thought that I was cheating on him. But I convinced him that we are just friends.....until Blaise asked me if I liked the ring, both of us not knowing that Ron was right behind us."
"Mione, Im sorry."
"Oh dont be, in a way Im glad that we arent a couple anymore, but im deeply worried that I might have ruined our friendship."
"He'll come around, he just needs time. I mean my situation with Harry was way worse, but look now we are talking."
"But Ron isnt like Harry. He can hold a grudge against someone, and I hate it if that person is me."
"Whats that saying....oh, If it wasnt meant to be, then it wasnt meant to be. Ron will figure it out, then he will have to accept it."
"I hope."

"How come you didnt write back?"
Tori turned quickly, immediately pulling off an innocent look.
"I am so sorry! I had to help someone."
"A friend."
"Does it matter?"
"Draco, it isnt a guy if thats what you're thinking."
Draco suddenly relaxed, a small smiling creeping on his lips.
"I missed you." he whispered wrapping his arms around her, as they walked the corridors.
"We just saw eachother at dinner."
"Yeah but that was a long time ago!"
"It was only-"
"Okay, okay! Is it wrong for me to miss you?"
"No." she replied before kissing him.
The two continued walking around, doing duties together.
So far, not one student was out of their common room, which was a bit surprising.
"So excited about the Griffins?" Draco asked.
"Well seeing them, yeah im excited, talking to them...very excited! Asking them to join us...uhh kinda nervous."
Draco laughed, shaking his head at her.
Tori stared up at him, as he looked ahead, eyes wondering around the halls.
How had she ever managed to get him, the heart throb of the school? That she'll never know. Why all of a sudden, from enemies to friends, from friends to something so much more.
How in the world had she fallen for Draco Malfoy? The answer to that was still unknown.
Then it struck her, will she be able to hold onto him? Or will he decide to be another Harry and fall for someone else?
Tori looked away quickly when her eyes met with Dracos.
He knew she was staring at him, a smile appearing from him.
Their past together seemed quiet interesting, ironic if you will. Who knows maybe this was some kind of puppy love, that wont matter in life.
Or it can be something very much more than simple puppy love.
It was Dracos turn to admire what he has, and for once very happy because it wasnt help from his parents or his friends.
He did this all on his own, he faced the once angry Slytherins on his own, and he knew, a small thought at the back of his head. He had to face his father on his own.
*I guess all Malfoys arent complete jerks.*