Rose of Despair


"I know about her."

Draco stared at the random letter he recived a few days ago
so many thoughts clouding his mind. Sitting on his bed with that
note in hand, what could this really mean?
It had been a couple days since they got back from Romania
and at this moment it was late at night. Tori was training right now
with her uncle and mother. Linda Sinclair didnt like the fact
that her daughter is dating one she'd been known to dislike but she
trusts her child to make right decisions, and if anything to
learn from her own mistakes. Since they got back from Romania Ms. SinClair
has been staying at Hogwarts for she had taken off a few days of work to
be with her daughter and help assist with the training.
It was about two hours after Draco's duties of patrolling the school
leaving him in thought and a bit bothered. What also bothered him
was his dreams hes been having which resulted him waking up in the middle of the night.
Shaking his head to clear his mind he then put the note in the drawer on
his right.

"Hey mate you still awake?" came a voice from behind him making him jolt a bit.
Turning to find Tristan awake and looking at him with sleepy eyes.
"Yeah sorry, Ill turn off the light."
"No, its okay....just um I noticed you seemed kinda uhh not yourself."
"What do you mean?"
"Well um since the trip you've been out of it, like theres something bothering you."
"Nah dude, im fine."
"Thats not what someone who wakes up in the middle of the night says."
Draco turned to look at his friend who was now seated upright on his own bed.
"Now can you tell me whats really on your mind?"
With a sigh Draco then looked at his bed.
"The night after I told Tori I loved her in Romania, I..........I've been waking
to these dreams, more like nightmares. They would all just be some sick way
of me losing her and after I wake up I just cant seem to fall back to sleep."
"You shouldnt let those things bother you, I mean its just a dream."
"But it doesnt feel like one, it feels so real! Like when shes dying in my arms
I can feel her cold lifeless hands and....."
Draco paused for a few seconds before continueing.
"The night we got back from talking with the Griffins I had this one dream.
It was after the war, I was on a beach just looking out into the sea, admiring it because
I barely see the ocean water. Then Tori calls for me from a distance, so I get up and
run towards her. Once I reach her she embraces me in this hug and everything felt so right.
Then as soon as she lets go she pushes me away and all i see is this bright green flash of
light float above me. Then I quickly get up and run towards Tori, shes laying on the ground
with her eyes open. She seems so lifeless, so cold, so.....dead."
By now Draco was gripping his sheets, looking as if they might tear apart any second.
"I then look up confused and I turn around to see who had killed her. I.......see my father.
I see him smiling at me as if he thinks I did something right, and then I noticed that
I had a wand in my hand. I look back up to meet the eyes of my father and he nods his head."
Tristan stared at his friend, waiting for him to continue.
"I killed her, in my dream I sent the killing curse to her." Draco whispered before looking
up at his friend.
"Why? Why after I tell her I love her these nightmares continue to haunt me! Every damn night!" he
asked raising his voice a bit.
Tristan could easily tell that Draco was angry, upset at this moment.
"Draco, dont make this worry you, maybe its just all in your head. I mean now that you
made up your mind on her your head may be messing with you. It can be because you are scared to lose her that these dream are occuring of you actually losing Tori."
"Maybe your right, Im just letting it get to me. It just feels so real you know?"
"Well whatever you do, just know that its all just a dream."
"Thanks mate."
"No problem, now get to sleep! its late!"
"Yes father."
Tristan shook his head at his friends comment before laying back down to sleep.
A few more thoughts traced through Draco's mind before he himself drifted off to sleep.
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