Rose of Despair

Glamour Spell

"May I have a word with the both of you."
Draco and Tori left one of the many campfires that surrounded the site.
"Yes Proffesor?"
"Well Im sorry I havent mentioned this before but I need you two to continue your duties while your stay here, im sure there shouldnt be any problems."
Draco and Tori gave worried glances to one another before turning to an awaiting teacher.
"Of course Proffesor." Draco finally answered.
"Great! Oh but you must not worry, your felloe prefects will continue their duties as well." Tori's jaw dropped making Proffesor Magonagal look at her weird.
"Something wrong Miss SinClair?"
"Oh umm no Proffesor." Tori mummbled.
"Okay well goodnight, Ill see you both in the morning."
With that said the frustrated teacher walked away leaving the two dumbstruck students.
"What are we going to do Draco?" Tori whispered.
"Well think of something."
Nodding they walked back to their friends who sat around the camp fire roasting what look to be strawberries.
"This is not just any ordinary strawberries, the best ones in fact! They taste great with chocolate and whipcream!" Ron said before putting a few burned berries into his mouth.
"Well you are going to need all the fruits you can get, we have a problem."
"What did Magongal want?"
"Well we've just been informed that our special services will be needed." Tori told them.
"The Proffesor wants the Head boy and girl AND prefects to continue their duties while we stay here."
"What?!" Hermione yelled catching weird glances from nearby students.
"Exactly, how are we going to do what we planned now with the Proffesor expecting us to be here?!" Tori said.
"We can make this work." Alice said with a smile, sending confusing lookes around the fire.
"How?" Harry asked.
"Okay well since we dont have a polyjuice potion we can use the Glamour spell. The only thing that differs from the spell and the potion is the fact that your voices will not change."
"Well thats just great!" Taylor said sarcastically.
"No, no this can actually work!" Hermione chipped in with a smile.
"Okay heres the plan, we will continue what we planned to do. Tomorrow is when we'll split right? well in the mean time you guys can use the Glamour spell." Hermione said looking at the ones that decided to stay.
"Since Rons brother isnt that far from here Ron and I will most likely be back at night fall tomorrow, when we get back we can help you. In the mean time Draco,Harry,Tori,and Tom must be seen at all times! So Seamus, you can be Draco."
Seamus looked a bit nervous at Draco who only smirked back making Tori and the others roll their eyes.
"I dont know how to act like him." Seamus chipped in.
"Just act like a jerk, you'll be fine." Tori told him before recieveing a glare from Draco.
"Anyways Krystal you can pretend to be Tori, it should be pretty easy." Hermione continued.
Krystal gave her an understanding nod, before looking a bit nervous at Seamus.
"Blaise you can act like Harry, that simply shouldnt be that hard either."
"Wait why cant Blaise act like Draco since he knows how he acts more than Seamus, and Seamus can be Harry." Alice asked Hermione.
"Fine whatever, it doesnt really matter, they wont be talking much." Hermione said.
"And since Tristan is one of the prefects that need to be patrolling Zack, im sure you call pull something off."
"Sure no problem."Zack said with a smile.
"Ill be doing duties already with Jimmy, but I can help with the Glamour spell." Alice said.
"Okay now that we've got that settled, Im going to hit the sack. I suggest we all do, we'll need it." Tori told them standing up.
"Good idea, first you all remember your specific Truan spell right?" Hermione asked.
"Yeah." came the response.
"And you have your maps?" Alice asked.
They all nodded.
"Okay, we'll leave early morning. Good luck you guys." Harry said looking around at his friends.
Soon enough they were headed to bed, while the other seventh years stayed out late, not knowing what their fellow classmates had planned.

"Draco you awake?" Tori whispered.
"Yeah, whats wrong?" he mummbled with his eyes closed.
"Nothing, its just im a bit nervous about tomorrow."
"Dont worry ill be there."
"Well thats reassuring."
"Oh shut up."he said making Tori smile.
"Well whatever happens, I just wanted to thank you. You know for being there through all this."
Tori felt the bed shift next to her (no they werent sleeping in the same bed you naughty people)
Turning she came to face a tired yet worried looking Draco.
"Tori, I told you Ill always be there, even if you dont belive me I will." he whispered.
"I know, thats why I wanted to thank you, most people would gave given up by the time they found out I was a quan, but im thankful to have you and my friends."
"Aww is someone getting a bit mushy?"
Tori laughed a playfully hit his arm.
"Oh shut up you idiot."
She turned around letting her back face him, knowing he was still behind her.
"I really do hope that you believe me when I say that im here for you......even if something happens."
"What do you mean?"
"No-nothing, just know that I...."
"You??" she asked turning to look at him.
"Just know that whatever happens after tonight that I love you."
Before she could process what he said Draco got off her bed and went to lay on his own bed across the tent, too scared to hear what she has to say. He started cursing himself for saying that, knowing that she definately wasnt realy to hear it, but he couldnt help how he feels about her.
"I love you too."
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rate and comment please! Let me know how im doing lol