Rose of Despair

Anger brings out the best sometimes

"Sir things are progressing nicely." a dark deep voice said
filling the air of venom.
"Very good." same the response.
Hidden within the dark depths of the unknown was the most
feared wizard ever known to mankind, known for his brutal
ways of killings and hateful mind for those less worthy.
Lord Voldemort sat in the back of the room, staring at those
bowing before him, eyeing each and every one of them.
"Soon my friends....soon we shall no longer feel the need to
hide in this pathetic hideway. We will be out there and those
that dared to cross us will bow at our feets, begging for
their dear worthless lives." Lord Voldemort said rising
to his feet, making his followers rise as well.
The atmosphere in the room was beyond anything ever felt,
the sense it left begs for mercy itself.
"Master, the girl....she has arrived." the same guy
with the deep dark voice said.
"Ahh, well dont keep her waiting, let her in." Voldemort
replied before taking a seat back on his "throne"
Withing seconds everyone made way as Mary Cortez walked her
way to the Dark Lord, head high as if she was the queen of
the world. With each step she took those she passed bowed
their heads in honor, making her smirk.
"My dear, glad you could finally join us." came the sickening
voice of Lord Voldemort, sending a small bow her way.
"Glad to have finally left those scums." she replied
eyeing him closely.
"It truely is an honor to be at such a high precense." The dark
lord said rising to his feet once more walking towards the
girl who didnt look one bit scared.
"The honor is all mine, my lord." Mary said bowing before him.
"I have our secret weapon." she hissed with a evil smirk
placed upon her lips.

"You must stop letting things distract you!" Proffesor Lupin yelled at Tori
who sat up on the ground.
"Its not that easy when five people are sending curses your way!" she stubbornly
yelled back.
Rising to her feet she got into her stance, so did the others she was
fighting all at once.
Surrounding her were her mother Linda, Proffesor Lupin, and
three aurors from the Order. Lately she has been improving but
at a slow rate which sadly wasn't satisfying. The others were fighting
their own little battle off somewhere in the arena in which they all
"Ready...go!" Lupin yelled.
Everyone surrounding her at once mentally said a spell, a range of different
color hexes. In this case the darker the hex the more dangerous the outcome.
Quickly dodging two of them, she sent another one flying back to the owner.
At the same time using a strong concentrated gust of wind to the other
flying hexes which went back, also making the sender of the spell fly backwards
into the wall.

Off in the distance Dumbledore was explaining to Harry, Ronald, and Tristan
the different types of life risking spells. Showing themwhat the spells do
and how it would help him or hurt them. Dumbledore also explained
how battling different creatures would be tough and the right curses to
use on each of them.
Maddam Promfrey was helping Alice understand certain healing spells
that would be needed at the moment. Simple healing of a deep cut, and
beatened wound, or even a disloacated body part.
Proffesor Magonagal and eight Order members were busy fighting
Draco,Blaise,Hermione, Taylor, Tom, and Zack.
"Get up Tori!" Her mother yelled after watching her daughter fly hard back
into the wall.
"You are a Quan?! You are a disgrace if you continue to fight like that
Such a pathetic girl." Milo said before
throwing another hex at Tori.
By now Tori's lips were bleeding, a long cut doing down her leg as a reminder
of Marcus one of the Order memebers secret hex. Now adding to her
long list of injuries she now contained two broken fingers
as results of when she just flew to the wall.
Tori limped away from the wall, glaring at those around her.
Angrily without any notice she threw a strong gust of wind to her
mother and Proffesor Lupin. Catching the others off guard she flew a few feet into the
air towards them.
Within seconds lighting bolts hit two of the members, seriously burning them.
Once she reached the last member she landed on the ground, holding up her hand
in the air as if shes choking someone. Everyone in the room stopped what
they are doing as they watched what was unfolding in front of them.
Milo, the member in front of her suddenly started flying up in the air a good four
feet off the ground, hand grasping around his neck.
His eyes started to roll into the back of his head, his face going blue.
Noone could believe it, Tori was suffocating him taking all the
oxygen out of his body. She angrily stared at him, watching him dangle in
the air helplessly.
Tori has never done this before, which honestly scared everyone.
By being a Quan of air she is able to take it away from anyone, making
it impossible for them to breath. The others around her were worried
if they should stop her.
Finally she threw her arm down, watching as Milo flew to the ground as well,
gasping for air. Missing the feeling of oxygen going back into his lungs.
"Dont you ever call me pathetic." Tori hissed.
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sorry i have not been posting, the editors are requestig that I edit my whole story because if I don't then it will be removed. Sorry if it takes time, but I will continue to post! Rate and comment thanks!