Rose of Despair


"Slow, Tori...slow" Draco whispered staring up.
Tori began inching backwards with Draco behind her. With another step she accidentally stepped on a twig, closing her eyes, annoyed as she did.
With a deep breath she began moving back more.
"What is that thing doing here?" Draco asked in a whisper, his hand still around Tori's arm.
"I dont know but we've got to move faster then this."
The two stared at the Werewolf as it sniffed around the area they were at. This was no ordinary werewolf, this was tri-wolf. A tri-wolf is a werewolf three times bigger then the normal ones, and obviously three times more dangerous then the regular types of werewolves that we are use too.
The Tri-Wolves are rare, but none the less they hold no importance for the war, they care for themselves and if the world was to crumble, they will let it. They only set to kill anything in its path, listens to noone, and cares for nothing.
The tri-wolf suddenly jolted sniffing the air, making Draco and Tori come to an instant halt.
"Whats going on?" Tori whispered.
Before they knew it the tri-wolf quickly turned its head in their direction, catching them off guard.
"Oh crap!" Tori said swinging her free hand back accidentally smaking Draco on the head.
"What the?!"
"Sorry reflexes."
"Whatever,lets run!"
Within a split second they were running, the Triwolf right behind them. It started to grunt and growl as it ran after the two, climbing from one tree to another,jumping over large holes and fallen forest trees. It was literally right behind the two, it can smell their fear as they ran.
"Empargo!" Tori yelled, and the werewolf flew back into a tree, giving them some time to run.
"You should have killed it!"
"We arent allowed to say the forbidden spell you idiot!"
"Fine then let it kill us!"
"Draco just shut up and run!" Tori said glancing back and found that the Triwolf was no longer on the tree. Looking down she noticed a few branches and tall grass moving, sensing that it was the wolf she turned back.
"Faster Draco!"
"Im going as fast as I can Tori!" Draco yelled back.
Tori glanced back again and noticed that nothing was behind them, turning back to running she saw that Draco came to a complete stop, not giving her enough time to stop she ran into him hard.
"What the?!?!" Tori said but stop herself as she saw the wolf in front of them.
The two were on the ground looking up at the creature that just might take their life.
Draco reached for his wand but realized that it was no longer in his back pocket, Tori doing the same but when she crashed into Draco her wand flew somewhere in the nearby bushes.
"Hmm so what to do now?" Tori whispered.
"What can we do?"
"How bout you stay here and ill go get help?"
"Nice try Tori."
The TriWolf stood above them, sniffing the air around the frightened seventh years.
It growled at them, some of its drool dripping on them.
"Shut up Tori."
This only made the werewolf growl more and suddenly it howled, the noise was unbearable, piercing through the ears. The two held their hands tight over their ears as the creature howled once more.
"Oh hurry up and kill us already!!" Tori yelled still irritated.
"Tori!!!" Draco yelled.
The werewolf stopped howling, before snapping at Draco.
Draco tried to defend himself by kicking the wolfs face, but sadly that did nothing. Tori grabbed the nearest stick and hit the wolf.
She got the same response Draco got, nothing.
The wolf instead threw its arm, hiting Tori in the stomach and sent her flying back a few feet.
Tori stood up quickly suddenly she let out a gasp.
The Werewolf was hovering right above the helpless Draco with nothing to defend him. Tori instantly ran towards Draco going to help him.
She got there within a few seconds, not thinking how she was going to help she did the first thing that came to mind.
She punched the werewolf. Yep! she did it, Tori just punched the deadly creature in the face as it stood above her boyfriend.
The werewolf stopped as if shocked at what happened, before turning to Tori giving a look that sent shivers down her spine.
"Tori run!!" Draco yelled.
With that said, Tori turned and ran as fast as she could.
The creature started to run after her, but stopped when Draco tried to stop it. Throwing its arm back it knocked Draco into a tree, before running after Tori.
Tori glaced back and saw the werewolf right behind her.
Luckily she faced forward in time or she would have ran into a tree, quickly dodging the tree she ran with all her might.
Just as she lost the werewolf she tripped over a hidden vine sendind herself flying forward faster then she was running.
Landing hard, the impact on the ground made her just want to lay there and let the damn werewolf finish her off.
"Stupid vine." she whispered as she turned over on her back. In a second the werewolf was in sight crawling to her.
"Okay, im sorry i punched you....forgive me???"
The werewolf growled, showing her its razor sharp teeth.
"Didnt think so."
"Tori?!?!" she heard Draco in the distance, calling her name.
The werewolf obviously had enough, it quickly went to bite Tori who was waiting for the moment of impact. Having her eyes closed and holding her breath she waited........and waited.....and waited.
Opening her eyes she saw the Werewolf no longer in front of her, but about ten feet away fighting something Tori couldnt recognize.
She stood there in disbelief as she witnessed two creatures in a fight.
"Oh goodness." she whispered as she recognized what the creature was that was in battle with the Werewolf.
"Tori?!!" Draco said, finally having her in sight. With a sigh of relief he ran towards her.
"Draco, look." she said pointing.
"Its a Griffin." she said with a smile.

Suddenly the two heard noises behind them, turning around both of them held their breath.
They couldnt believe their eyes as what they saw.
Draco and Tori saw three other Griffins behind them, each standing at a good 10 feet tall. Looking around more Griffins began to reveal themselves from the shadows of the forest.
The Triwolf quickly realized and ran away, leaving the two Hogwarts students time to finally breath normally.
"Are you okay?" Draco asked Tori before embracing her in a hug.
"Im fine....uhh Draco?"
Draco released her, looking in the direction she was looking a pack of Griffins stared down at them. Not sure on the dangerous rating for Griffins the two remained cautious.
"Recite the Truan Spell" Draco whispered nudging Tori.
Nodding Tori began to say the spell, one of the Griffins huffed making her stop.
"Who are you?" One of the Griffins asked stepping forward.
"Entuno capth ment....wait you can talk??!!" Tori said cutting herself off from saying the spell.
"Apparently....answer my question." the Griffin said now standing right in front of them.
"My name is Victoria SinClair and this is Draco Malfoy, we came all the way from Romania to ask for your help." Tori said. The Griffins did and said nothing, making Tori feel uncomfortable.
"We are here on reguards of Albus Dumbledore, on urgent business." Draco said suddenly making the Griffins turn to him.
"Did you say Albus Dumbledore?" A griffin said behind them, turning Tori noticed that it was the Griffin that saved her life, risking itself to battle the Tri-Wolf.
"Yes i did" Draco said.
"Thank you." Tori suddenly said, walking towards the Griffin.
"For helping us." she finished.
Draco looked at her like she was crazy, to suddenly speak without permission, then again it was Tori.
"You are most welcome young one, my name is Mergonis, you say urgent business?"
Tori nodded.
"Well follow me."