Rose of Despair

His Vow

Lately the school hasnt been itself, students began to feel a bit
worried once they heard in the Daily Prophet that the
Dark Lord's power is becoming stronger with each passing day.
The aurors that werent at the school most of the time were
usually searching for any sign of his wereabouts.
Thankfully, to release some relief to the wizarding world
there has been word that aurors recently caught
a pack of Deatheaters.
Sadly being loyal to their scum of a master
they face Azkaban without releasing any
information on Voldemort.
At the moment everyone was scattered through out the
school doing certain errands for someone or simply
trying to get on track with their school work. In this
case Tori was trying to hide from Proffesors hoping that
none of them find her and tell her something to do.
Because of all the hectic things that they are
caught up doing the group havent really been
hanging like they use too. The most time they spent in
the same room is usually late at night when
they head to the arena, hidden inside Dumbledores office
for traning.
When they arent training or doing something for someone
they rest. Trying to gain as much energy and sleep before
they are sent on another mission around the school.
However when they are caught up on doing something
they spare a few minutes to say a quick hello to their
significant other making their days alot better, even
if it was just for a little while.
Tori had to spend a day in the hospital wing due to all her
serious injuries, sadly for Milo he has to stay there as well.
He wanted to go to a hospital but Dumbledore insisted he stayed there.
Unfortunately for him Tori would pick on him, making him regret ever
saying such rude words. What Tori didnt understand though was that
he only said it to motivate her to fight harder, since he noticed
she only fought as hard was when she was angry or irritated.
Tori didnt get it her way all the time in the hospital wing.
Because Alice was helping heal Tori, she noticed the way she acted
towards the poor Milo, knowing his intentions were good, but stubborn
Tori wouldnt care to notice. So she treatened Tori that if she witness
her finding ways to torture Milo, she would take away all
her chocolates. And if you know Tori when it comes to chocolate
she'd do anything.
Right now Milo was taken to Dumbledores office for a meeting for all the
elders, leaving Tori with noone to glare at and completely bored
as she layed on the bed, bandages all around.
"Hows the arm?" someone said at the entrance of the room.
Looking up she smiled. Thank goodness for the loserface
she loves, there to save her from boredom!
"Aww my hero!" she said making Draco roll his eyes.
"Im kinda getting tired of seeing you in this place you know." he said
before placing a kiss on her awaiting lips.
"Your not the only one."
Nodding Draco sat on the chair next to her bed, before looking
at the chocolate wrappers all around the desk.
"Hmm hungry much?"
"Starving actually."
"Do you want me to fetch you some food?"
"Nah, Alice went to go do that..........then again she did leave an hour ago."
Tori held a confused look, glacing at the door hoping her friend comes
through holding a tray of delicious food.
"Shes not coming back anytime soon, Alice is with Zack and Krystal right now."
Draco smirked as he watched his girlfriend mentally make a list
of ways she can get back at Alice for leaving her to deal with her
hungry tummy.
"You know Ive got to admit, last night when i watched you choke Milo like
that I was completley shitless!"
"Ahh yes Malfoy, be VERY afraid." Tori said with a deep dark smirk.
"Yeah yeah."
The two just stared at eachother, both grinning.
"So my love, have any wet dreams lately?" Tori asked
before bursting out in laughter, sadly she had to force herself to stop
because from the motion of laughing it caused her pain to her body.
"They werent wet dreams, just nightmares. And no I havent really had any
lately." he responded with a glare.
"Well thats good."
Suddenly out of nowhere Draco leaned down to kiss her, and no it wasnt one of
those quick little pecks, this one was full throttle! Surprising her, but she wasnt complaining.
He continued to kiss her just a little longer, it holding so much passion and love if anyone else was
in the room they'd feel it too. Moments later he let go, making Tori catch her breath.
Draco laughed before saying, "I can still take your breath away."
"Your telling me, I thought you were gonna pull a Dementor and steal my soul!" she said
smiling, which sent shivers down his spine.
"So was that just a random burst of love or do you want something?"
"Why do you think I want something?"
"Well...I mean you've never kissed me like that before." she said making Draco blush.
Yes everyone the Slytherin prince himself can blush!
"Tori, the only thing I want right now is for you to heal fast so I can take you away from here."
he whispered in her ear, making it her turn to turn bright red. Not only was it the words he said
but the way he said it, giving her those lovely goodbumps on her arms.
"Oh yeah I got something for you." Draco said standing up and walking out of the room, leaving
her completely dumbfolded.
Moments later he returned with a small box in one hand and a leash with Phantom
the siberian husky puppy he gave her for christmas. Well, umm its no longer a puppy!
Phantom has grown into a big, healthy dog.
"My baby!!!" Tori yelled before jumping out of the bed, which was the best idea.
Tori immediately fell to the ground because she didnt exactly give her legs a fair
warning before suddenly jumping out of bed.
Rushing to help her up, Draco dropped the little box and the bed then proceeded
to pick her up.
"Your really something." he said as he placed he back on the bed.
"Im sorry, its just I havent seen Phantom in a looooong time!"
she said as she embraced the poor dog into a deathly hug.
"I dont see why you had to let your mom hold him." she added before
kissing Phantom's nose.
"I missed you so much!" she said kissing him all over his face, still hugging him.
"Well I just got good news, Ive spoken to Dumbledore and asked if he can
stay in the school and thankfully he approved." Draco said petting the dog.
At first when Phantom was still a pup it was okay to stay, but at times
he would get lose around the common room chasing the other house pets there which was the
reason why he wasnt allowed to stay according to Magonagal.
Thinking ahead this time Draco has prepared a plan for the dog.
"Since Dumbledore said he can stay under certain circumstances, Ive arrange that he
stay not in the common rooms but in Dumbledores office. Actually he insisted that
Phantom stays in his office, I think he adores the big ball of fur." Draco said
patting its head.
"Thanks so much Draco, I knew I was getting annoying when I complained
that I miss my baby." she said kissing him.
"No problem love."
Phantom happily pounced on the bed, thrilled to see Tori and Draco again. Since Draco's mother
wasnt exactly an animal person Phantom missed the love he recieved from the two. His baby
blue eyes were much brighter now, it being much more visible. As he jumped on the bed, the
movement caused the little box to fall to the ground.
"Oh yeah." Draco said leaning down to pick it up.
"Draco whats all this for? I mean having Phantom back is enough." she said in a low voice,
compleltely confused.
Without saying anything Draco placed the box on her lap, waiting for her to open it.
She stared at him for a few seconds, hoping to explain whats going on. But he didnt
he just smiled at her, still waiting.
After getting the hint that he isnt going to talk, she gently opened the box.
Staring at the object within the box for a few seconds she looked at him shocked, confused,
and happy.
"Draco...whats going on?"
"Happy Anniversary love." he said kissing her, it was another one of the breath taking,
helpless romatic, absolutely intoxicating kisses.
Once they broke apart he took time to look into her light green eyes as if
searching for something.
"Tori, you know I love you so much and I understand that you arent one that craves for
gifts on occasions like these, but I just have to do all these things for you.
At first I wanted your trust and friendship, and later on I got more, I got your heart.
When that moment happened I decided that no matter what, Im going do whatever it takes
to never hurt you or lose you. Being with you means so much more then it seems, because of
you Ive done things Ive never imagined. You are the reason I'm striving to be a better person.
I fall in love with you more each day and if at one moment I dont see you or hold you
my day just doesnt feel the same." he told her, while holding her hand.
As he spoke Tori looked at him, not once removing her eyes from his.
"Im going to prove to you that you are the best thing that I have. You are the only one that
walked into my life knowing who I am and the person I might become and yet you still stayed.
You probably dont realize how much you mean to me, but im hoping one day you do.
Life is becoming something I have to fight for now but Im willing to fight forever just
as long as I still have you. All I can hope for now is that you feel
the same way as I do for you." he whispered with a smile.
Things have certainy changed the mood of the room now.
"I dont think ive ever imagined that I would be here telling the one person I learned to despise
just how i love her. And i hope you dont think Im just talking out of my ass or whatever, but
know that I mean it." Draco smiled at her, before leaning down again to kiss her.
The two laughed as Phantom joined in on the moment, obviously feeling as if hes being forgotten.
"Tori, its simple. Ive fallen in love with the enemy and ill give my life for her."
That did it, you see the little water in Tori's eyes begging to come out had finally got
what it wished for. His words were able to do that.
Taking the ring out of the box he looked back to her.
"After all those times you tried to kill me before the only way possible
now is if you left me." he said wiping her tears.
"This ring is to represent a promise, when you wear it, you'll be reminded that I Draco Malfoy vow to always be there for you.... no matter what happens after this war. I will love you even after the earth rots to the core and I will spend the rest of my life proving it."
He then gently slipped the promise ring on her finger and for the third time that day
he gave another heartfelt kiss that sent shivers past her heart and to her soul.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry if i dont update as quickly, I am still trying to edit all the chapters! enjoy and comment!