Rose of Despair

Trip to Romania

"Everyone ready?" Harry asked as the group huddled around him, each responding with a nod.
"All seventh years this way!" Proffesor Mcgonagals voice rang through the halls catching everyones attention.
"The carriages will arrive shortly, as we wait I am to go over the rules once again." she said pulling out a long parchment. Some groans of annoyance filled the room making the Proffesor glare at them.
"The purpose of this trip is for the seventh year students to have a sense of adventure before leaving Hogwarts and creating adventures for themselves. The headmaster decided it was best for you all to experience a trip together as a class before leaving one another......."
The Proffesor went on, drowning some students in boredom.
"Are you sure you know what you are doing?" Taylor whispered to Tori who pretended to listen to Magonagal.
"Yes, this trip is the perfect oppurtunity to do this." she whispered back.
"Why cant the Headmaster just.."
"Taylor we went through this so many times, you know why we have to do this." Tori hissed, making Taylor nod.
"Im sorry its just what if something goes wrong and someone gets hurt."
"Thats why we are going in pairs, dont worry Taylor....we'll be fine." Tori said with a soft smile, although not completely convined Taylor smiled back.
"Besides I think you should worry more for Draco, poor bloke is just a scaredy cat." Tori whispered making both of them giggle.
"Who are you calling a scaredy cat SinClair?" a voice asked in her ear making her turn around with an innocent face which made Taylor burts out laughing.
"If you think someone getting bit by a Romanian garthoic is funny Miss Monroe then this trip is something you shouldnt go on!" Proffesor Magonagal barked making Taylor turn completely red.
"Sorry Proffesor." came the response.
With an annoyed nod the teacher went back to reading the parchment in front of her.
"Anything to defend yourself SinClair?" Draco whispered.
"I didnt mean YOU as the scaredy cat I know..umm when uhh...hello sweetheart!" Tori smiled making Draco shake his head at her.
"Your so pathetic sometimes you know that." he whispered in her ear making her turn and glare at him, which he met with a smile.
"Ah well the carriages are here! If you all follow me, and try to act like adults and dont push people....Mr. Zambini!"
Blaise stopped immediately and turned to the irritated teacher.
"I was umm going to save a seat for you Proffesor!" Blaise said, making Magonagal shake her head and continued on.
"What?!" Blaise asked as Hermione gave him a weird look.
"Shotgun!" Tori and Taylor yelled at the same time, both running and pushing other students.
"Miss Sinclair! Miss Monroe! Didnt you just listen to what I said about pushing?!"
"Sorry Proffesor." Taylor mumbled.
"I swear she hates me!" Taylor said once she found a carriage.
"You give her a reason to." Alice said making Taylor glare daggers at her.
"Goodbye Hogwarts! See you in five days!" Tori yelled loudly waving at the school like some crazy person.
"You are so strange." Draco said yanking her body into the carriage for half of it was sticking out the window.
"You're no fun." she said folding her arms.
"Aww I love you too." he said, laughing when she stuck her tongue out at him.
"Sometimes I wonder about you two." Alice said shaking her head.
Inside their carriage was Tori,Draco,Taylor,Alice, and Tristan. In the other one was Blaise,Hermione,Ron,and Harry. In the last one was Zack,Seamus, Krystal, and Tom.
All headed to the train that will take them to Romainia for the "thing of Merlin" as Ron called it.
After the first night there they were to put their plan into action.
It will take about two hours to get to the train then about another four hours to Romainia.
"This is soooo boring!" Tristan said slouching against the window.
"I agree." Alice said flipping through her book.
"Well at least those two are having fun." Taylor spat, making Tristan and Alice roll their eyes.
Across them were Draco and Tori making out, first it started out as a little argument then it went from teasing to flirting to well where they are now.
"Well you know Taylor I can help you." Tristan said inching towards her with a smirk.
"Oh no you dont! They last thing I need it to listen to another couple make out for the next 45 minutes!" Alice said pushing Tristan back to where he was.
"Hey! its not fair, what about them!" Tristan said pointing across the carriage.
Alice turned and glared at him, making him quickly turn out to the window and gulp. Taylor smiled at them before looking through her magazine again.
Soon enough they were at their destination, Romania.
Each student filed out of the train, some dragging along their belongings.
"Now if you all follow me I will take you to our camp site."
"Camp site?! You never stated anything about camping!" A girl from Ravenclaw yelled looking terrified.
"You didnt think I booked a hotel did you?" The Proffesor asked before continueing. Next to her was Proffesor Snape looking disgusted as ever. Sadly for him the Heasmaster asked him to accompany Proffesor Mcgonagal on the trip, to dicipline students.
"I cant belive we have to sleep on this dirt!" the same girl whispered kicking the ground, some girls around her nodded in aggreement.
"Oh come on wheres your sense of adventure?" Harry asked them with a smile.
"Forgive me if I forgot it at the school!" the Ravenclaw snapped making Tori laugh.
"Think its funny?" a voice behind the Ravenclaw asked.
"Ah man your on this trip!" Taylor whinned like a little kid making her friends smirk.
"Well with your pathetic ass here, you just ruined my trip." Mary spat.
"Cortez dont say shit like that to my girlfriend!" Tristan glared.
"Aww how adorable! Didnt know you date scums like her." Mary said with a laugh.
"Watch your tongue Cortez." Tori said.
Students surrounded them eager to see what would happen next.
"This isnt any of your business."
"Well if its including my friends then yes its my business."
"Watch out SinClair, I am powerful here." Mary said looking around.
Indeed she was, they were in the forest of Romainia, no contact with civilization for hundreds of miles. Mary being a quan of Earth, this isnt the place to see whats shes got.
"Powerful my ass! What are you going to do make the big bad bunnies come and get me?" Tori hissed.
Suddenly a four inch thick vine wrapped around Tori's neck instantly choking her. Showing no signs of struggle Mary tightened the vine but came with the same results. Really pissed Mary moved her hands around making the vine carry Tori into the air.
Tori couldnt help but feel suddenly weak, the color from her face leaving, draining her.
Hermione yelled a spell cutting the vine in two sending Tori falling to the ground, luckly Draco caught her in time. Students around them started to inch away from Mary who still looked furious.
"Whats the matter SinClair, afraid of my big bad bunnie?"
Tori pushed Draco away, standing to face Mary.
"Whats going on here?" Snapes voice interrupted scaring some students.
"They were bickering about you Proffesor, about how you are the worst teacher ever." Mary said with a smirk pointing at Tori and Draco.
"Oh really?" Snape said looking at the two.
"No Proffesor what really happened was-"
"Enough Miss Granger." he said cutting her off.
"So you were defending me by cursing a vine to choke Miss SinClair?" he asked looking back at Mary who immediately nodded.
"Well good choice Miss Cortez, because of your lovely gesture you and your friends are to remain on the camp site at all times not too leave my site at all."
"But Sir!"
"Thats my way of thanking you." he said. Mary glared at him.
"Next time you lie to me Miss Cortez believe me your punishment will be much worse, when we return to the school you are to have detention for two months with me." he snarled making Mary glare even more.
"Now lets go!" Snape yelled angrily, immdiately the other students followed.
"Never in my life would I find myself saying this." Ron said making his friends look at him.
"That I am so glad to have Snape here with us."
Everyone started laughing, eventually following the others.
"Are you okay?" Draco asked looking at the red mark on Tori's neck.
"Never better...thanks for catching me."
"Ill always catch you."
Rolling her eyes at his lame comeback she thanked him with a kiss.
Tomorrow was going to be a big day for them, and the rest of the wizarding world.
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