Rose of Despair

I love you

Tori, Draco and Tristan met up with the others early in the morning. Looking completely tired, they tried their best to shake it off.
Good thing Magonagal was sound asleep in her little tent.
"Be careful everyone." Hermione whispered.
With a slight nod they all took off, on their brooms spliting up.
All of them were going different directions, but left the site for the same reason.
Tori glanced back and saw the back of Ron and Hermione as they flew the opposite of them, then to the left she watched as Tom and Harry glided away.
Tori then looked at Draco who looked back with a smile.
Since they had woken, it was slightly awkward between the two, due to last nights events.
Noone had spoken for the first three hours of flying, although all were shivering.
"Okay well this is where we'll split." Tristan said stopping and looking at the map.
"Um Tori and I will cover these two places together." Draco said pointing to the two farthest locations.
Tori looked at him confused, this was not part of the plan. There were three locations that needed to be checked, and the three were suppose to seperate from eachother, all three going different ways.
"No buts, Tristan we'll meet you back at Romainia, good luck." Draco said cutting Tori off while patting his friends back.
"Okay, you two be careful." he said before disappearing off to the right behind the clouds.
It was still dark out, hence the fact that it was now 5 in the morning.
"Draco what are you doing?" Tori asked. Draco didnt respond, instead he continued on forward.
Annoyed and still confused Tori flew after him.
"Draco answer me." she said as she flew next to him.
"Tori just stop okay." he said looking at her, a small smile on his lips.
"Oh you best wipe that off before I do it for you." she said with a glare.
Sadly that only made him smirk more.
Another hour past, they were still flying straight ahead.
Things were starting to warm up as the sun started to rise from behind them.
Tori looked down with a smirk, she saw their tiny reflection flying above the beautiful blue ocean water.
"Nice isnt it?" Draco whispered to her, her smile disappeared when she looked at him.
"Oh c'mon, you're not still mad at why I changed the plan are you?" he asked.
"Well an explanation would have been good."
"I dont have to explain every single thing!"
"Well it involves me so you better start talking!"
With a sigh Draco looked at her, then looked forward.
"Im sorry, its just...after last night when you told me you loved me I..."
Tori just stared at him, inside begging him to continue, but thankfully didnt show it.
"I just didnt want anything to happen to you, I mean I didnt want it ever since we've been together but now that I know how you really feel......I just didnt want to risk it."
Tori gave him the saddest face she can possibly summon ever.
"Draco....Ive always loved you, but because Ive told you doesnt mean that you have to be by my side every single time now."
"But see its something I feel that I must do."
"Im telling you you dont have to."
"But if I didnt, and something did happen then when I told you that I love you, everything that my love means just would be fake. By telling you that and meaning it, I gave you my word, and my heart."
"Draco, you dont have to prove that you love me and that you'll always be there because I know you will. But I understand what you mean and im thankful."
"You mean everything to me Tori, if you got hurt and I couldnt do anything to help, I wouldnt be keeping my promise to you. When I said I love you, I decided to give you my everything no matter what."
Tori stared at him before letting out a small giggle.
"You're so corny sometimes you know that?"
"Cant help but tell the truth babe!" he said with a smirk.
"And Draco when I said I love you, you know that I give you my everything. And Ill always love you."
"Now whos corny SinClair?"
"Yo mama!"
Leaving a confused Draco behind Tori flew faster with laughter, before Draco understood what she said. Which sadly was only a few seconds to spare.
"You're not getting away with that Tori!"

"Ron are you sure you know where we are going?"
"Hermione im using the map that YOU gave me."
"Doesnt mean you still follow directions." she mumbled.
"What you say?"
"Nothing, continue on oh mighty one!"
Shaking his head Ron looked down at the map.
"Dont tell me we are lost!"
"No, Im just trying to start a conversation! Geez!"
"Oh, sorry. Well yeah hows everything lately?"
"Things...are okay."
"Oh umm thats good."
"How are things with Blaise?"
Hermione quickly turned to him, not knowing what to say.
"Im sorry, I dont know what made me ask that, stupid me!"
"Ronald! calm down." she said or practically screamed.
"Umm you dont have to answer its just well I dont know what to think. I mean you and him! You use to hate him!"
"I never hated anyone!"
"Fine you just really disliked him."
"No I didnt, just because hes a Slytherin doesnt mean that I instantly dont like the person."
Ron rolled his eyes before continueing forward, leaving a sad Hermione behind.