Rose of Despair

It figures

Draco rolled his eyes at his girlfriend who at the moment was
rolling around on the ground in laughter. Shes been like that for a good minute
or two, making bystanders look at her questionably.
"Tori, it really isnt that funny you know." Draco said.
"Hahah but...but" she pauses trying to calm down.
"Okay Im sorry, its just you can fly with the butterflies?!"
she said before she bursted in laughter again this time Taylor
joined her.
"This is going to be a while." Hermione said looking at her
two idiotic friends as they layed on the ground, face planted in the grass
as they tried to control their laughter.
Soon enough the others began to grin, or smile. Not at Draco's dream
he just told but at the two losers on the ground.
Within seconds Taylor spread her arms and started to pretend to fly while
on the ground still, making Tori laugh even harder.
"St..*laugh* stoppp *laugh* my stomahc hu...*laugh* hurts!" Tori said with water
in her eyes.
"Look at me im Draco! I can fly with buttlerflies and Kangaroos!" Taylor said still
laughing herself.
"This is gonna be the last time im going to tell you a dream." Draco said with a smile.
Finally after a good five minutes the two got up from the ground, stomaches aching
and feeling a bit light headed.
"You have some imagination there babe!" Tori said.
"Hey guys Zack and I are headed to the library, any wanna join?" Alice asked the group.
"Yeah Blaise and I will go with." Hermione said.
"What?! but....Hermione!!!" Blaise said in a whining tone before following her and
the other two.
Everyone else headed to the Gryffindor common room. On the way there
they ran into Tori's mother.
"I need to talk to you two." Linda said in a worried voice.
"Whats wrong?"
"Not here, follow me to the Headmasters office and you can fill your friends in later."
Talk about a change of mood in the atmosphere!
Draco and Tori soon followed leaving the group to head to the coomon room themselves.
"Mom, slow down! whats this all about?"
"I told you Tori, not here." she said sternly.
Tori didnt like this at all, the tense feeling she sensed from her mother.
Somethings definately wrong.
The three soon arrived at the Headmasters office, walking in Tori noticed a few
familiar faces. Some were from the Order, the rest were Proffesors at the school.
"Ahh good, they're here." Proffesor Dumbledore said rising from his seat.
"Whats going on Proffesor?" Draco asked looking worried himself.
"I was just informed that a certain student is not with us anymore, that she
has decided to join the other side."
"Whos sir?"
Suddenly the door bursts open making everyone turn around. Tom then walks through
the door breathing hard and looking exhasted.
"I came as fast as I could sir." Tom said in between breaths.
"I am aware that there is now only two Quans with us." The headmaster said with
a blank expression.
"What?!" Draco,Tori and Tom said at the same time.
"Yes, sadly Mary Cortez the other sacred Quan is now on "his" side."
"And there is a rumor that a forth Quan is in our mist." Linda said making some
of the other gasp.
"But Albus thats impossible!" a bald guy from the Order said aloud.
"Im afraid nothing is impossible now." Headmaster said.
"Now you three." Dumbledore said turning everyones attention to the three standing in front
of him.
"Voldemort is now aware of who our water Quan is im guessing because of young Miss Cortez,
that is why he was in Romania a few days ago. He has yet to find out our Air Quan but he knows
that we have it or her."
"Sir, what do we do?"
"At this moment the only thing we can do is prepare. Im afraid that
this war will be sooner then expected."
"What about the student at Hogwarts? What is going to happen to them?"
"i dont believe he will stike at the school, so for now they are safe."
"He is getting closer, and his army is becoming stronger we need all the help we can get."
Linda said looking around the room.