Rose of Despair

Back to Hogwarts

"Where the hell is Ron and Hermione?" Alice asked as she continued to pace back and forth.
"Alice, dont worry, they'll be here." Zack said trying to calm her down.
At the moment they all looked like themselves, not in need of the Glamour spell right now.
"They should have been here already!"
"Give them time.."
"What if something happened to them?"
"Zack! dont say that!" Alice said wide eyed.
"Hey, calm down okay? Nothing happened to them." he said embracing her in a hug.
"Thats not funny you know." she said into his chest seeing as how they were still in a hug.
Afterwards the extremely stessed Ravenclaw took a deep breath to relax.
"Wheres SinClair?" someone asked bitterly from behind the group.
"Does she look like shes here Cortez?" Taylor asked.
"Well obviously she isnt, thats why im asking." Mary spat.
This time she was alone, no Slytherins by her side, which sad to say intimidated the others a bit.
"We dont know of her whereabouts 24/7 you know." Taylor told her with a glare.
"You know what, you are starting to annoy me."
Mary and Taylor were face to face by now, both sending glared to one another.
"Cortex, just leave now is not the time." Blaise said trying to calm both down.
"Why should i leave Zambini?" Mary said turning to look at him.
"Because I said so." Proffesor Magonagal said from behind Mary.
"Maddam! Um I didnt see you there." she said instantly pretending to be innocent.
"Im aware of that, now im sure Proffesor Snape will be needing your assistance right now, and if you continue to bother these students again im afraid detention is in order." The transfiguration proffesor snapped.
Mary turned to look at the group before leaving. Proffesor Magonagal continued to stand there after Mary was out of site.
"Thanks Alice." Taylor said with a sigh.
The proffesor sent a nod before mumbling a spell, soon enough Alice was standing in the place the Proffesor was just standing in.
"That sounded too much like Magonagal, its scary!" someone said.
"Ron!Mione! your back!" Alice shrieked and ran to her friends before anyone else would.
A quick welcome back was in order before business.
"The Dragons are in."

"Okay so the Dragons are in, so are the Griffins but not to sure bout the Pegasus....Harry are you sure they didnt just say no?" Tori asked annoyed. Everyone was on the train ride back to Hogwarts, they left two days earlier then planned because rumorns were Voldemort was in the area.
"No Tori, come on dont give up."
"Im not!... well not yet, Gosh those stupid Pegasus are so damn stubborn!"
"They are not the only one." Draco whispered, unfortunately she heard and sent a book flying at someones head.
"I didnt mean you!"
"Sure you didnt love."
Draco smirked before looking at the book she threw.
"Excuse me but Proffesor Magonagal is requesting your presence in the front of the train, at the Proffesors compartment." a shy looking Hufflepuff said, standing at the entrance of their own compartment.
"Who's presense?"
"Head boy and girl." she answered before turning to leave.
"Oh come on! The front of the train is soo far!"
"Tori, its just bout 20 feet away." Hermione stated.
"Anyone fill like using the Glamour spell?" she asked with a smile.
"Come on lazy butt, lets noone call pull off a better Tori then you." Draco said dragging his girlfriend.
"Ahh good Miss SinClair, Mr. Malfoy." Proffesor said once they arrived.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Um Headmaster will be waiting for you and your friends in his office once we arrive at Hogwarts."
"Did he say what it was about?"
"Im afriad not Mr. Malfoy but it sounded urgent."
With that said she sent the students back to their compartment.
"So what did Magonagal say?"
"That we are in deep shit!" Tori said with a smile.
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