Rose of Despair

Things change

"That bitch!"
"Sorry! but I knew she was completely retared but I didnt think
she'd sink that low to join those scums!" Taylor said to Hermione.
Everyone was now in the Tori, Taylor, and Hermione's room. Draco and Tori
just got back from the intense meeting in Dumbledore's office and filled
everyone in on what happened.
"In a way it kinda seemed like she'd do something like that." Harry said.
"Something stupid yeah! but thats just....just so damn pathetic!" Taylor said
waving her arms in the air.
"I guess she thought that by joining him she can gain more power. Thinking that
we are probably to weak for her." Alice spat looking at the ground.
"That does sound like Mary."
"You know what, whatever! she can join his stupid ass side! We dont need her anyways." Krystal said.
"Yeah! I mean powerful or not, thats not gonna change the fact that shes just weak." Taylor
said with a bit of confidence.
Although some words courage help, they all knew deep down inside that by joining Voldemorts side
Mary just made things much harder for them. And the sudden fact that there might be a new Quan
in the mist doesnt help at all.
"Things are becoming more serious now, if you guys are in any doubt its not too late to turn back."
Tori said looking at her friends.
"Yeah guys, its either now or never." Hermione pitched in.
"Theres no turning back for me, Im in this all the way!" Harry said aloud, soon enough all the others
nodded their heads.
It now begins.

For the next two weeks everyone has gone back to training with the Headmaster and the others.
Because the feeling of a war is getting closer things have gotten more intenese for everyone.
Before when they were training this were hard, but now it doesnt even compare! Everyone are sending unknown
curses at one another, blocking, dodging, and returning them.
Dumbledore knew that they were on track with prepareing, and hopeing that those
that are standing to fight are doing the same. The students of Hogwarts have witnessed differnt things
happening with their fellow classmates and with their Proffesors, they were also aware of what was going
on with the whole Lord Voldemort thing.
Tori was having a hard time concentrating on her powers, she needed to focus on her wand magic as well.
Things were bothering her, not giving her a sense of any concentration and sadly the others noticed.
Not only were they training every night, they were attending classes during the day. Alice
has been helping Madam Promfrey in the hospital wing during their breaks, like she has been doing since
the begining of the year. Alice is in traning to be a healer and this is giving her experience.
Hermione and Krystal has been basically living in the library, rounding up any information that
can help them. The guys, well has been training harder then they ever have in life, at the end they
were usually covered with blood and tired to the bone. Not only were they working but also the Proffesors
have been working to the point of exhaustion. The memebers of the Order has been on guard the whole time,
flying in and out of the school, bringing any news of Voldemorts whereabouts. Also they have
given information as to who is joining his side and some ways of their preparation.
Not much news have been brought to attention about the new Quan but the thought never left their minds.
Today everyone was given a small break, time to heal and rest a bit. At this moment the group was apart
spending time with their other half.

"Things certainly have changed around here." Draco whispered as he and Tori layed on his bed in
the Slytherin dorms.
"Hopefully for the better."
"Tori, if anything happens I want you to know that I love you so much okay."
"Draco please dont say that, dont bring me down any more."
"Im just saying that because I might not have another chance to, its going
to pain me if I dont say it."
"It just I dont want you thinking that something bad might happen to us...."
"But I dont want it to be to late." He said before leaning down to place a kiss on her lips.
With a sigh she looked up at him and said, "I love you too Draco Malfoy."
"Sometimes when I think, I find it strange how we got together. I mean our past isnt exactly
a fairy tale you know, but yet here we are." he told her with a smirk.
"I guess when things are meant to be, it doesnt come easy." Tori replied.
After a few silent moments Draco suddenly shifted on the bed.
"Theres been something Ive been meaning to tell you."
Taking some deep breaths Draco looked at Tori who stared back questionably.
"Lately ive been having these nightmares......of you." he finally said before turning to look at her
to see a response. Telling him to continue Tori waiting until he told her everything that
has been on his mind. He told her all his nightmares, each one and how it made no sense.
Tori at one point couldnt really stand to hear how she dies, or how in his dreams he falls for
another girl after her death. Draco though made it very clear that that was not going to happen.
"Draco, how can you be sure that I wont die! Maybe its a sign, telling you to prepare."
"No! dont say that its a sign, Im not going to lose you okay! If you leave me I swear I will go
with you."
"You cant do that, if that happens then you must face reality and move on from it."
"There will be nothing for me to move on to! Tori dont you understand that I fought hard to
get you, I will not lose you!" he said raising his voice.
"I dont want to lose you either, but you also have to understand that anything can happen."
Angrily Draco got off the bed and began pacing back and forth to calm down.
"Why does it have to be now? Why must it be you destined for this?" he asked more to himself.
"I use to ask myself that alot, but wondering about it wont get me anywhere. Doing something will!"
"Draco, Im sorry."
"For what?"
"I dont know, I guess I feel like I dragged you into this whole stupid war thing."
"No Tori you didnt drag me into this, I came into it for a reason. With or without you I would
have still fought in this. Because of you I have chosen the right side. If it wasnt for you
I will die for sure." he whispered placeing his hand upon her cheek, gving it a light rub.
"Dont blame yourself for this."