Rose of Despair

The thought of losing them

"You left Romania?!" What were you thinking?"
"Mom I had to! we needed help!"
"That is not for you to decide, Tori you could have gotten hurt!"
"Linda, calm down." Proffesor Dumbledore said softly.
With a sigh Tori said, "Mom, Im sorry I did that without you knowing but I had too.It was already
set in my mind that im gonna get hurt because of this war, but please understand that we were just
trying to reduce that risk, for all of us."
"Tori I know your intentions are for the best but you have to understand that you cant do this alone!"
"But mom I didnt do it alone!"
At this point Tori and her mother were staring at one another angrily.
"I had them!" Tori yelled pointing to her friends that were standing at the side of the room.
"They helped me, they helped us! Stop trying to prepare us for this war and protect us at the same time,
we arent children anymore!"
"Tori Im a mother okay, sorry if I tend to worry." Linda SinCLair said in a low tone.
"I know your worried but everything would have fallen apart if we did nothing."
Linda looked at her daughter, water in her eyes knowing that she had raised this incredible child
in front of her.

"That actually went better then I expected." Taylor said as everyone sat underneath the tree
spread apart from eachother.
"What did you expect?" Alice asked.
"That Proffesor Dumbledore was going to banish us to hell."
"Gosh Taylor was to put it there, eh." Hermione said.
"What?! its true!"
"Hey guys, whats wrong with Tori?" Krystal asked looking south of her.
Sitting a bit away from the group was Tori and Draco discussing stuff.
"I dont like yelling at my mother, did you see her face when I did?" Tori asked her boyfriend.
Although she won the argrument she didnt take liking into the victory. Tori hated making her mother hurt,
it hurt her even more.
"She has to accept this."
"Shes my mother, what mother wants to accept the fact that their only child might die?"she whispered.
"Mine had to." Draco whispered back, making Tori look up at him with sad eyes.
She spent so much time focusing on her life and her part in this war she completely forgot about
the love of her life and his position. His last words sent the two into silence, both thinking.
After a while Draco finally spoke, " I dont think your mother was aware of our relationship by the way
she looked at me when I entered the office."
"Oh shes aware, I just dont think she approves. My uncle probably told her."
"Hmm, that doesnt help much."
"Dont worry just give her time."
"To think of a plan to kill me?"
"No to accept you."
Draco looked at Tori as she stared at the lake a few yards away from them. He couldnt think of one thing he would do
without her in his life, and to him she has no idea of what she really means to him.
Being the only one to come into his life and the one to stay in it.
He hated the fact that he too has to accept the fact that she could seriously get hurt, Draco
then vowed that he would do his best to prevent any possibilities of losing her.
Draco Malfoy can honestly say that he is not the same person he was before and its all thanks to the
girl sitting next to him, since when can a guy ever admit that a girl changed him?
He instantly looked down as she placed her hand over his, entwining their fingers without ever looking
at him. Tori was lost in her own thoughts at this moment. Most of it remained still on her mother.
Then she thought about her friends, the people that stood by her side and will remain there through
all the crap she knows she'll be in. Tori's biggest fear was to lose the people she loved, especially after her father walked out on them. Within time her thoughts traced back to the blonde guy she fell for.
Tori couldnt help but want to break down and cry right there, as she pictured a life without him in it.
Having him fight next to her is one of the many risk shes going to take and she knows that
she needs to prepare to face the consequenses if anything. She just couldnt picture herself
having to live on this planet if she lost him in the war, or even worse, she couldnt
picture him in the pain he might have to face if he was to lose her in the war.
All this to go through all because a stupid wizard hates his life, how pathetic.
His soft melodic voice interrupted all her thoughts making her instantly look at him.
Draco looked at her, daring himself to speak but somehow he just couldnt say anything.
He wanted to tell her so many things but just couldnt bring himself to do it. Getting lost in her
beautiful eyes, how can he concentrate?
"What Draco?" she asked looking more curious now.
"Uhh nevermind, ill tell you later." he whispered before placing a gentle kiss upon her forehead.
*This is going to hurt her more then anything*