Rose of Despair

Exhausting Practices

"You all know why you are here I hope." Dumbledore said, rising from his chair.
Each student filed into his office, lineing up aside one another.
"Because you told Tori to bring us?" Blaise asked.
"I guess thats okay, you all know of Tori...oh hello Tom."
Tom smiled back,looking a bit nervous.
"Well I've asked you all here to join Tori for practice because I belive she isnt the only one that will need it. We are all aware of this war, so by coming here today you know what you are getting yourself into. Before I continue anymore I will ask...."
Each student by now was looking more nervous then ever before, never have they seen their headmaster so worried.
"Those that know the consequenses of this war and still accept to fight it stay where you are, those that dont you may leave the room."
Noone moved a single muscle,not to blink, not to look at the others, not even to breath. This is the real thing, as they have decided.
With a greatful nod Dumbledore said in a whisper, "Let it begin."

"No! Thrust your wand forward! Let your enemy know who they are dealing with!" Dumbledore's voice sounded throughout the practice stadium. Around him, the group of seven years battled an opposing person, not just anyone....people from the Order of the Pheonix.
A few days have passed, practice has become more harder to bare each time as well as more frequent then before. They scheduled to come every other day, down to the office.
Tori wiped the sweat off her forehead as she ducked a from a spell. The difficult part was that the people from the Order werent saying their spells aloud, but rather mentally.
Tori looked across the room as she watched Professor Moody send Harry back about 20 feet in the air. Not paying attention Lupin had done the same to her.
"When dueling you musnt let things distract you, you can die very fast if you dont learn." Proffesor Lupin said as Tori walked back to him.
"Remember to focus, not only using your wand but your mind as well." he said once she reached him.
Nodding Tori got into her ready position, and once again the duel was on.
From across the room Proffesor Magonagal was giving Hermione one heck of a hard time, Hermione not really focusing was what was making her lose. Feeling intimidated Hermione is very vulnerable which will give the enemy an advantage.
The others werent having a blast either, all were dripping with sweat, some of them had some scars from previous practices, some even were bleeding but this is what they decided. Each and everyone one of them, to fight even if it means to die. Hopefully noone dies, but this isnt a war in those movies where once the director says cut everyone gets up and goes, this is real. If the director said cut, you would never get back up, your blood will stain the grass forever.
"That one was insane!" Draco said panting on the floor.
"With you on that one mate." Tristan said agreeing, while slouching on the couch.
"If Moody isnt gonna kill me with a killing curse he sure is doing it some other way." Harry said through breaths.
"If you think thats bad, Kingsley almost chopped off my head!! I could have sworn I felt some hair fall!" Ron exclaimed.
"Ron, Ive never been so freaked out by your father, he sure can duel!" Seamus said in a low tone.
After another night of practice all the guys were in the prefect bathroom, too sore to reach the water.
"We should hurry up, the girls will be wondering whats taking us so long." Draco said, but still remained where he was.
"The trip to Romainia is in what...four days?" Tom asked.
"Yep." came the response from the others.
Everyone has been so caught up in practicing, noone has had time to get ready for the trip. It would be pracitice at night, class during the day, and when they had a chance a few minutes of sleep. All of them were exhausted from the recent nights, but the good news is......they are remarkably improving. At first many had trouble with a simple disarming spell, now they are more advanced then usual seventh years.
All the blood,sweat, and tears are very much worth it.
After another 30 minutes they finally decided to shower.
"Alice you look beat." Krystal said lying on her bed.
"Because I am, Promfrey is seriously tiring me out,not only that but NEWTs are coming closer, and plus the night practices with the Order, I barely have time to breath." Alice responded with her eyes closed.
"Im going to suggest a day off, I think we need it and we darn right deserve it!" Hermione said.
"I second that." came Tori's voice.
"This is going to be one hell of a year."Taylor whispered, leaving all girls to nod. They were laying in the Alice's room, too tired to wait up for the boys, who sad to say were still showering.

"M'lord, we think we have found the book."
"Good, everything is going perfectly. Soon enough the Quans would be at my power." a dark venomous voice responded in the shadows.
"That will be all Lucius." Voldemort said, standing Lucius began to walk away with his head still bowing.
"Soon." Voldemort said looking back out to the window.
"Alice get up! We are late, already missed the first half of the day!" yelled Hermione who recently got up from the bed.
A few minutes all girls were running around the room looking for their belongings, bumping into each other.
Soon they were all running out of the Ravenclaw common room, eventually having to split up for their classes.
Tori having the farthest to run continued on her way.
Surprisingly Tori heard footsteps behind her, but not having time to turn around she continued. Within a second Blaise,Draco, and Tristan were at her side, looking a complete mess.
Draco's hair was sticking out everywhere, obviously not have groomed himself. Tristan was using his shoes in the other way, poor thing didnt even have time to tie them.
Blaise on the other hand had his shirt inside out, his tie not even made yet and like Draco his hair was a complete mess.
"Looking hot today SinCLair." Draco happen to say, still running.
Tori glared at him, unfortunately Tori looked just as bad as them.
She only had one pair of sock on, her tie was wrapped around her waiste, a few buttons on her blouse were undone.
In other words, they just looked completely riduculos.
Finally reaching the classroom, all four bursted into the room eventually falling on the floor.
"Glad to see you four can join us."
Looking up they saw Snape with his arms folded across his chest, glaring down at them.
"Sorry sir." Blaise said, getting up to his feet. Draco had to pick Tori up because she decided to just lay on the ground, hoping noone would care to notice.
"May I ask why are you late to my class?"
"Overslept sir." Draco responded.
"Overslept eh? Well then lucky for you the Headmaster has asked me to let you four have the day off. You are simply weak, unable to handle a few nights of practice." Snape said lowering his voice so the other students wont hear.
"Thank you sir." Draco said.
"Tomorrow night im sure you'll make it up to me." Snape snarled especially at Draco. Unfortunately for the guy Snape was his dueling partner, and let me just say being in Slytherin wont let him go easy this time.
With not another moment to spare they all exited the room. They slowly walked back to the dorms surprisingly to meet up with the others, seeing as how they all got the day off to rest.
Tori half way back had to lean onto Draco for a bit of support, last nights practice defintely made her beat.
With deep gratitude for the Headmaster each of the thirteen students went back to bed, all happy but too tired to show it.
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